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Help w OxyContin.


Apr 28, 2024
I’m looking for help finding (I’m sure it had to be posted however I’m new and can’t locate it) any threads on how to convert prolonged release OxyContin into IR for snortbale use. Can anyone help point me in a direction where to locate such threads?
I hope I’m not breaking any rules. I tired looking and reading before posting and couldn’t find that asking for help was breaking rules (fingers crossed).
If you have any expert experience or can direct me where to find such posts I’d greatly appreciate it.

Does anyone find w OxyContin (slow release pills) you feel next to no euphoria? Keeps wd’s away but that’s about all. And yes they are real. I’m positive.

Thank you.
Hey man,

In the same boat as you.... searching everywhere on how you can bypass the extended release on oxycontin. Just got my hands on some for the very first time. Very underwhelming. Hoping someone out there has an answer for us
Hey man,

In the same boat as you.... searching everywhere on how you can bypass the extended release on oxycontin. Just got my hands on some for the very first time. Very underwhelming. Hoping someone out there has an answer for us
Here is what I can tell you does not work from personal experience:
Grinding to a powder & snorting.
Plugging- not fun either lol.
Chewing up into tiny pieces.
Warming up in water & filter.
Soaking k drinking solution.
Prob forgetting some. Besides keeping away withdrawals I don’t know much other benefit. there’s just no euphoria or high.

If you take it and chew it up all at once and swallow it, you might get a mood and lighten it. I’ve saved them to try Taper off. If I can’t find a way to remove them from this prolonged release, I don’t see any point in purchasing them any longer.
Hey man,

In the same boat as you.... searching everywhere on how you can bypass the extended release on oxycontin. Just got my hands on some for the very first time. Very underwhelming. Hoping someone out there has an answer for us
There’s a thread on here somebody posted about cooking them in a microwave, then putting them in a freezer, then scraping it and grinding it into a powder, etc., etc. I read it. It makes no sense as to why it would work. If it doesn’t work when you grind them into a little tiny Dust I don’t see what microwave is gonna do because it’s not going to separate the two to the point that you can remove the filler that slows the release.
I’m sure there’s some type of genius out there that could do it, but you know what chemical extraction process and have the equipment and chemicals probably don’t. If you find a solution, please let me know.
Here is what I can tell you does not work from personal experience:
Grinding to a powder & snorting.
Plugging- not fun either lol.
Chewing up into tiny pieces.
Warming up in water & filter.
Soaking k drinking solution.
Prob forgetting some. Besides keeping away withdrawals I don’t know much other benefit. there’s just no euphoria or high.

If you take it and chew it up all at once and swallow it, you might get a mood and lighten it. I’ve saved them to try Taper off. If I can’t find a way to remove them from this prolonged release, I don’t see any point in purchasing them any longer.
Thanks for sharing that bro. If theres noway of bypassing it, itd literally only be useful for withdrawals. Ive got the 40mg ones. Thats 40mg ÷ 12 hours.. im basically getting 3mg an hour. What a waste... unless you take a completely crazy dosage its just useless for recreation.
Yea sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I’ve been working on it for a little while. I have not found it on this site. Maybe it’s on another? I doubt it but maybe. Not sure if anyone on.Rddt might know?
I think unless you’re a pretty advanced, it’s gonna be very very difficult. I hope I’m wrong though.