• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Hello, Bluelight!


Jun 15, 2010
Hi, everyone!

I'm here because I'm looking for info/tips/advice on drug withdrawal - I'm currently on 2.5 mg zyprexa. I've been taking it in various doses for over two years now, and I've come to the conclusion that it sucks. Well, ok, the sleep I get from it is very nice, but I don't dig the weight gain and the price tag. I taper off of it intermittently, but I'd like to reach a point where I never have to take it again. I haven't been able to withdraw from it completely, and I hope that someday I will.

I recently came across a post by Valium on withdrawal from zyprexa which was very informative, but I would like to know more about his experience. Alas, I can't send him a PM until I reach Bluelighter status, and the last time he posted here seems to have been in January :(

Anyone else here withdrawn from zyprexa/olanzapine successfully? PM me pleeeeeeeease...
Welcome to BL. You should use the search feature now that you are signed up. You will find all the info you need in the forums here. Best of luck...
Yeah, searching is the go. You could make a thread in Basic Drug discussion that we would be happy to contribute to. Two things that spring to mind is what are you prescribed it for (because 2.5mg seems like a small dose) and you should be doing your withdraw with the help of a doctor.

Welcome to Bluelight :)