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Have you ever been addicted to something that makes you mostly feel like shit?


Apr 4, 2022
Hi guys,
I m not understanding what s going on with my wife. She used to loose it when she was doing too much cocaine and -or when she was not following my advice (take a downer). But now a line makes her super paranoid, convinced that our cats are dying and all kinds of shit, hence coke is banned from the household (officially, I sometimes hide myself in the loo and do some line, because I m an horrible person). But honestly, I m old fashioned myself, drugs are supposed to make you feel better, at least momentarily; that s why I don t miss weed, or drink rarely, don t do any other drugs but oxys and coke . Because they make me feel good while the others make me feel like shite. Blow to her is like weed to me, is definitely not the drug for her like weed and psychedelics are not for m, how can she miss something that makes her feel so fucked up from the very first line? Has it ever happened to you to get addicted to something that just dos not work for you and you still want to use? What´s the point?
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I found the same with oxy if you use it daily, the physic withdrawals become so bad that you become a different person all together
I found the same with oxy if you use it daily, the physic withdrawals become so bad that you become a different person all together
tell me bout it , but at least you still get something "good "out of them, don t you? even if it´s just stopping the withdrawals...here we are talking "doing a line going nuts", also of a thing that s not even physically addictive.....
Every drug I've been addicted to has ultimately made me feel shit.

That's the price you pay for excess... :\
during or after the use-during withdrawal?
Stimulants reaching a point of diminishing returns is pretty typical. You do still get the good parts. That's what keeps you coming back. They just get way more rare.
makes sense, probably the...few seconds between doing a line and going insane are still rewarding. Or maybe is habit or something along the lines of "this shit made me feel good once who knows maybe today it will made me feel good again..."fucking insidious drug anyway, I ve found myself doing lot of unnecessary lines just because. Anyway we should definitely keep this shit out of the household for good....
Nicotine is the ultimate example of this kind of thing imo
Yeah I do smoke as well and I was thinking "maybe is something like that" but I don t have psychosis any time I light a cigarette (well, if I don t have cigarettes - can t smoke I might get quite psychotic :LOL:) Indeed is the only drug I ve never ever tried to quit
Hey, @skipjames thanks for posting this thread. Since the content of your original post is not geographically exclusive to North or South America, I'm going to move the thread to Drug Culture. Peace <3

Hello everyone ,I'm from China
Hi, I don’t know if you’re aware, but we have a new member introduction subforum for this kind of post :) if you’re just saying hi, that’s where this type of thing should go. Otherwise, please confine your remarks to the topic.
Sure opioids. Feel like shit 80% of your life unless your dose is peaking in effects

Or were you referring to the actual peak of the drug making you feel like shit? For that one I would say crack cocaine…I’m not a stimulant person at all and it was easy to quit quick for this reason. A good 2 minute rush that even itsel is scary and not relaxing like I tend to prefer downers….then hours or days of comedown
Sure opioids. Feel like shit 80% of your life unless your dose is peaking in effects

Or were you referring to the actual peak of the drug making you feel like shit? For that one I would say crack cocaine…I’m not a stimulant person at all and it was easy to quit quick for this reason. A good 2 minute rush that even itsel is scary and not relaxing like I tend to prefer downers….then hours or days of comedown
yeah i was referring to the peak. I m a downer person myself , I ve had my fair share of opioid withdrawals but at least when i m high on smack or oxys or opium i m...fine. Now imagine if anytime you were taking oxys-smack-whatever you were just freaking out. That ´s my missus with cocaine! I m taking a shitload of cocaine atm because..I can, I need to get things done and cope with the depression caused by the lack of oxys, it s not my favourite drugs but at least I don t go insane using it, she totally looses it so I can t see the appeal... I never did crack but I ve injected speedballs and man, I ve hated any second of it, was just waiting for the smack to hit, it s simply not my thing. As coke is not her thing.
Hi, I don’t know if you’re aware, but we have a new member introduction subforum for this kind of post :) if you’re just saying hi, that’s where this type of thing should go. Otherwise, please confine your remarks to the topic.
Gone ...
yeah i was referring to the peak. I m a downer person myself , I ve had my fair share of opioid withdrawals but at least when i m high on smack or oxys or opium i m...fine. Now imagine if anytime you were taking oxys-smack-whatever you were just freaking out. That ´s my missus with cocaine! I m taking a shitload of cocaine atm because..I can, I need to get things done and cope with the depression caused by the lack of oxys, it s not my favourite drugs but at least I don t go insane using it, she totally looses it so I can t see the appeal... I never did crack but I ve injected speedballs and man, I ve hated any second of it, was just waiting for the smack to hit, it s simply not my thing. As coke is not her thing.
I have to take my statement back about the peak of a crack hit. It is unmatched in the drug world. Maybe an mdma peak comes close.

Thanks god crack is so fucking scary overall that I didn’t get super into it
I have to take my statement back about the peak of a crack hit. It is unmatched in the drug world. Maybe an mdma peak comes close.

Thanks god crack is so fucking scary overall that I didn’t get super into it
actually the only drug that scares me
Propylhexidrine. The absolute worst. High for like an hour followed by 6-7 hours of feeling extremely irritable and depressed asf. Horrible fucking drug.