I am an ambulant strange attractor...a statistical rarity.
I have dodged so many bullets by sheer dumb luck, avoided drowning after irrukanji sting, been dumped from a trapezing catamaran onto a grey nurse shark. I've had both a homemade cannon and a commercial mortar detonate in my face and felt the shrapnel whizz past. I've lost count of the hand lit home pressed rocket motors that have blown up before launch. Was completely enveloped in glitter stars once... really pretty.
Thrown from a horse into a brick wall... Fell off a cliff while radio foxhunting. Colliding with another skier and hitting a tree head first.
These things all brought that thrill of standing on the edge of death.
The 2 that didn't thrill...
Popping a cerebral artery in a forest and still managing to phone someone and waking up in hospital.
Escaping from a serial killer thanks to a flooded road and my autism.
Seriously..I sit on the pointy end of SO many bell curves I ought to have piles.