has anyone taken Meph\Meow for a few days and then managed to just stop? for good!


Dec 13, 2011
Hi guys,

I tried Methedrone or Meow for the first time last Friday the 9th of December and I’m already a little scared of the addiction and its Monday 12th today!

To explain better I will need to bring to light my addiction with another drug and how I got over that before I can explain Mephedrone concerns and hopefully I can help someone else beat off any of these drugs and someone can help me too.

I used to be a drug addict, started toying with ecstasy pills when I was 22 but then came across Ketamine which I loved. At first it was every weekend, soon Wednesday and Thursday came into the picture and after about a year it started becoming a throughout the day every day thing, at work, at home, everywhere I went. So it took about a year to get properly addicted. I was probably taking about 4 to 6 grams a day as tolerance grew over the years.

The first year or 2 was great fun but it more or less cost me 5 years of my life, I didn’t progress at work, always sat at home and done drugs on my own, didn’t want to socialise with people other than those I would do the drug with. It was quite a sad time for me in the 4th and 5th year. In the 5th year it got so bad that I was begging myself to quit and promised myself that when I finished my current stash, (normally i would buy a litre bottle of K) I would not buy anymore. I could be in bed at night almost in tears begging myself to be able to stop but when the morning arrived my mind would be fixated on getting more and nothing else mattered. After a few failed attempts of quitting I called “FRANK” who were completely useless as they never even had heard of the drug, so how could they possibly help, the doctor didn’t know anything about it either. It’s not like heroin where they have programmes and things to wean you off it (not sure about now). I quit roughly 6 years ago so I’m in my 30’s now.

How did I quit? Well, funnily enough it was easy; I just had to change my scenery and frame of mind. You can’t just quit and sit at home, that is torture and if you’re quite weak like me you will go and buy more. If you quit drugs and sit in your room doing nothing chances are all you’re doing is thinking about drugs or the fun times you had on them. With this in mind I booked a holiday to somewhere remote, I went to Thailand on my own for 3 weeks. At the time I was spending roughly £800 a month on ketamine so the cost of the holiday replaced the money I would have spent on the k anyway. It was amazing, the transformation I felt was mind blowing, as I got off the plane I was excited about Thailand, the thought of drugs went out of my mind as I knew there is no K there and they have strict rules on drugs. I had the best time of my life and felt so good without drugs, but when I got back after 2 weeks I went back on the drug! What failed? Friends did… the dealers numbers I had stored in my phone, things that reminded me of the drug. Another failed attempt? Not at all! I saw that I can be without the drug for 3 to 4 weeks with no cravings while abroad so I knew it was possible to quit, I saw that what failed me was things that re-associated me with the drug. I had already started on the drug again so it was extra difficult to quit normally so I booked another holiday to Thailand 3 months later. This time I deleted all my dealer numbers, I changed my email address, changed my own mobile number and also and most important of all stopped seeing the friends I associated drugs with. Believe me they are not your friends anymore. If you think they are your friends, go out with them to a bar for a few nights and just drink alcohol all night and then go home, see how that works out. I will guarantee you the discussion of drugs will come up and will lead to getting a few grams just for a laugh or old time’s sake.

When I got back from Thailand I felt good, there was no way anyone could contact me regarding drugs and not much to remind me of it, having a good girlfriend helps a lot too that doesn’t do drugs obviously. Life was good again… by the way, not seeing my old friend also helped him with his addiction as he stopped doing it as well because he was not associating with me either, if you think about, every time he saw me it would remind him of all the times we did drugs.

NOW… That same friend lives in Kuwait, he came over for a few days for some work meetings and stupidly we said let’s get some k for good old times which I think would have been fine on a one off after 5 or 6 years as I knew he would be going back to Kuwait. Obviously I knew no one that sells drugs so we went to a club looking for some, No one had k but this one guy had meth\meow. I asked him if it was addictive as I didn’t want to go through it all again and he said no, I wish I had done research on it before because if I did I would have never had it in the first place.

On Friday we had 1.5 grams each, on Saturday we had 1 gram each, he then went back to Kuwait last Saturday night, I had a gram left over, on Sunday I said to myself ill finish this and that would be the end of it. As I finished the gram it was Sunday night\Monday morning 3am, something crazy came over me, I was dying for more, I just had to get it, it was like mind control, I drove at 3am 20 miles into London and went into a club asking everyone for this meow meow stuff and got 3 grams of it (BTW im talking about this morning, Today). I got back home at 7am this morning and did 1 more gram, I have 2 left over. I then saw the evil side of this drug. In the 5 years of my K addiction I never went to the extent that I did on that night to get methedrone. It was absolutely mad! While I did that gram at 7am this morning I spent a few hours researching methedrone (better late than never I guess). My fear started to grow, I cannot go through this again, I have a very good job now and need to be on the ball at work. It seems to be very unfair that someone can take this drug a few times and become so addicted, ive heard some say it’s as addictive as crack although ive never had crack or heroin so I don’t know how addictive they are.

My mouth is full of ulcers, I weighed 80KG’s before I took it and now im a little over 75KG’s, that’s almost a stone in 4 days of weight lost! Nostrils are battered, jaws are hurting and so on.

I have 2 grams left and the addictive side of me won’t throw it away, what scares the hell out of me is if I go crazy again and try my best to find more only to regret it later! If it gets bad I will have to take time off and go somewhere just to get rid of whatever it is, that remains in my body that makes me want to take it again, im hoping ive caught it early and not done it on months on end of use and then try and quit which although I believe is possible but most likely more difficult to quit.

If anyone is interested I will give feedback on how I’m getting on with it, in my weakest hour I am going to re-read this post which hopefully will remind me of the pain and suffering I went through and hope that it will knock some sense into me when\if I crave for it again, plus any comments from other members would be appreciated...

My question is: has anyone taken Meph for a few days and then managed to just stop? for good!
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Hi there, welcome to TDS - I have edited your title to make it clear you mean mephedrone, not methamphetamine or methadone :)

I will write you a reply later/tomorrow - hopefully someone else can help you before then! <3

(I presume from "meow" and your post you do mean mephedrone?)
I also found that drug by chance, without having done research. I relapsed on it about 4 times in a month period. I had extremely negative results. Still, I wanted more. What helped me "just say no" was a kid I had met, aged 19, who held me accountable. He would check in with me if I had done the drug. I would tell him when I wanted to do it. Eventually (about a month or 2) the cravings dissipated completely.
Me and my friends took mephedrone on and off for roughly a year before it was made illegal in the UK. Even for the strongest of wills it can be very difficult to stop shovelling that shit into your nostrils, and for those who lack a strong sense of self-control (such as myself, at times) it can be nigh on impossible. At the peak of our addiction whenever we decided to do it we'd order 20 gram baggies to split between 4 or 5 of us, chat that manic meph chat and dance into the early hours, cracked out and crazy as fuck like the fiends we were. Usually we'd go for days on end without sleep and snort bigger and bigger lines only to attain a progressively shittier high until we were practically doing half gram lines just to avoid the horrible crash and the depressing silences that always followed.

Every time I came off the tail-end of one of those binges and was lying in bed sweating that putrid after-meph stink, stuck in that painful insomniatic limbo between reality and hell, I'd make a promise to myself that I'd never touch that shit again. With meph there is just no moderation, or at least we never found it. Yet as the now lifeless and greyscale weeks blurred by (no doubt an effect of chemical overload) my washed out soul would forget that these binges always ended in apathy and angst, and slowly come around to the idea of 'one last session'... of course by this time my mates had reached a similar conclusion, so off we limped into the unholy land of depraved euphoria once again. This cycle of lunacy repeated itself too many times for me to care to recount; every time we agreed it had to stop, and every time the relapse seemed just as inevitable.

In the end it took a 5 day bender and 15 consecutive grams to the brain for me to finally realise that if I didn't halt this chaos then my lifeforce would be drained eternally; already my body was wasting and my mind distorted beyond all coherence. On this particular bender everyone else had called it quits as we'd been up for days and by then were just chasing the ever elusive high, but I'd come into massive stash and I could NOT stop snorting to save my life. I couldn't go home to my family in such a fucked up state, no way would I let them see me like that, and I still had a few grams left. So I sat alone on a grimy rock in a secluded forest and hoovered up the rest of that shit feeling disgusted with myself and hating every minute of it, yet somehow physically compelled to continue. I was a shaking mess and an emotional wreck yet still I continued, just a worm in the clutches of addiction.

Sitting on that rock with the last of the crystals falling from my clogged and bloody nose I realised that something was horribly wrong with my body; my limbs were as cold as ice and my heart was trying to rip itself out of my chest, I felt on the brink of death. I staggered home panicked and fell straight into bed. I didn't want to go hospital because I refused live in this insanity anymore, so I feigned illness to my mom and just lay there slowly coming to terms with death, the death I had brought about with my own stupid actions. It probably took me about a week to recover from that (I don't really know, my memory of this time is pretty hazy plus it was about 2 years ago, when I was 17) and I'm lucky to be here, but I still feel chemically scarred from the experience. Although it took the very real prospect of death to deter me, I never touched mephedrone again. If I could go back, like you I never would have taken it. Life is too precious to destroy for a transient high and all too often it seems that when people like us, who lack self control, meet a drug as powerful as mephedrone the end result is all too sickening and hollow. I hope that you can learn from my mistakes and slip through it's clutches before they tighten around your neck and suffocate your existence.
Thank you for that very powerful post, KingBlue. You described perfectly how both the intense craving for the high and the knowledge that it is destroying you can coexist. I'm so glad that you came out the other side of that experience with your life.
MrOH, I think it is admirable that you have set a plan in place. Giving feedback on how you are doing throughout your withdrawal can be both a practical tool for you to use, a check-in of sorts, and also be a great help to others in your situation. Rereading the thread for your own support, as you said, will no doubt be helpful and KingBlue's contribution will make it even more so. Good luck and keep us posted--we are all here for you.<3
clean off meph for 1 month so far
been using for 2 years nearly... only on weekends but this is the devil drug
im finally starting to feel like myself again and things are looking up
determind to stay clean ive seen it wreck some off my friends, who are currently still using in the uk and have been for around the last 2 or 3 years. its a life wrecker.
Thanks for the responses guys. I managed not to take any of what i have left at the moment which is a good sign. Although i havent thrown it away im hoping that it will be ok. yesterday when i posted my message i was really worried, most likely because i was still under the influence plus i was desperately looking around the net for stories of success of getting off this stuff to give me confidence but ended up only finding horror stories which made it worse. all of this week i am on night shift so for the next 7 days i will try and keep away from it. I feel much better today other than a pulsating head ache and I dont constantly think about it. It is quite bad once on it and it makes me want more, but im a little bit more confident now as it seems to fade off 2 days after but im not sure if thats because i know i have it in the house or not.

The real test i guess is when i actually get rid of or finish what i've got, but i'm not foolish enough to convince myself that once a weekend is ok or even once a month or so, ive already gone through that in the past and that never works out as moderation is not my strong point and I know it will just spiral out of control so I have no choice but to stop properly.

Thanks again for your support guys :)