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Alcohol Has anyone ever found a way to drink while gaining minimal amounts of weight?

A good single malt whisky wont make you gain any weight plus it never gives me a hangover even if I drink a whole bottle. Red wine gives me hangovers from hell
Pregabalin is very expensive in the US, but I have no clue how much, just heard a lot of people on here bitch bout its price lol. It (and gabapentin) work well with most drugs including benzos, but I must add that combining CNS depressants such as gabapentin/pregabalin and benzos is not the best idea. In fact both are great at potentiating most drugs including opioids and alcohol.

If you are the guy with gastritis then gabapentin/pregabalin might give you a break from messing up your mucosal lining, and as both are not metabolised by your live (by kidneys instead) you can give your liver a break too.

Gabapentin can be acquired online, but for HR purposes I wouldn't suggest you do that, also you aren't really meant to be sourcing drugs here.

Some people experience WD's, others do not. I fall somewhere in the middle in that with gabapentin I had a week of mild anxiet and uneasiness but it cleared up after about 6/7 days. Supplemental magnesium has been anecdotally suggested as relieving WDs.
There is no secret cure to stop gaining weight if you drink on top of a unhealthy diet and little exercise.

Beer has the most calories, so you could switch to something like vodka waters or gin waters on ice, as you would be intaking the same amount of alcohol with half the calories.

Otherwise, proper diet and exercise outside of drinking is all there is to it.
There is no secret cure to stop gaining weight if you drink on top of a unhealthy diet and little exercise.

Beer has the most calories, so you could switch to something like vodka waters or gin waters on ice, as you would be intaking the same amount of alcohol with half the calories.

Otherwise, proper diet and exercise outside of drinking is all there is to it.

I don't have an unhealthy diet and I exercise at least 3 times a week bare minimum so I don't know why you'd add in that comment.

I think that if you drink enough, it doesn't matter how healthy your diet is and how much you exercise though, unless your metabolism is through the roof you are going to gain weight I guess.
If a bottle of red wine has 700 calories, as I have read, and jogging at a good pace burns 500 calories an hour (assuming 5'10" male 160 lbs) then you need to jog for about 80 minutes for every bottle of wine - not to lose any weight, but just to work off the calories from the alcohol.
If you drink 3 bottles a week, you will have to jog for about 35 minutes every day.
This does not include any other "wasted" calories you put in your body.
Donut? Run some more.
Cheesecake? Get a gym membership.

I don't have an unhealthy diet and I exercise at least 3 times a week bare minimum so I don't know why you'd add in that comment.

I think that if you drink enough, it doesn't matter how healthy your diet is and how much you exercise though, unless your metabolism is through the roof you are going to gain weight I guess.

That was just a general statement to anyone that may read the post. But if you are gaining weight then ur calories in vs ur calories out is too high, which is essentially a unhealthy diet because you will slowly put on weight over time. In a few years this slight caloric surplus adds up and you may realize you have gotten fat.

What I meant was, on days you drink you have to limit your calories via food throughout the day, avoiding large amounts of fatty foods (the macro fat is 9 cals per gram vs 4 cals per gram from proteins or carbs)

You only want to get in your daily dose of healthy fats, and otherwise balance ur carb and protein intake aswell so you leave room for the calories you will consume from alcohol, making it fit your maintence caloric needs to avoid weight gain.
Drink a lot of water. The weight I have due to alcohol is that wine or beer makes me feel hydrated but its not really doing that. As my body is not used to getting much water it holds on to it and stores more, the 'water weight' some call it. Body builders do the opposite by drinking heaps of water the few days leading up to a comp and then not on the day to get rid of the water weight.
Unfortunately I think most, if not all alcohol is fermented into sugars from potatos (vodka) juinper berries (gin) grapes (vino) yeast/barley (beer and ales.)
It's bad news for exercise too though; feeling shit the next day isn't helpful.
Another GABA agonist perhaps.

"Do not mix CNS depressants"
^ listen.
or don't mix downers with downers :)