• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Help me with gabapentin abosprtion rate


Dec 28, 2015
Hello everyone! I'm new here. Been browsing this site for months looking for help. I don't know if this is the purpose of this sub-forum, but please bear with me. i'm taking 600mg of gabapentin for benzo withdrawal and i get the feeling i'm getting worse everyday, specially after taking it after a meal.(peanuts, burger, beef, fruits) i feel the "goo" walking on my body moves faster, my body stiffens and twitches harder, my heartbeat gets harder, skin sensitivity and brain fog, etc.. Keep in my mind but i feel these symptoms getting progressively getting worse throughout months/weeks of this year. I'm benzo free june 18 but i actually feel worse now. My suspicion is that i'm getting inconsistent abosorption/bioavaliability rates, leaving me in states of "mini-withdrawals". After reading the articles on how it's absorption is done by amino acid transporter, and how l-phenylalanine and l-leuticine may dispute over absorption i came to this conclusion. Another hypothesis would be that i'm taking it all at once instead of staggering the doses. Either way, what do you think is causing my torment? Again, sorry if this isn't the purpose of this sub-forum, a mod may move to another forum.
Unless you're specifically taking L-phe or L-ala, it is unlikely that the food you intake will have a great proportion of these; the balance is likely to be more even with other amino acids. Gabapentinoids like gabapentin have a different mechanism of action from classical gabaergics like benzodiazepines, which may be why you find gabapentin unsatisfactory. Did you taper off the benzos?
Unless you're specifically taking L-phe or L-ala, it is unlikely that the food you intake will have a great proportion of these; the balance is likely to be more even with other amino acids. Gabapentinoids like gabapentin have a different mechanism of action from classical gabaergics like benzodiazepines, which may be why you find gabapentin unsatisfactory. Did you taper off the benzos?
I did. I know gabapentin's mechanism and effect, i'm usedto it. just think that i'm getting worse. like, i jumped june 18 and i feel worse now.
Were you completely stabilised on your final dosage while tapering? It seems like you weren't. If you still feel bad why don't you taper down furthermore?
Were you completely stabilised on your final dosage while tapering? It seems like you weren't. If you still feel bad why don't you taper down furthermore?
So, Reinstating and tappering again? isn't it dangerous, possibly causing kindling?
Well if you aren't stable now it suggests you weren't stable on your last tapering dose, or you just jumped off of the taper too early. It's dangerous if you're a physically dependant high dose user; if you abruptly stop usage you're at risk of seizing.
Well if you aren't stable now it suggests you weren't stable on your last tapering dose, or you just jumped off of the taper too early. It's dangerous if you're a physically dependant high dose user; if you abruptly stop usage you're at risk of seizing.
But i'm stable now. Just feeling terrible. I'm 5 months off.
Same thing happened to me after switching to Gabapentin from benzo's. I found that I was going into a mini gabapentin W/D between doses. I was taking the gaba 2x/day and switched it to a much higher dose at 3x/day. This helped tremendously and stopped the symptoms of formication that developed 2 weeks after DC'ing the Ativan.
Seems like it happened again. Took gabapentin by 20:00PM and then i ate a lot of cookies by 23:00PM and all my symptoms got worse like i had gotten into another withdrawaal. all the sensibility in my skin worsened a lot.
If possible, switch to pregabalin, this one has much more linear pharmacokinetics (or use OTC phenibut to help out, it acts similarly).
Why would pregabalin have more linear pharmacokinetics? Linear pharmacokinetics is a result of all the metabolic enzymes involved being saturated and working at maximum rate. This is less likely to happen with a drug requiring a lower dosage and more likely to occur with drugs of higher dosage (eg. Ethanol: normal dose ~ 50g).