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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Have you ever accidentally received controlled drugs from a pharmacy?


Jun 29, 2017
My friend just told me that he had the biggest luck ever, he has a few mental disorders and gets prescribed 1mg of risperidone and 20mg of Prozac. Well when he went to fill his prescription last week, the pharmacy gave him a script for a month and he thought it was normal until he went home to discover that he had not received 1mg of risperidone but x30 1mg of alprazolam (Xanax) tablets!

He obviously didn't tell them but he's been lucky like that. Has this ever happened to you?
I've gone to collect my monthly script for codeine, get there and the say there are 2 scripts there. Both for 224 30 mg tablets, that was a fun week.
got 150mg anafranil instead of 50mg for a month, now i have more then 6 years stocked.

Can I ask your nationality and where you from? Are you from Eastern Asian descent? And do you live over there? This is completely just my curiousity - my girlfiend is half Chinese half Russian
My friend just told me that he had the biggest luck ever, he has a few mental disorders and gets prescribed 1mg of risperidone and 20mg of Prozac. Well when he went to fill his prescription last week, the pharmacy gave him a script for a month and he thought it was normal until he went home to discover that he had not received 1mg of risperidone but x30 1mg of alprazolam (Xanax) tablets!

He obviously didn't tell them but he's been lucky like that. Has this ever happened to you?
Bullllshit, did he show you these alprazolam because there’s no way that mistake would be made.
My friend told me that he went to refill his paracetamol prescription and they gave him a bottle full of opana 30mg by mistake.
Just kidding of course, I've never gotten good stuff by mistake... I rarely go to the pharmacy anyway.

But I once found a pregabalin blister pack (14x150mg pills IIRC) in perfect condition on top of a trash can. I was walking to my friend's house and saw a trash can with some stuff on top. The trash can was on my way so I eventually got near it and saw the pills, I recognized the brand so I obviously had to take them.
It was probably my lucky day because nothing like that has ever happened since, I've never found drugs.
I once went to buy a box of OTC 8/500 generic co-codamol tablets and my eagle eyes noticed that the ones on the shelf were all prescription only 30/500 instead. Bought a box and got out of there quick. Got home and kicked myself for not trying to buy two. So I went back a couple of hours later and they'd obviously realised their mistake as they'd all been replaced with the bog standard ones.

When I was on methadone I went to pick up my 30ml dose and was given 150ml instead.

So yeh, pharmacies do make mistakes sometimes...
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Years ago I used to hate flying so would get a prescription for diazepam rather than drinking. Depending on how mean the doctor was they'd prescribe between two and ten pills. One time the pharmacist looked at my prescription and asked me if that was correct. I looked at it and it said 1000 pills! :). Thinking on my feet I said something like "probably"... Unfortunately they called the doctor to double-check.
Ive been there ringing out a box of tylenols, and when I got home in my bag there was Oxy 80s! Not the neos! And also, a snifter of carfentanyl weighing about an oz. I love going to the pharmacy. Theyre the best. I often get these mistakes, silly pharmacy.
I once went to buy a box of OTC 8/500 generic co-codamol tablets and my eagle eyes noticed that the ones on the shelf were all prescription only 30/500 instead. Bought a box and got out of there quick. Got home and kicked myself for not trying to buy two. So I went back a couple of hours later and they'd obviously realised their mistake as they'd all been replaced with the bog standard ones.

When I was on methadone I went to pick up my 30ml dose and was given 150ml instead.

So yeh, pharmacies do make mistakes sometimes...
Was it a 100 box or 28? Surely they'd notice either way?! Or was it an independent with untrained staff? I often used to frequent pharmacies in Leicester where it was clear the staff didn't know anything about the OTC products they sold. They were the places that would sell multiple packs/bottles 😊
Recently my partners grandma was delivered the wrong controlled drug script. I don't have all the details but it was intended for a house further down the same street. They walked it over and turned out they'd received her script, also containing stuff like nitrazepam and phenobarbital. So it does happen.
Was it a 100 box or 28? Surely they'd notice either way?! Or was it an independent with untrained staff? I often used to frequent pharmacies in Leicester where it was clear the staff didn't know anything about the OTC products they sold. They were the places that would sell multiple packs/bottles 😊

32 iirc. Simple mistake by pharmacy staff putting out the wrong boxes on display.
32 iirc. Simple mistake by pharmacy staff putting out the wrong boxes on display.
Must have been a rare manufacturer, not seen a box of 32 in anything but OTC strength. All I've ever got at boxes of 28 or 100 depending on amount prescribed. I assume because they come in strips of 10 or 14, whereas OTC strength is in 8s. I don't doubt you, just saying must be a really rare manufacturer or really old stock or something. Who made them if you can remember?
Must have been a rare manufacturer, not seen a box of 32 in anything but OTC strength. All I've ever got at boxes of 28 or 100 depending on amount prescribed. I assume because they come in strips of 10 or 14, whereas OTC strength is in 8s. I don't doubt you, just saying must be a really rare manufacturer or really old stock or something. Who made them if you can remember?

All I can remember is that they were generics (it was 20 years ago, if not more). The packet looked just like the OTC strength but may have been a different colour, which is probably what caught my eye at first.
This wouldn't physically be possible in Australia and pharmacys here dont 'refill' bottles like i think they do in the US. We have 'repeats' which is the same as your refills but each time you go back your given a new sealed unopened box or bottle..

Each bottle/box of schedule 4 and 8 (controlled drug) have a independent code that is entered into the system. If it doesnt match the details already in from the prescribing GP (and health department for schedual 8 ) it will not allow the sale.
This wouldn't physically be possible in Australia and pharmacys here dont 'refill' bottles like i think they do in the US. We have 'repeats' which is the same as your refills but each time you go back your given a new sealed unopened box or bottle..

Each bottle/box of schedule 4 and 8 (controlled drug) have a independent code that is entered into the system. If it doesnt match the details already in from the prescribing GP (and health department for schedual 8 ) it will not allow the sale.

You sure? I'm not aware of any system that'd prevent someone misreading a script. Other than the fact that there are strict rules about how schedule 8 scripts are to be written.

I have family who are pharmacists I could easily find out if I were so inclined, which I'm not. :p

You actually can get pills in those little yellow bottles here, it's super rare but it can happen. I used to have a doctor who'd periodically prescribe me 10 diazepam. Which since diazepam doesn't come in packs of 10 they'd have to fill a bottle. It's rare but it happens.

Interestingly with my methadone script there's absolutely no way to mess with it. It's the most secure kind of prescription I've seen. I don't even see it other than when I watch the doctor write it. He has to write it and mail it to the pharmacy. And unlike regular prescriptions it's both a prescription and a dosing calendar.

Im a bit of a prescription nerd. ;)
You sure? I'm not aware of any system that'd prevent someone misreading a script. Other than the fact that there are strict rules about how schedule 8 scripts are to be written.

I have family who are pharmacists I could easily find out if I were so inclined, which I'm not. :p

You actually can get pills in those little yellow bottles here, it's super rare but it can happen. I used to have a doctor who'd periodically prescribe me 10 diazepam. Which since diazepam doesn't come in packs of 10 they'd have to fill a bottle. It's rare but it happens.

Interestingly with my methadone script there's absolutely no way to mess with it. It's the most secure kind of prescription I've seen. I don't even see it other than when I watch the doctor write it. He has to write it and mail it to the pharmacy. And unlike regular prescriptions it's both a prescription and a dosing calendar.

Im a bit of a prescription nerd. ;)

Hehe not just saying this but so am I. Ask away, I am 100% sure. The script number-medicare-authority number (phoned by every gp who prescribes a schedual 8) and individual drug box all must match.

Could a pharmacist misread it? Absolutely. But the pharmacist will be alerted to there error when the system goes to print the label (runs through all previous data btw)
Hehe not just saying this but so am I. Ask away, I am 100% sure. The script number-medicare-authority number (phoned by every gp who prescribes a schedual 8) and individual drug box all must match.

Could a pharmacist misread it? Absolutely. But the pharmacist will be alerted to there error when the system goes to print the label (runs through all previous data btw)

I've actually never been prescribed a schedule 8 OTHER than methadone so I'm not familiar with the process (other than in my capacity as a prescription nerd and googling the regulations ;)) But it'd be surprised if doctors were actually submitting anything to Medicare when they write ordinary schedule 4 drugs. Especially if they're written privately.
Interestingly with my methadone script there's absolutely no way to mess with it. It's the most secure kind of prescription I've seen. I don't even see it other than when I watch the doctor write it. He has to write it and mail it to the pharmacy. And unlike regular prescriptions it's both a prescription and a dosing calendar.
He would also make a call (its a speed dial number) to Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency seeking permission (always granted) to authorize the pharmacy to dispatch it.

This call has always been after I have left the room. I think its protocol.
He would also make a call (its a speed dial number) to Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency seeking permission (always granted) to authorize the pharmacy to dispatch it.

This call has always been after I have left the room. I think its protocol.

For a regular non authority schedule 4? I find that really hard to believe. Not saying you're wrong just that I'd be quite surprised.

I mean, doctors bitch as it is about having to call the pbs authority number over and over. I can't see the AMA not bitching like crazy if they had to call someone for EVERY SINGLE PRESCRIPTION.