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Will shooting an msir once or twice with only a cig butt be a huge problem? ... I think my biggest fear especially wit the abgs is a missed hit and losing an arm....

My fiance has had two NASTY misses in the past 3 months, they hurt like a bitch, swelled up, oozed all kinds of green/yellow/brown pus. She is an experienced IV user. but shit can happen to anyone, at any time. Yes, she SHOULD have gotten medical attention, and was close to doing so. What I am saying is that, yes, shooting up a morphine pill just once CAN cause huge problems.

One of the scariest things I have seen is a morphine 60 shot up while still almost boiling hot, because "once it cools, it clogs the syringe". and they do. they're all oily and globby looking. 8( I may be crazy, but I aint fucking insane.

If you are hell bent on shooting up, DONT MISS or you will experience hurt like you've never known.... and that's if you're one of the lucky ones. I know that sounds like some D.A.R.E. afterschool special shit but it's the truth.
i don't know about micron filters, but you can get sterifits online, i'm pretty sre you can order micron filters online too... or if b you have a needle exchange somewhere, even if its far, go there and stock up massively on micron filters