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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

HELP!!!! Cant find a decent vein and just about ready to give up !!!

Do you really have to shoot up? Is there any other option you can use?
Other than sniffing it , not really.. Plus like any user I would like to at least feel SOMETHING ...which i barely do even when I shoot up.
Smoking it will generally give you the rush and probably get you just about as high as shooting it.
Personally I think insulin syringes are crap and they end up causing a whole bunch more damage then a proper rig.

Sure they a great for hands and small vessels, but if your going for a scarred up one or a larger on they are not the best thing to use.

which sharps do you think are a better option? are you allowed to post pics? this is just the first time ive heard of this, everyone i know uses the insulins. on and off the board, cheers.
which sharps do you think are a better option? are you allowed to post pics? this is just the first time ive heard of this, everyone i know uses the insulins. on and off the board, cheers.
I've also never heard of anyone using anything else and would be interested in what's supposed to be better.
which sharps do you think are a better option? are you allowed to post pics? this is just the first time ive heard of this, everyone i know uses the insulins. on and off the board, cheers.

I have used the large medical syringes before and unless you're doing something thick like liquid oxy which requires them, it's just unnecessary huge tracks in my opinion. I prefer the insulin syringes, and they're a hell of a lot cheaper and easier to get.
So after DAYS of absolute HELL I got a brilliant idea to use a blood pressure cuff to tie off to search for a good vein. And I found one !!!! Same spot as I ruined a few months ago but on my left hand ..I am thrilled ! I also went to my local needle exchange and got some 28 and 29 G's to try out. One of the exchange workers also told me that my favorite brand (Terumo I think) I discontinuing the sets that are currently just about every junkie in NYC is using... So I guess Ill have to stock pile boxes or find another brand that Im ok with ( I HATE BD's with passion!!) ..One more question ...How do you guys deal with miss bumps ?
If you rub them and put a warm compress on them, they will dissipate more quickly and absorb.
which sharps do you think are a better option? are you allowed to post pics? this is just the first time ive heard of this, everyone i know uses the insulins. on and off the board, cheers.

I've also never heard of anyone using anything else and would be interested in what's supposed to be better.

I feal these are a much better option. Something like the 3ml BD with a 1/2in or 3/4in removable needles for gauges larger than 27, and inch or 3/4in for gauges less. if you go with a long small needle its almost impossible to pull the blood through to register, so a 26 gauge with an 1.5 inch will "work" like crap) You can get the needles in what ever gauge you want or use. They are made much better than those cheap ass flimsy insulin rigs. Insulin rigs are designed to just poke through the skin and deliver a dose subcutaneously. They are not designed to hit veins. The needles are often shit. The syringe is usually made as cheep as they can make it.

With the removable needle if it gets clogged you can just unscrew it off and load a fresh one. If it totally fails you just pop the needle off and plug it (obviously don't reuse that syringe for an injection).

People who use the insulin syringes just seem to miss and miss after a while, then because of the needle length they can register and blow out easier, get bent, etc. Then the syringe fills with blood and this coagulates to plug the needle.

With a stronger and longer needle its much easier to hit and hit well. The gauge of the needle is the same as what is on the insulin syringes so the damage of a single shot and resultant track is the same. But since they work better people do not find themselves doing nearly as many attempts or misses as when done right they register very well and are farther in the vessel.




People like the idea of the insulin syringes as they want the least amount of damage. And they work great for small veins that are close to the surface, like in the hand. But for others they often work so crappy that we end up looking like pin cushions and damaging ourselves way more. They also have that tendency to register and then miss; this means that we are then bleeding out in all those spots which causes the bruising. Every Time we are forced to try again then we put another needle through the skin and this increases chances of negative outcomes and leads to more noticeable damage like track marks. The more we hit, scrape, poke through a vein the more damage is done, the more scar tissue forms, and the greater the chance of the vein collapsing.
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^^ True fraud that. As your use progesses a 50 and 100 unit. syringe. Won't be big are enough
Leuer lock syringes are a big plustoo .
I feal these are a much better option. Something like the 3ml BD with a 1/2in or 3/4in removable needles for gauges larger than 27, and inch or 3/4in for gauges less. if you go with a long small needle its almost impossible to pull the blood through to register, so a 26 gauge with an 1.5 inch will "work" like crap) You can get the needles in what ever gauge you want or use. They are made much better than those cheap ass flimsy insulin rigs. Insulin rigs are designed to just poke through the skin and deliver a dose subcutaneously. They are not designed to hit veins. The needles are often shit. The syringe is usually made as cheep as they can make it.

With the removable needle if it gets clogged you can just unscrew it off and load a fresh one. If it totally fails you just pop the needle off and plug it (obviously don't reuse that syringe for an injection).

People who use the insulin syringes just seem to miss and miss after a while, then because of the needle length they can register and blow out easier, get bent, etc. Then the syringe fills with blood and this coagulates to plug the needle.

With a stronger and longer needle its much easier to hit and hit well. The gauge of the needle is the same as what is on the insulin syringes so the damage of a single shot and resultant track is the same. But since they work better people do not find themselves doing nearly as many attempts or misses as when done right they register very well and are farther in the vessel.




People like the idea of the insulin syringes as they want the least amount of damage. And they work great for small veins that are close to the surface, like in the hand. But for others they often work so crappy that we end up looking like pin cushions and damaging ourselves way more. They also have that tendency to register and then miss; this means that we are then bleeding out in all those spots which causes the bruising. Every Time we are forced to try again then we put another needle through the skin and this increases chances of negative outcomes and leads to more noticeable damage like track marks. The more we hit, scrape, poke through a vein the more damage is done, the more scar tissue forms, and the greater the chance of the vein collapsing.

wow i rarely even do the shit but been around addicts for a decade or more and the insulin sharps you buy or get for free at the exchanges never cause any kind of problem like this.. they never miss. i dunno what country youre from but theyre pretty solid here. seems conflicting, from what the needle exchange professionals had to say and yourself. whatever works for each person i guess, thank you for explaining yourself and providing pics i appreciate it.
wow i rarely even do the shit but been around addicts for a decade or more and the insulin sharps you buy or get for free at the exchanges never cause any kind of problem like this.. they never miss. i dunno what country youre from but theyre pretty solid here. seems conflicting, from what the needle exchange professionals had to say and yourself. whatever works for each person i guess, thank you for explaining yourself and providing pics i appreciate it.

Thanks for you take as well. No problem im happy to share my opinion.

If they are so great, designed, and suited for IV use then why don't medical professionals use them for this?

wow i rarely even do the shit but been around addicts for a decade or more and the insulin sharps you buy or get for free at the exchanges never cause any kind of problem like this

What does this actually say about the reliability of what you know?

they never miss

I have no idea where this claim comes from, but its false.

Im from the US. The US is probably the #1 place in the world where these shit rigs are used.

Id be interested what the needle exchange people had to say.

Not trying to be an ass or start conflict.. just presenting what I think.
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I'm assuming you've already shot out the ones in your bicep and inner and outer wrists?
I'm assuming you've already shot out the ones in your bicep and inner and outer wrists?
I used to go in my inner wrist without a problem years ago ,but now that I know a bit about safety /harm reduction i prefer not to. And yes, most of the veins around my hands are shot to hell