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Hate oxycontin, love oxycodone


Sep 11, 2000
I can't figure it out, but every time I snort or parachute oxycontin, I feel the rush, I feel woozy and lightheaded, I get awful anxiety, and the whole experience can be summed up as.. uncomfortable.

Every time I take oxycodone, the effects slowly wash over me, and I fall into a nice, relaxed, blissful state and stay that way for hours. No anxiety, no rush.. Just perfect bliss.

Why is there such a difference between the two? I'm not kidding when I say that I have a OC40 and an OC80 sitting on my nightstand for the last month, and I'd give them away for a few percocets. I just don't want them.

Does anyone else experience this?
I think it's all in your head. Percocets usually have a lot of filler and tylenol, so they might get absorbed slower than oxycontin. Snorting oxycontin usually hit's harder so that might be another reason.

I have a high tolerance, so I prefer oxycontin. The only times when oxycontin was uncomfortable for me was the first few times I took them, but it also happened with percocets.

When I read the thread title I thought you where talking about people who will pop percocets, but they hate on oxycontin because they think it's "hard core".
ya that doesnt really make sense the only diffrence between the 2 is one has tylenol n one doesnt. Maybe it is whne u take the oxy's u r taking to much as opposed 2 when u take perks u know exactly how many mg's ur take y dont u try breaking up to the 40mg oxy u have n then seperate the powder into 4 lines n they u know more or less how much ur taking.
Prolly because oxycontin is extended release over a long peroid of time and regular oxycodone is instant..
Oxycontin is oxycodone. Maybe it's your ROA or dosage. Try taking as much OC as you would percocet(if you'd pop a perc 10, take 1/4 a OC40) and see if you experience the same symptoms
errr they are the same goddamn thing.... oxycontin IS oxycodone only TIME RELEASED and not instant release.

SAME exact thing
I get what the OP means. IMO I would rahter have 4 OXY-IR 20mg (Instant Release) pills ready for me, instead of an OC80. My method if ingestion is taken Orally rather than snorting or anything, although I have never IV'd so I cannot speak on that. But if I had a script for Oxy, I would definately tell me doctor I would prefer to have a wack load of Oxy-IR 20mg's written, rather than any OxyContin, but thats just me.
errr they are the same goddamn thing.... oxycontin IS oxycodone only TIME RELEASED and not instant release.

SAME exact thing

No, actually the pills you ingest are different. The drug inside of the pills is the same but the pills each contain there own seperate inactive(and sometimes active) ingredients which may cause there own seperate responses to taking these medications. Im pretty sure the OP knows that both contain oxycodone, he was simply wondering if the tylenol in the perc's he was taking could somehow cause him to enjoy his oxycodone more than he does when he takes his oxy in the "OC" formulation.
do your self a favor and stop now. if you can still feel the rush your probably not hooked on it.
you take them both orally?

try taking the oxycontin whole instead of crushing it up maybe?

like, say you take a dose of 20mg of percocets at a time, take a whole 40mg at once without breaking it up or anything see if that helps. it'll def make it last longer if anything.

Hit 3 Opana 15's and a few roxy 15's shittttttt I be like 8o
The main drug is the same but an OC compared to a 30mg oxy is huge. For one the OC is time released and oxycodones aren't in most cases. And I don't have the exact figures and don't feel like looking them up but OC's have something around 25 binders in them and oxy's only have around 5 so there is a lot of a difference in how it will affect you. Not to mention that all drugs react differently to everyone and some like one thing better than the other. For me morphine is my number one oxy 30's are nice though and I get scripts so its also legal.
percocet feels much different cuz it hits slower because of the APAP. its weaker but just as enjoyable sort of