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Has anyone ever had Ibogaine addiction treatment?


Feb 25, 2010
It's supposedly a miracle drug to cure opiate addiction and cravings, but is illegal in the US. However, there are clinics in Mexico and I believe Canada and Europe. Has anyone ever had this treatment? If so, did it work?
Look on you tube there are episodes of this guy going into a African village and eatting the ibogaine root. evidently you trip for days, And it makes you really question the wrong you have done in your life. espeacialy look into your past. It was said to be treatment to get people off methadone ,or opiods that have been on them for years. Hwever there are conflicting reports of success rates. Alot of americans go down to mexico to these Ibogaine rehab camps.
I know two people that have. One used Ibogaine to get off of long term sub, the other used it to get off opiates. When done correctly, there are quite a it of pre treatment medical testing. Its wicked expensive. According to what I was told, it's about two days of tripping, it's more controlable and your able to focus, restart etc. Apparently the Ibo fills the receptors so your wds are pretty much non exsistent, said to cover about 95% of them. I'll look for the letter they sent me and paste it when I find it. Really interesting stuff.
Look on you tube there are episodes of this guy going into a African village and eatting the ibogaine root. evidently you trip for days, And it makes you really question the wrong you have done in your life. espeacialy look into your past. It was said to be treatment to get people off methadone ,or opiods that have been on them for years. Hwever there are conflicting reports of success rates. Alot of americans go down to mexico to these Ibogaine rehab camps.

That would be cool as fuck going to an African village to trip, if you didn't have an opiate habit!
Yeah right It took a very long time for the guy to be accepted into the tribe. i believe it was on Nat Geo. I love that channel,and History ,Travel channel exc. but yeah getting into nature while tripping or doing anything for that matter is beautiful. I used to grow mushies when I was younger, Very fun and rewarding hobby......
evidently you trip for days, And it makes you really question the wrong you have done in your life. espeacialy look into your past.

This would be very scary for me. Reliving all the wrong I've done while tripping sounds very depressing. I had a similar experience one time with psylocibin and it was a very bad trip. I never did mushrooms again after that. Maybe Ibogaine makes you have a similar experience, but I never want to feel like that again.
yeah Ive had trips like that as well, where things get real ugly , and it can come on all of a sudden if you encounter someone very negative, or something upsets you it can throw your whole trip off. I love me some psylocibin mushies. I use to grow some big ass equadors, KSSS, But penis envy are prob most potent in my experiance.... Hey maybe well see ibogaine soon...
guess no one who has actually gotten to DO Ibogaine has shared his/her experiences yet?

i have a friend who had some Ibogaine BROUGHT to him in the US...lucky bastard. It sounds like it has amazing potential...

some users have reported reliving the moments that LED to there addiction
god, sounds like such an awesome tool.
guess no one who has actually gotten to DO Ibogaine has shared his/her experiences yet?

i have a friend who had some Ibogaine BROUGHT to him in the US...lucky bastard. It sounds like it has amazing potential...

some users have reported reliving the moments that LED to there addiction
god, sounds like such an awesome tool.

Yeah I think if this is to work it would def have to fill those receptors in the brain that get filled when doing opiods, because I couldnt see being sick triping. Maybe what someone above wrote ,that ibogaine some how fills in those gaps. But wow ive done some rotten shit when I was junked out,def sounds interesting.......
when it comes to getting off opiates..

the HARD TRUTH is there is no easy way...

nno matter what ull go thru some sort of withdrawls.. there will always be that day when u need to stop taking opiates... and im referring to weaning off them too

i used to look into easy ways out too for an excuse to keep getting high...

ask any opiate user who has quite....there no easy way out so dont try to find a leeway