Having MANY Dreams / Nightmares..?


Jun 6, 2013
I have been having many dreams lately, and it seems that about half of them have been nightmares, the other half are neutral or positive experiences. I believe that these dreams could be resulting from my drug use:

- Moderate Cannabis usage for 16-20 months (1-2 per week on average)

- Moderate/Heavy DXM usage for 12 months (averaging twice a week, doses 350mg-950mg). I am trying to quit this habit currently, have been using about ounce a week lately.

- Moderate DPH (Benadryl) usage for 12 months (averaging once a week). I usually have used DPH to potentiate my DXM trips, but I have done a few high doses of DPH (400mg, 500mg, 600mg, 750mg), which were not good experiences at all.

- Light Alcohol usage for 12 months (have only been drunk 5-6 times in the past year).

- Light Aerosol usage (Duster Inhaling). Don't give me shit for this, I know it's stupid and causes brain damage. I've only done it 3 times, and I'm never going to do it again.

I have been having an abundance of dreams for about a month now, but this last week I've noticed even more. I will remember my dream(s) almost every time I sleep, ESPECIALLY if I take a nap for an hour or two. Every single time that I take a nap I've remembered my dream(s).

I've been wanting to make this thread for a while now, but after this dream I just had I feel like I have to make it. I just took a nap for about two hours, and I woke up about 20 minutes ago and immediatly wrote this thread. Here is what happened:

- I was laying on my couch in my dream, just like I was in real life, in the dream I didn't think that I was actually dreaming and I thought that this was completely real.

- I felt weird, kind of like the day after a DXM trip where you kind of just feel spaced out.

- All of a sudden, I realized that one of my front teeth had fallen out. I remember the taste of blood in my mouth, and there was even blood on my cheek and face. I was really nervous because I didn't want my parents to see me like this.

- Eventually I felt like I had to get my parent's attention (who were in a different room), so I tried calling for them. Nothing came out of my mouth, for some reason I couldn't talk.

- I tried getting up to go find my parents, but my field of vision wasn't changing. Like even though I was moving, what I saw stayed exactly the same as when I was laying in my bed. It was such a weird sensation. I tried moving my neck with force so my vision would change, to no avail. This hurt my neck a little bit (not in real life), and I was getting paranoid.

- After this, I woke up

The difference between these dreams and dreams that I've had in the past is that these dreams are SO realistic, I guess I could call it a lucid dream. I have control and are aware of my senses during these dreams. It's not like I'm actually there in the dream, but at the same time it's more intense then a regular dream.

Does anyone have dreams like this? What caused them? This last dream really scared me, and I really need answers. Thanks for any help.
The feeling of my tooth not being there was so real. When I woke up it genuinely surprised me that my tooth had actually not fallen out.
It's hard to tell what causes dreams to be more intense at different points in life. I guess the only way to tell if the drugs are influencing them is to quit them. I had my dreams intensify insanely during my twenties and even started sleep-walking. I always felt like I was awake only to realize that I was not. Like your experience, many of them were nightmares. I love dreams--thinking about them, that is. I've had dreams that just feel like the unconscious regurgitating random garbage and dreams that have been visions. Writing them down is a fascinating way to understand what they mean to you. There are many who say that every character in our dreams is simply one aspect of ourselves. If you are being chased by bad guys, you are the victim and the bad guys. When you wake up, you ask yourself what do I need to run from right now and what am I trying to chase (overcome)?
The feeling of my tooth not being there was so real. When I woke up it genuinely surprised me that my tooth had actually not fallen out.

I've had dreams that I've broken teeth and was so very relieved when I woke and checked them in a mirror.

It's pretty common for both DXM and DPH to give very vivid dreams in my experience, especially with such heavy use.

I've gotten to a point where I can trigger myself into realizing that I'm dreaming hence it becomeing a lucid dream where I can control what happens.
I have had nightmares almost every night after abusing DXM for the whole summer of 2012......Last nights dream was lucid to a point but was moving way too fast for me to keep up......But it was an end time dream like they all are.......Ya man, I would say the drugs have effected your sleep and it may take awhile or you may be stuck with them like me...We do not know....All I know is I'm trying to do everything I can possible to not have these nightmares but to no avail.
I've had dreams that I've broken teeth and was so very relieved when I woke and checked them in a mirror.

It's pretty common for both DXM and DPH to give very vivid dreams in my experience, especially with such heavy use.

I've gotten to a point where I can trigger myself into realizing that I'm dreaming hence it becomeing a lucid dream where I can control what happens.

Aye -- I used to have dreams that involved my teeth regularly. Broken teeth, teeth falling out, the works. A dream interpreter told me that deep inside I probably felt like I was betraying someone. In the end, it was myself. That was during my methamphetamine days in early 2000's.

Lucid dreaming is the best!
I've had dreams that I've broken teeth and was so very relieved when I woke and checked them in a mirror.

It's pretty common for both DXM and DPH to give very vivid dreams in my experience, especially with such heavy use.

I've gotten to a point where I can trigger myself into realizing that I'm dreaming hence it becomeing a lucid dream where I can control what happens.

The weird thing is that I never get these dreams after using drugs. The only time I get them is when I wake up after being sober the night before..
I had the most fucked up, weirdest dreams/nightmares ever when I was using. I can't even begin to explain the weird dreams(they're that weird)but all my nightmares consist of either zombies or crazy ass ppl trying to kill me, like some House of a 1000 corpses stuff. Ever since I've stopped using its just been depressing dreams.

I wish I could record my dreams and play them back for ppl to watch, that'd be awesome
I had the most fucked up, weirdest dreams/nightmares ever when I was using. I can't even begin to explain the weird dreams(they're that weird)but all my nightmares consist of either zombies or crazy ass ppl trying to kill me, like some House of a 1000 corpses stuff. Ever since I've stopped using its just been depressing dreams.

I wish I could record my dreams and play them back for ppl to watch, that'd be awesome

I know, it would be also to record your dreams and then watch them. That would be so interesting.
What always amazes me is that I can remember them so vividly when I first wake up and then within minutes they are gone--poof! I can only remember certain scenes or feelings. A dream recorder would be awesome.
What always amazes me is that I can remember them so vividly when I first wake up and then within minutes they are gone--poof! I can only remember certain scenes or feelings. A dream recorder would be awesome.

That's exactly how it is for me too.
I have dreams all night long unless I am really sedated - every time I wake up, it is from a dream and I wake up 10-20 times most nights but quickly go back to sleep.
Actually, I sleep more during the day than at night. I don't get tired until somewhere between 4 and 8 AM and I just can't reset my sleep cycle to something normal. I can stay up all night and day then sleep that night, but then I am right back to sleeping mostly during daytime.

Many of my dreams are nightmarish, often pure Hell, worse than any horror movie I have ever seen. Some are just extremely depressing or boring. I do have many that are just insanely bizarre and fun. I have multiple dream series, some of which started when I was like 12 years old, but I can go 2 or 3 years between some of them. My favorite dream series are The Walking Dead dreams where I am in this super secure compound but I leave it at times to get supplies and things get really crazy with herds of walkers coming at you or almost getting you from a place that seems safe outside the huge compound which is like a pretty good size town that is being expanded. When at the edge making the compound larger, it is dangerous.

The other is about this computer chip called the MetaVac processor which contains the instructions to cause a vacuum metastability event to destroy the universe. It is alive and conscious and transports itself through time, implanting itself into brains. It is trying to survive and keep from being used for its intended purpose. There is a time travelling cyborg who is trying to get it and he tries to kill anyone/anything that the chip has implanted itself into. Some of the dreams take place in the very distant future, the last one was about 986,000 years from now. In some of the dreams, I am the cyborg. In others, I am helping the one who has the chip in their brain. In some of the dreams that take place like 100,000+ years from now, the chip is implanted in a non-human species that has evolved to high levels of intelligence. Maybe 2/3 of the time it is in a human brain. It has never been in my brain. There have been some spin off dreams involving characters or elements of some of the dreams, like the one about a disease called hemorrhagic dementia that caused most people to die in a horrible way in their 30s or early 40s. I've had trips involving this MetaVac chip thing too.
Does anyone have dreams like this? What caused them? This last dream really scared me, and I really need answers. Thanks for any help.

i do. they're very realistic and scary. for me, i have chalked them up to stress and withdrawals. when i don't take my benzos, for whatever reason, i have dreams like that and they are horrible. try meditating and/or listening to soothing music before bed. i found the more positive thoughts i create in my own mind, the better off i will be when i enter dreamland. i created my own world that i can visit in my head whenever it is time to go to sleep, and it has helped me tremendously, it has become a habit.

dreams are said to be a manifestation of sub conscious thoughts. i strongly believe this.
Wow, that's pretty interesting territory, Trypt!


It's hard to tell what causes dreams to be more intense at different points in life. I guess the only way to tell if the drugs are influencing them is to quit them. I had my dreams intensify insanely during my twenties and even started sleep-walking. I always felt like I was awake only to realize that I was not. Like your experience, many of them were nightmares. I love dreams--thinking about them, that is. I've had dreams that just feel like the unconscious regurgitating random garbage and dreams that have been visions. Writing them down is a fascinating way to understand what they mean to you. There are many who say that every character in our dreams is simply one aspect of ourselves. If you are being chased by bad guys, you are the victim and the bad guys. When you wake up, you ask yourself what do I need to run from right now and what am I trying to chase (overcome)?
I always had a recurring dream as a child of a T-Rex walking around my house. It was always morning time in this dream and my mom was always fixing me a toaster strudle and watchin TV like nothing was going on and I was hiding under the kitchen table hahaha. It was weird
Are you getting these dreams on days u r using or days u r sober. I get the most vivid and lucid dreams always after i kick a habit whether it be weed/cigs/pills/alcohol. Its always when i go to sleep sober. Mild dreams come and go when im using. Maybe it has something to do with not getting full sleep when u go to bed fucked up, or not getting to REM or stage 4 sleep.
The dreams I have now are usually nightmares about zombies or some kind of monster or some maniac trying to kill me. I didn't really dream when I used, or at least I don't remember what my dreams were. But when I did remember my dream it was some weird ass stuff or it was dreams of me using. I haven't hardly slept much since I quit using, usually I only sleep a couple hours and it doesn't seem like long enough to get me into a deep state of sleep to start dreaming but some times I get enough sleep to get to that point
I've been having the strangest dreams too, and I haven't even been using anything besides weed and alcohol. My dreams are horribly vivid, and stay with me for a while after I wake up. I keep having nested dreams as well - I'll be in one dream, and then I'll "wake up" but it's still a dream, and so on for a while until I finally wake up and end up horribly confused for some time. The worst recurring theme in many of my nightmares is peeling skin - I've had quite a few dreams where my skin starts fraying, and then I pull it off until the flesh underneath is exposed. It's really disturbing, and I can't quite figure out what is behind it.
Freaky, sarco! When I started having those kinds of dreams, I knew I was close to getting sleep paralysis. It always came with the heavy dreaming.