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Help fast!!!


Jun 15, 2009
Hey, i've bought some bomb speed, the dood that picked it up for me said it was 98% amphetamine, straight from a lab.It smelled dank, it is bomb, really really acridic, you need small bit to tweak out, anyway, i didnt done speed in about few weeks, mabe more, and now i took 5 small lines through the day, now its end of the day, i still a lil bit tweaking and my heart bumps soo fast and soo hard, when i try to inhale some air, my left chest side hurts, like someone would stab it with a knife.Or when i try to cough, the same thing.It really hurts, the whole side, and i dunno, is it heart or something else??? need help fast, i would take xanax to come down my heartbeat but im out of it.Dont know what to do, got a slight panic attack now, how to comedown this shit? I wont die will i? i feel normal, just my chest bit hurts, when i dont think about it is slightly better but still hurts feels liek some one is jabbing me.Help me pls.I started to tweak at 8pm at morning and now its almost 7.the last line i took was at about 12 o clock at the day.
If its is real speed and youre sure of it, you just did too much? Any urge to puke?

Are you hot?

Go to the hospital if you have good insurance, or go to liquor store if you don't. It could of be that you were sold just some whack ass analouge tho. It will go away, but you've got to lower your heart rate mate.
makes sense, speed lasts about 8 hours, so 12 to 8 PM is normal... 98% pure isa myth my friend... good speed is 40-50% and thats the amazing shit... it's probably cut with something thats strenuous on th heart
happens to me alot when i got "bomb shit"
usually just means you did too much, stay hydrated and nurished
I just love it when people say that their speed/cocaine is 90+ percent pure.
I used to get BOMB ass meth. And I would always have problems the next day after being up all night...horrible. You'll be fine take the benzos. Watch how many you take. If you've been up for awhile really the best thing for you is sleep....so def look more into the xanax...
I laugh every time someone on drugs thinks they are having a serious problem and they post in an Internet forum "help me now!!" instead of actually getting medical attention.

Either they are idiots, are looking for attention, or both.

At the very least you could write a fucking subject line that tells people WHAT you want help with - like "help, just took speed and heart beating too fast."

At least this way if someone with a similar issue is searching the forum looking for help, they'll find this thread.

I seriously can't understand why mods don't enforce the "name your thread properly" rule. It's like the SINGLE most important thing anyone can do if they truly want to help other people.

Can you imagine trying to find the info you need on here if every thread was called "need help" or "look at this.". It would be impossible.

I think it's funny that people always get told to use the search feature, but not told to name their threads with appropriate key words.

HELLO, if people don't name their threads correctly guess what? They won't show up in search results, so using the search engine becomes less and less relevant.

Help a brother out - name your threads something useful. The life you save might be a moron but hey at least he pays taxes.
I laugh every time someone on drugs thinks they are having a serious problem and they post in an Internet forum "help me now!!" instead of actually getting medical attention.

Either they are idiots, are looking for attention, or both.

At the very least you could write a fucking subject line that tells people WHAT you want help with - like "help, just took speed and heart beating too fast."

At least this way if someone with a similar issue is searching the forum looking for help, they'll find this thread.

I seriously can't understand why mods don't enforce the "name your thread properly" rule. It's like the SINGLE most important thing anyone can do if they truly want to help other people.

Can you imagine trying to find the info you need on here if every thread was called "need help" or "look at this.". It would be impossible.

I think it's funny that people always get told to use the search feature, but not told to name their threads with appropriate key words.

HELLO, if people don't name their threads correctly guess what? They won't show up in search results, so using the search engine becomes less and less relevant.

Help a brother out - name your threads something useful. The life you save might be a moron but hey at least he pays taxes.

I AGREE TO A POINT........if this guy was in serious trouble I don't think his post would be so detailed and so elaborate (sorry if i'm wrong dude).

I'm sure there are a few of us here that have OD'd at some point and to be honest I can't really remember much of what happened.

As for "Threads" John, I don't think that's the issue here mate
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Aivaras..................If you are in real trouble and are STUPID enough to still be at a computer reading this.............GET YOUR ASS TO HOSPITAL DUDE !

too much drugs can do that.... lots of drugs... unless its like reallllly fuckin unbearable... yeah its kinda normal. otherwise call hospital NOW!!!
I laugh every time someone on drugs thinks they are having a serious problem and they post in an Internet forum "help me now!!" instead of actually getting medical attention.

Good for you keep laughing, some people are too scared to go into a hospital. Yeah, it doesn't make sense, but thats reality. At least here we have a community of motherfuckers looking out for each other. With good answers to boot, so take your negativity the fuck outta here
Well yea im really scared go to hospital.i didnt had beer or benzos at hand.powder is really strog.later on i had crazy body temperature.felt sick at the mornin' and nausea too,upset stomach.wanted to puke,burped rotten eggs a lot.but the bad thing that i still have about 100 beats per minute for whole day, didnt took any speed today.i cant really even walk because my left side of chest starts to hurt and i get exhausted.is it possible that somehow from yesterday tweaking i got tachicardia? Or will it go away itself in few days? Somewhy im scared to not wake up one day from dis.thoughts? Suggestions?
Yes, that will go away soon. Stay stress free and try to stay hydrated and take a multi-vitamin for the fuck of it. 100bpm isn't anything I'd worry about unless you were having heart palpatations as well.

Yes, you may have had tachardia at one point. Though 100bpm isn't really too high and isn't considered tachardia.

Stay still, watch movies and try to eat something. Feel better mate
I mean i have 100bpm min not on speed, if it isnt something to worry then thank god, i took some valerian drops now, hate that stabing feeling in chest so valerian took some of it out.i got tremors few times in past few hours, now i just feelin hot.some strange shit happenin' after yesterday spun out.feelin' slight fever, upset stomach(whole day) and my throat hurts.well mabe i was too damn tweaking yesterday, i was outside without jacket and felt fine but my classmates(not on speed) were feelin cold, im guessin speed fuckd my immune system, and i was too much tweaking to feel that i catched cold.well i feel it now.and how long till valerian kicks in? My heart still beating fast.thanks guys for helpin' me out, i would die in panic if i would knew the truth.and should i try to eat when on speed? Because i hate to puke,and im really sensitive to nausea.
Just relax and try to get comfortable, get some sleep and drink a lot of water. Keep away of any other recovery tools like valerians or other pills, they are shit and waste your body even more! Just drink water, tea, some noodle soup or other healthful food. No one here can really tell you what is going on with your body right now, honestly to me it sounds like some psychosomatic stress and paranoia. But anyway, no one here is a doctor, if it gets worse again, go to ER and tell them what you took. Otherwise, if it still remains on Monday, just go to a doctor and get yourself checked. Good luck and get well again!
Anyway, with the reactions you have even today, this doesn't sound like real speed to me, but some kind of crappy RC stuff, just wait, relax and as i told before, if it gets really worse again go to ER, if some strange side effects remain go to a doctor on Monday..
I just love it when people say that their speed/cocaine is 90+ percent pure.

Hehe true that. :)

Anyway, as some people already wrote - you may have gotten a little too much amphetamine in your system..
Normal signs are headache, naussea, puking, feeling tired and so on.

I bet your chest hurts because of your anxiety and panik.
Maybe you have some hard booz? Knock back a few to chill you out?
Chicken noodle soup would be good man, try to get the low sodium version. Tons of sodium could only increase hypertension I believe. Even if you puke it up, it will be a very gentle barf 'cause its soup.

Def try to eat something man and drink something like gatorade, but no caffeine.