Have You Ever Almost Died?


I am a dumbass. One night I was walking towards a nightclub with some of my friends. I was prattling to them about.....the Washington Redskins? Something I read on Live Journal? Time travel? I don't even.

As I was about to cross the street my friend Laura reached her willowy arm in front of my holding me back...just as a car came rushing past. Would it have killed me if it hit me going about 50 mph? Close enough.

I wouldn't say it was scary. I would say it was funny. My friends were scared though. I tell you what I've been a lot more careful since then!

Party safely Bro!
A van turned in front of me and I hit it, went through the side window of the van. Collapsed both lungs, broken wrist, broken femur, lost a ton of blood, TBI, ended up in a coma. There are other times but that was probably the closest to actually dying
I had recurring Malaria and in one bout my fever rose so high that I would have probably died if my then BF hadn't come just then to look after me. But I learned about this months after. During the incident I was beyond thinking of life and death. I was just delirious.
I've been in several scary situations, but none dangerous enough that I even thought I might die.
Yes a few times.

I have been caught up in a few shootouts, luckily as a bystander, but still had bullets flying all around me due to my close proximity to the shootout.

I've almost fallen into an extruder while working at a factory.

Almost been hit by cars going 90 in a 30 a few times too.
might have, I was so drunk I had to be catched by cops from train yard. I don't remember anything about it, might be I was trying to kill myself for some whim. When cop came to the drunk tank door telling the news, I vomited immediately after they left and my hangover really went up to next exponent (is this correct idiom?).

When I think about it, there have been several occasions where I definitely could have died, but "have you ever almost died" implies sort of criteria most of those cases do not fill.
I think the closest i have ever come to death was when i had a seizure from coke about 3 or 4 years back. I was going abit crazy with it and kept doing bigger and bigger shots. I decided to throw a 1/3rd of a gram of coke in the shot and i seized right up. I was not scared at all though because fuck was i high.

I would not repeat that experience though
Felt like it more times than I can accurately recall but since I am not an opiate user I have to say not technically according to a medical examiner

I used to think going to the ER was the most helpful idea until the last trip, a bad one, had me think differently

Won't elaborate I think you should seek medical support when it feels dire but I have since come to terms with the idea I may die and they cannot stop that the setting of the ER is not ideal for my idea of passing in peace honestly found myself sauntering into the woods thinking I can drop dead here secluded in solitude without any tension other than body feeling like it is failing physically

Each time I felt like it might really be it it was terrifying and ego shattering all toxic pride vanished under a higher consciousness imbued in a spirit of humility but I have to say my conscience with much unfinished business was weighing on me critically
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Yes I have nearly died a few times and no it didn't scare me. The fact that it didn't scare me is what scares me in a weird way because generally in western culture we are afraid of death. It's hard to describe unless you've had it I suppose and everyone is different but the last time was when I flat out OD'd (my only full on OD in approx ten years of heroin use, on and off - it was cut with xylazine I think), I went straight to black and came to strapped to a board. I don't want to die and am not suicidal but I just remember being annoyed that I didn't die - every time I have nearly died, it has just felt like a major inconvenience. One of my brothers took his own life and it has changed my perspective on death, as in that there is something so natural about it. It is as natural as birth. I can't explain it - like most things in life that are "natural", as in biologically inevitable, they can just be annoying, like having to shit or getting a cold. Maybe because life has been so hard and I've been through so much I feel like I'm on borrowed time anyway. I'm more worried about spilling coffee on a nice shirt than I am about dying. I never expected to live to see my 30s but here I am.
Probably, lol. Opioids. Couldn't walk on my own. Dipping in and out of consciousness, mostly out. Remember flashes of a movie we watched. Was sick as a dog the next day, still high as all hell.

One time nearly died from booze. Dry heaving out every drop in my stomach. Having to crawl slowly on hands and knees. No idea why I drank that much so fast.
I am an ambulant strange attractor...a statistical rarity.
I have dodged so many bullets by sheer dumb luck, avoided drowning after irrukanji sting, been dumped from a trapezing catamaran onto a grey nurse shark. I've had both a homemade cannon and a commercial mortar detonate in my face and felt the shrapnel whizz past. I've lost count of the hand lit home pressed rocket motors that have blown up before launch. Was completely enveloped in glitter stars once... really pretty.
Thrown from a horse into a brick wall... Fell off a cliff while radio foxhunting. Colliding with another skier and hitting a tree head first.
These things all brought that thrill of standing on the edge of death.

The 2 that didn't thrill...
Popping a cerebral artery in a forest and still managing to phone someone and waking up in hospital.
Escaping from a serial killer thanks to a flooded road and my autism.

Seriously..I sit on the pointy end of SO many bell curves I ought to have piles.
I am an ambulant strange attractor...a statistical rarity.
I have dodged so many bullets by sheer dumb luck, avoided drowning after irrukanji sting, been dumped from a trapezing catamaran onto a grey nurse shark. I've had both a homemade cannon and a commercial mortar detonate in my face and felt the shrapnel whizz past. I've lost count of the hand lit home pressed rocket motors that have blown up before launch. Was completely enveloped in glitter stars once... really pretty.
Thrown from a horse into a brick wall... Fell off a cliff while radio foxhunting. Colliding with another skier and hitting a tree head first.
These things all brought that thrill of standing on the edge of death.

The 2 that didn't thrill...
Popping a cerebral artery in a forest and still managing to phone someone and waking up in hospital.
Escaping from a serial killer thanks to a flooded road and my autism.

Seriously..I sit on the pointy end of SO many bell curves I ought to have piles.
A serial killer?
Almost died this weekend three pill binge had to throw the bulk of the last one out flushed it technically worried the whole time I can't stop taking them all day long last night all night too basically felt like this could be it I had no real idea what was in them best guess not pure MDMA

I can see the value in the right setting but there was nothing responsible about this I put my life in jeopardy to get blasted on whatever I can get my hands on only by grace did I not put a spike in vein I doubt I would still be around in this lifeform if I got hooked on that

I mean it wasn't fun definitely felt scary physical symptoms but I couldn't stop myself I knew I shouldn't have gotten them but the binge said otherwise each nibble of a crushed piece felt like a roll of the mortality dice just read about a kid who died off two strong pills

I need to shut up and do some legwork at meetings in-person as my addiction thrives on inaction and wasting time on the internet it wants me dead Idk why they say that but it feels like it

Steven Pressfield, author, recent readings come to mind as I am thinking that addiction intends to kill like describing it as a literal entity who can slaughter after doing as much havoc as possible to destroy as much as possible around the host. He speaks about resistance being a universal enemy and its aim is to kill. Again it sounds exaggerated but he was pretty serious about the idea
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