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Happy Winter Solstice!


Bluelight Crew
Nov 9, 2013
Only 7 hours of daylight (for UK members)

What will you use yours to look at?
Only 7 hours of daylight (for UK members)

What will you use yours to look at?

Mornin' Stee, well I'm just looking at a can of Karpackie and thinking "soon you'll be mine".

First I'll go and watch the sunrise, pray to a few pagan gods, take the wife shopping, then hit that Karpackie...
Morning Fubar - good select bro. Been umming and ahhring about skinning up before putting the 3rd disc (ep 5 & 6) of 'The Pacific' on BD (watched Band of Brothers last week so thought I'd have another watch of the follow up as I haven't seen it it since buying and watching it about 5 years ago) but if I'm going to have a nice lean over the weekend I cannot afford to pringle pop any this morning which will just result in my spending the day smoking. None of this uses the precious light of the sun of course but with summer returning fast by tomorrow (we will have an extra 3 seconds according to 5Live) I promise to make up for any wasted moments then (in all senses of the term) xx
I woke up in the early hours and skinned up with the kif from the bottom of my grinder. Fell back to sleep then woke up still wasted. I underestimated its potency...
That shit rocks. The last grow I had in my immediate vicinity bore plenty through my associates pollinator. Long time since I had access to such beautiful materials (I prefer to cut my weed up finely with scissors rather than grind so I do not have such lovely left over goodies as standard)
^ i cleaned the screen in my grinder a while ago with isopropyl, and since then i've been yielding heaps more kif.
I've had the same grinder for over 10 years, and i'd only ever cleaned the screen with a toothbrush, so it was pretty blocked up i guess.

Longest day of the year down here %)
Well the sunrise was a wash out - went from dark cloudy dismalness to slightly less dark cloudy dismalness.

Then got a bollocking off the wife for being stoned while we were shopping.

Ah well, at least I've still got Karpackie to look forward to...
Haha i love the mental image this conjures up.

Heh, 52 years old and getting told off in public like a naughty schoolboy.

Top tip about the grinder screen SJ :) Did you collect the isopropyl and evaporate it off to smoke the residue?
If the bollocking happened in the fruit section i bet it was over a watermelon
I thought I was the only one who still used scissors.

I bought this book in 1997 'The Joint Rolling Handbook', which advised to use scissors over grinders to avoid damaging the weed. I do not know the backgrounds to this but as a young impressionable druggie I instantly took this on board and have continued to scissor since. I have a vicious metal grinder but I have only ever used it to mash up super hard chalky co - codamol tablets in the past for cwe's.
I bought this book in 1997 'The Joint Rolling Handbook', which advised to use scissors over grinders to avoid damaging the weed. I do not know the backgrounds to this but as a young impressionable druggie I instantly took this on board and have continued to scissor since. I have a vicious metal grinder but I have only ever used it to mash up super hard chalky co - codamol tablets in the past for cwe's.

The only advantage I can see of using scissors instead of a grinder is that more of the trichomes will stay intact, therefore it should be slightly stronger in theory. However, grinders are quicker, less fiddly and yields a luvverly crop of kif which is a nice, potent reserve for when yer buds have all gone.
Yeah, i like being able to get stoned even if i have no weed :)
Grinder makes it nice and fluffy for vaping or spliffs too. I don't ever put baccy in joints, so they tend to work better when put through a grinder.
...more of the trichomes will stay intact...

This is the reason cited by the book. No point in me even trying to collect any detritus in grinders and the like as they would never build up enough for me to get an decent emergency pipe out of it. I'm still smoking the residue from my silver palm leaf every gram that goes through it I'm such a scrubber.
This is the reason cited by the book. No point in me even trying to collect any detritus in grinders and the like as they would never build up enough for me to get an decent emergency pipe out of it. I'm still smoking the residue from my silver palm leaf every gram that goes through it I'm such a scrubber.

Heh, I'm the same mate. It's only because I've had a significant amount of homegrown that the kif has built up to a usable quantity.
If you use a grinder with a kief sieve next time you clean out with Iso or acetone try cleaning a penny too. Then throw the penny in the grinder. It will keep the screen clear for much longer, knocks off kief on the sides and on the bud. IMHO inceases yield and effectiveness. However you can't increase kief / trichomes from what the good lady first delivered. Robbing Peter to pay Paul but by god Paul's a saint when the green has gone ?
My 87 year old mother is here staying with me for the holidays. She woke up this morning and said, "Best fucking day of the year!" When I asked what she was talking about she said, "We are on the upswing now. Onward to more daylight!" Then I had to go and ruin the mood by saying, "one more day closer to the Mentally Ill Scary Guy taking office." 8( But so as not to depress anyone on a celebration thread such as this, I'll leave you with this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdyal_osAts

And really, truly from the depths of my Pagan soul, HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE to all!