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Has anyone ever sold u fake drugs? ..what did u do?

i got sold fake coke once... the dude went to jail before i got to him, so whatever. it wasn't a big hit to my wallet.

also have been sold fake opium once. i feel like almost everyone has been sold fake opium. i knew there was a good chance it was going to be fake when i gave the dude the money (this person went and picked it up for a group of people) but at the time i wasn't in my right mind. true opium is so delicious. haven't been stupid enough to hand over money like that since (4yr ago now).
once youve had real opium the fake stuff is pathetically easy to spot. its quite rare and pricey, at least where i reside, so the mention of it alone can make me dubious now.

*commences fruitless lust over raw poppies*
like a year or 2 ago i was sold 50 fake e pills from " a friend of a friend" , i should of known better but whatever. After i found out they were fake ..what you think i did? I got him robbed and beat by two guys i know. He was already missing his top teeth, now i wonder if his bottom are fucked too?
I cant find a single legit connect for meth here where I am. And, it sucks because I keep hoping the next one is not going to fuck me overn. Just even propability --like, that at some point i'll have to get a good bag. But, every single connect and every single bag is bullshit. Andc the same tired ass responses: "you're the only one that has complained" "its all the same shit, from the same bag" "maybe you just werent in a good mood" "your tolerance is just high" "I do so much shit these days I can eat and sleep on it"

And why in the fuck would someone think that I'D think "the bigger the shard the better" or "you know its fire when the shards knock against each other it sounds like coins" ??!!

What the fuck?!! Or, they try the "well you know you're really picky" or "well, nothing out there is really any fire these days. The old school dope jusr isnt around anymore"

Its like a conjoined effort in an attempt to dumb down just me or the whole market in this area. Like do good ACTUAL dope, sell fake or grow dope or wasp spray or some sulfide based chemical crap.

Ive had shit that caused me to have severe problems breathing and got hot and red all over and almost went into anaphylactic shock
I cant find a single legit connect for meth here where I am. And, it sucks because I keep hoping the next one is not going to fuck me overn. Just even propability --like, that at some point i'll have to get a good bag. But, every single connect and every single bag is bullshit. Andc the same tired ass responses: "you're the only one that has complained" "its all the same shit, from the same bag" "maybe you just werent in a good mood" "your tolerance is just high" "I do so much shit these days I can eat and sleep on it"

And why in the fuck would someone think that I'D think "the bigger the shard the better" or "you know its fire when the shards knock against each other it sounds like coins" ??!!

What the fuck?!! Or, they try the "well you know you're really picky" or "well, nothing out there is really any fire these days. The old school dope jusr isnt around anymore"

Its like a conjoined effort in an attempt to dumb down just me or the whole market in this area. Like do good ACTUAL dope, sell fake or grow dope or wasp spray or some sulfide based chemical crap.

Ive had shit that caused me to have severe problems breathing and got hot and red all over and almost went into anaphylactic shock
Since your in Houston, and as am I, I'm going to tell you there are pure (as pure as meth can be) around. I'm not a stim person.. But were RIGHT by mexico, you're just getting some shake'n'bake I'm assuming. A certain organization down there in which I will not speak of because they're some ruthless fucks bring in tons of that poison.. Amongst other things.
Find new dealers, man.
Obviously they don't care about you or the business you bring to the table.
There's really not much you can do about it. Your dealer sounds like a jerk off. Probably some low-level dealer who thinks his shit don't stink.

Drop him & find someone else. Let him know he's not your ONLY dealer, and that you can find better shit than what he's serving. Either he'll step his game up, or he's a low-level dealer who doesn't give two shits about his clients.
Guy I had dealt with many times, common-law husband of a supposed friend. He got scripted hydros, and I was always the first person he'd call. So, one day after work on a Friday evening, I go over his house to pick up. Dude was pretty sick and often had his young adult kids do the exchange, (which always bothered me a lot, but that was certainly not the worst thing those kids had to do. He had literally about 12 kids, of all ages. Their lives sucked.) So, his son hands me one of those orange scrip bottles, I see white pills inside, money is exchanged, all is supposedly well. Like I said, I had dealt with this dude many a time, he and his wife had hung out at my house, our kids had played together.

Get home and find a bottle of prescription strength ibuprofen. Of course, dude had been calling me all day, but now does not answer his phone. I call my friend, (his "wife"), and she is very non-committal about the whole thing. They were out on the town partying on my money. I tried to figure out a way to get revenge, but could not think of anything that would work.

Sad to say, I did, eventually, deal with him again. he never apologized or owned up, but from then on, he would have me look at the product first. I dunno, he had got the fake shit supposedly off his sister. maybe he really didn't know, but I should have gotten my $ back but never did.

I held onto the fakes for whatever reason for a long time, then something humorous happen. One of my daughter's ghetto scum crackhead boyfriends, (one in a series), came over with her, and while supposedly in the bathroom, raided my room and found those pills, and he had left by the time I noticed them gone. My best guess is that he wound up selling them to someone for crack money, so I often wonder who else got ripped off via those same ibuprofens.
Once got sold fake E from a friend, it was so obviously not E and had a cherry taste. He was going to sell them to other people and wanted me to try one for cheap I guess he thought I'd get a placebo effect? Idk but I didn't even confront him aggressively I was just like hey dude obviously that wasn't E and he just kinda looked at the ground and I was just like so you're gonna give me my money back right and he shamefully gave me my cash back lol
Its happened to me three times. The first time was with my normal dealer's sister she sold me sinus pills as vikes my dealer chewed her out and I got my cash back. The other time I got sold fake blues by this sketchy bitch, lost $160. The third and final time was when I was 14 and got sold sea salt as meth. I learned my lesson, always scope the product.
This is an old me replying. Simply put, beat their ass, and took back my money.
The new me, does not get into those situations.
I recently got totally played by a dude in SF. (I'm new here and have yet to find anything decent).
Anyway, this guy seemed real nice and I felt like shit so I didn't check the stuff out until I had walked a few blocks away. I was just happy it worked out.
Turns out this fucker gave me a fucking pebble off the ground and sold it to me as tar. It was just a black rock. Of course by the time I went back the guy was gone. I was planning on confronting him..When I talked to another guy in the area he seemed like he knew the guy I was referring to. Guess I wasn't the first naive white girl to get played.

I got sold fake acid both times I was fit to buy it :eek:8):!.

Didn't really do anything about it but stop seeing the dealers. I didn't have any pull with people who could set it right. Now I'm almost sure that kind of thing wouldn't happen. I lost like $150 so it was real money but not absofuckingly ridiculous.
Once my boyfriend (at the time) told me he was getting me xanax because I was having panic attacks again, he took them and gave me mobic, which is like advil. another time he pretended to have acid when he had pieces of paper, my hundred went missing at a coke dealers house, all of a sudden he has all this coke. he bought me molly, which after snorting put me to sleep..guess he didn't care what i put up my nose or if it could hurt me. all he did was rip me off. i blame myself and decided to get smart about what i was doing.
^ Doesn't sound like a boyfriend at all.
Seems like he was just using you in order to keep his addiction maintained..
Actually, I'm 100% sure that's exactly what happend.

How you never figured it out from the get-go... I'll never understand.
Love is blind, I suppose.
How strange to run across this thread tonight... this just happened: a friend had picked up some tar and when we sat to break it down (spoon, water, heat, etc.) it produced a lot of sediment and an oily substance that floated on top of the solution. When you pulled the solution through cotton the black sediment sort of stuck to the bottom and when you added a wash to the spoon and agitated it, it just smeared around everywhere. While heating, the puff of steam that came off the top smelled of instant coffee and, surprise, it tasted just like the best part of waking up :). I honestly cannot say whether there was any alkaloid content to this shit at all, because even though it seemed to produce an odd, brief rush, it quickly subsided and left me with this odd feeling of what I'm pretty sure could only have been caffeine anxiety. I will say that before I took it I was experiencing some mild withdrawal symptoms (sweating, hot flashes, high blood pressure, anxiety, runny nose, etc.) and afterwards, those symptoms (save the anxiety) subsided. The funny thing is, the thing was given to my buddy as a 6-bag 'chunk' and it weighed 0.2g under... I wonder why, if somebody was going to sling tar loaded with instant coffee, they wouldn't just go ahead and hook up fat bags... haha

also, I thought it would be appropriate to mention here that loratadine 10mg tablets look an awful lot like roxy 5s. Don't be fooled like I was and buy 20 of the fucking things. I actually had pills #'s 11 and 12 ready to go when my buddy called me and told me he had just checked the imprint and found out what the pills really were (which is what I would have done myself if i weren't, apparently, such a trusting fool). Boo..
Yeah. SWIDK went as far as signing up to a site, making a post his alergy pills to be 1mg ativan and make 300 trade with SWIM for 30-50 2mg subs. When SWIM found out the pills were fake he called dude who gave them and he make a story of his aunt and eventually paid $300. SWIM had an encounter after this trying to regain hope after a long time. dude brought a perc bottle with the same allergy pills and marched around with the same aunt switching pills bullshit. SWIM was amused by this point. the last encounter Swim had dude he gave 10 10mg V 3600 vics free which turned out to be scratched IB 800mgs. SWIM countered all those fakes from one person and havent spoken since

This. We actually don't allow SWIM or any third person posting like that. It's in the BLUA and forum guidelines.