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Has anyone ever sold u fake drugs? ..what did u do?

Bad_Boy_Blue said:
Are EZ-testers too bulky to carry around raves and clubs?

no, the bottles are tiny. you could totally put it in your pocket and it wouldn't bother you or be obvious at all. here, check out the different ones:


here's a picture of the actual bottle i'm talking about:


there's really no excuse for buying fake pills these days.
Your Best Revenge Action? (deal gone wrong)

Lets say this was all in the past.. Nothing to do about it now..

WHat has been the best/worst thing you've done in revenge, after being fucked over.

Lets just say for example, this kid basically screwed you over... He wont even let you borrow money you seriously will pay back. So the guy who got his money jacked had another kid set up a deal in a park, and the thief stepped outta his car. The victim who got his money jacked then beat the fuck outta the kid, took his money, scale, whatever he had, and maybe his shoes to humiliate him.

Lets say the guy who had the money taken from him in the first place was/is a foot taller, probably has like 25 more lbs, and more experience in fighting than the other kid. Also, the kid didnt see it coming at the moment.

Was this fair?

Tell some of your stories!
Doesn't matter if it was fair or not. Only one person gets to win a street fight. If you want a fair fight, don't brawl in the street. Get them to agree and box somewhere. Get some boxing gloves and let 'em knock the shit out of one another.
umm lets see... ive poured some sugar in some gas tanks, tater in the tail pipe, nails in the drive way, busted mail box, tin foil + bleach bombs thrown through kitchen windows... umm im a revengeful type of person especially when all i have is $25 and get ripped off trying too buy 1/4g of crystal and been up 3-days, lol that motherfucker suffered.
yeah, I got sold fake E once and I should have known better. I went to a friends house who was hooked on coke at the time. I was desperate for E at the time so I asked her Coke selling boyfriend if he knew anyone. He got on the phone and called someone. He told me he could get only 2 and they were capsules. I said ok. The guy he called lived close by and sent his girlfriend over with them, she either had no idea they were fake or was putting on a really good act, showing up kind of nervous being like "jesus Im mad at him for sending me walking in this neighborhood at night. I've never even seen this E shit before in my life." I asked her what was in them and she said 100% pure mdma and I handed her the $40. Now I know what pure looks like, then I didn't. I went to the party and dropped a half...20min...40min. nothing, just a little awake, like ephedrine or somthing. I was pissed but I didn't know the sorce so I asked for it I guess.:X
say hello to the latest addition to this thread:

"Your Best Revenge Action? (deal gone wrong)"

please keep all reactions to bunk drug deals in this thread.

--> merged

Someone sold me bunk pills at a party once. I ended up finding another dealer and buying good beans so when the first dealer saw me he came up and was all like "Dude, i'm SO sorry! my girlfriend picked up the beans and i didn't know they were bunk...and she ran off with my money blah blah" but i was so faced that i was like "aw man it's okay!" lol i was fucking retarded.

I never buy acid at over 6 or so a hit, once you hit 10 its too expensive and atleast from what i have seen more likely to be fake... I also go for the people who look like they are tripping.
First time buying ecstasy... met up with the dealer, one I didn't know, and walked and talked.. He said he'd be back in 10 minutes to go pick the pills up, $35 for two mercedes. He came back, we exchanged. Got home, looked up the pills; mine didn't have the imprint. Plain, white, generic looking. I was suspicious. I eventually tried it, a 1/4th, then the 3/4, then the other pill. Nothing. I was pissed.

I deliberated what to do for a little while.

Then I had an idea. To rip him/her off for a ounce of marijuana, anonymously. I never got around to this as the risks involved were too much for me to commit to it.

I called back the dealer's friend asking for a refund and she said she would look into it, blah blah blah, bullshit.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.
of course,in the beginning.it is part of the game and i believe makes you a wiser person[although at the moment it happened i definitely wouldn't want to hear any of that philosophical crap].always try to cop from a known connection,never give up the cash without the goods,certainly never let a middleman cop for you[i dont care how unwilling the dealer is to sell to someone new],and when buying in bulk take a sample that you pick yourself from the product.really all just good common sense.of course the surest way is to test the product chemically[can be done for just about any substance]but in real life one seldom has the time and/or setup to do this.
my own fault, bought about a 1.3grams of bud for $25, then bought another bag after the first one got 'lost' (stolen) during the party I was at. Fucking bastards don't respect you unless you bust out scales and make suuure it's legit, but fuck, i'v known these kids for like 3 years now. I'm gonna use scales from now on, and only buy in quantity.
I have been ripped of many times in my day, mostly when i was younger, and i think a lot of it has to do with the fact that i look real young for my age.

I think my personality today has been affecte din the past by getting ripped off, because i'm always second guessing people, analyzing every gesture they make and their body language, when it comes to buying drugs...

I'll admit i have ripped people off before, and i came to realize it was the persons "addiction" to who ever ripped you off.

I remember one time my so called "friend" said he could get me an 8-ball of coke, i trusted him, and him and his friend came to my house saying they will be back in 10mins, and i gave them $150, he even gave me collaterall, his hat and necklace, and they never showed..talk about a drug addict. And my "friend" said the kid ditched him in town....yeah right.

I been ripped off other times before..mostly petty shit, like letting a kid see my bag of pot, then running away...selling a fentanyl patch, and the kid giving me half and running away..........being sold fake mushrooms (TIP: when buying drugs don't admit it's your first time doing it, if it is, act like you know what your doing)

I remember someone sold me a fake bag of heroin..i had the person drop it off at my work, so they figured it would be in and out. and they sold me fucking drywall..Same with coke,sold some type of powder...

But as you get older most of the people aren't as fucked up in the head to rip you off, it's mostly them stupid fucking little bitch ass high schooler FUCKS..sorry i get angry thinking bout this shit
Someone sold my friend these allergy pills as Lortabs a few years ago when my friend didn't know much about drugs. When I told him, he was so pissed. But before I buy any pills, I look them up online to see what they look like so I can be sure I get the real thing. And it's very easy to see if weed is real.
Back in 99-00' we had picked up a 100 pack of the Raised Brown Buddahs from our dude in Boston - some of the best pills to ever hit the US. His next batch were the White Stars (shaped), we were assuming they were just as good as the Buddahs so we fronted a 100 pack off him. This was back before EZ-Tests were big, so we had no idea that they were dangerous DXM pills. We sold like 10 before the guy recalled them - so we just gladly returned them and exchanged them for the Red Versaces.

Getting ripped off really does give you some perspective about the game, shows you who you can trust and who you can't. I'v made the mistake of putting 'trust' into people that arn't worthy too many times.

In the words of a great man - "Eh, fuck you, man! Who put this thing together? Me, that's who! Who do I trust? Me!" Tony Montana

The only way I deal with drugs these days is up front, weighed, and legit. SCREW trust. I'll make sure that shit is legit for all my friends, they can trust me, but I sure as hell wouldn't be offended if they weighed it.
Just got ripped off $40 dollars after trying to cop some dope for the first time.

Never gonna do that again....for a while. :p
Got sold a pill that didn't do anything, I didn't do anything though I mean it's an illegal trade so who cares.

I would never buy any bulk or something of value without testing prior.