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Heart rate more than doubled while on mdma


Nov 8, 2015
Hi all

I have a friend that had a bad experience with weed recently. He got the high heart rate, thought he was having a heart attack or heart was going to burst etc. For about a week afterwards he was experiencing chest pains and has more or less decided to stop smoking. He also likes to roll. On his most recent one he noticed the same thing happening, increased heart rate just without the anxiety. His normal resting heart rate is ~60 bpm (he does no exercise and is pretty overweight, just has a low heart rate for some reason), but he showed me the reading from the monitor on his phone and it was around 140bpm. Is this something he should be worried about? Or a sign he is doing it too often (he does roll quite a lot)?

Thanks very much for any replies.
weed will do that to you depends on strain etc but most will give you anxiety, panic or paranoia
strains with high CBD or a 1:1 ratio of cbd to thc will alleviate the anxiety
rolling will increase heart rate also really nothing to do to prevent it
always keep in mind when smoking weed or any psychedelics benzos can be used as a emergency button
a the end of the day the setting the mood and the people you are around can make a trip go south real quick and always remember
its anxiety wont harm you
the feeling of your heart racing will scare the shit out of most but unless you have a heart condition then i wouldnt worry about it
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