Hep C advice Terribly sick for a week and I've been in MMT for 3 weeks...Please help.


Jul 8, 2011
I've been using a little over ten years on suboxone 2 different times so I was clean maybe 3 years out of those ten.. Three weeks ago I quit a huge heroin and opana habit and started methadone maintenance therapy. I'm now at 80 mgs and I'm still not comfortable but when I started I was told by two doctors that I have Hepatitis C and I've been freaking out ever since not knowing what to do. I have an appointment to see a gastroenterologist but can't see him for 2 months. I've only used twice at the beginning of starting mmt otherwise I've been doing good by holding out my arms even look better but this last week I've been throwing up randomly 2 or 3 times a day or more and I don't know why but I'm really worried why I can't stop throwing up. Its like I just get real nautious and vomit then feel better till it happens again. I don't know if the methadone is a factor or not but its the red dyed kind except we switch to the clear kind in march which I think will be good. All I've been taking is methadone, a few mugs a day klonopin and vistaril. I used to take zanaflex but stopped taking it since its so bad for your liver. I've also temporarily stopped the vistaril until I can stop throwing up which is a Med I actually just started not to long ago. Please fellow blue lighters help me.....anything.......any advice or help will be so greatly appreciated
I'm not a doctor, nor do I have much experience with MMT or Hep C... But if I were you, I'd see a doctor. If the clinic says you have Hep C, you're puking non-stop, and your GI appointment is 2 months away, go to the Emergency Room!

Something could be seriously wrong. It sounds like you haven't seen a doctor to specifically talk about the Hep C, which you need to do. Maybe your stomach just hates methadone, but there could be an underlying issue that's much more serious. I know ER visits aren't cheap, especially for people like me without insurance. But sometimes it's worth the trip.

I hope everything is okay! Keep your head up and please keep us updated!
You can make an appointment with a family physician for the vomiting, you need not wait to see the specialist or go to the ER.
I hoPe you find peace in your life, and the doctors can help you with your issue; as soon as you get there!!

You say you have A few mugs a day? If I'm correct that means your drinking alcohol a few times a day while on methadone? Well that could make anyone throw up; alcohol is a bad choice, especially while on MMT. Did you also know that alcohol lowers the potential for the methadone to work completely?
You should really lay off of the alcohol, and make your dr appointment a bit sooner..
If you keep poping medication like candy an especially if you keep drinking alcohol, you will die to liver cirrhosis. Alcohol + Hep C = very very bad. Go to you methadone or to the gastroenterologist and get you genotyp of Hep C checkt. if you have typ II or III you are lucky and should start a combination therapy of Interferon + ribavirin as soon as possible. Unfortunatly the medication is very expensive its 5000€/month in my country. I dont think your throw up has much to do with your Hep C. It kills but slowly, i rather think its too much methadone or alcohole and you may have stomache problems.
Sorry I meant to say a few mgs not mugs I actually don't drink at all. Thanks for all your support but still don't know what's wrong. I'm going to go to my family doctor till I can see the gastroenterologist about the hepatitis. Now Im just nauseas all the time and have diarrhea every night all night and during that time I may vommit. The methadone doctor seems to think its a lack of methadone for my tolerance(I'm now at 95mgs!) And the red dies and other in actives that my clinic puts in my dose, I have to wait until march to be switched to the clear only methadone doses. I just am so scared and don't want to die. Currently on 95mgs of methadone (I feel okay after I take it and manage to get through the day somewhat comfortable) ......along with 1or 2mg of klonopin everyday along with active daily pot smoking I've stopped taking all other medications and sorry for the confusion but haven't and don't ever drink any alcohol. I've quit the liveraid and milk thistle supplements until I can figure out what's wrong with me. I am taking an otc anti nausea chewable plus I think I have some zofran somewhere but think less meds the better right now but I'm so nauseated and its been over a week, I just can't stand it anymore.
If you do not have an immediate appointment with your family physician then I would go to either an urgent care clinic or the emergency room. Non-stop vomiting for a week sounds very serious. At the very least you may be seriously dehydrated. You need immediate help---please go to the emergency room if you are not going to see your doctor today! Good luck and let us know how it turns out.<3