

Oct 17, 2005
Have you achieved it?

I remember a time in my life when a girl made me very happy but I don't seem to be able to get there again. I have good friends, until very recently had a good job, I have a loving family, and yet I wouldn't care if this was my last day on earth.
If I knew that I would go out and do it. But here are a few thoughts:

Not being an opiate addict
Some female companionship
Skills in an industry than doesn't break you apart if you want to achieve any form of success.
Not feeling like I've wasted my talents
If I knew that I would go out and do it.


But here are a few thoughts:

Not being an opiate addict
Some female companionship
Skills in an industry than doesn't break you apart if you want to achieve any form of success.
Not feeling like I've wasted my talents

That's a great start dude. I'd put some serious thought into what you listed there, get a feel for what they really mean to you. Understand what accomplishing those things will mean for yourself and your life.

Keep on thinking them through. Allow what is now a list of somewhat general ideas flesh itself out. You will learn more about where you want to be heading, you may start to understand the direction you want your life to be taking.

As you start to progress towards achieving those things, you may begin to more clearly see what it is you need to do to actually get there. The future seems brighter and more certain.

As this becomes clearer in your mind, you may start to feel a sense of worth and accomplishment in every step you make along to the road to your life goals. You may find happiness well before you arrive at your destination.
Morpher thats a great answer.
And to the op I can relate so much to wat u said, it really is spot on with how im feeling now.

I wanna break down and cry and im a grown ass man
Im also an opiate addict, just kicked dope and got on suboxone

I really beleive that opiates really rape ur emotions,
I too jus wanna be happy, content even...
I feel im in a rut but I think taking charge and making changes and taking steps towards what I wanna do in life rather then just dream about it could be the answer. True happiness comes from within though.
There may not be one certain thing u could do to reach it. Its more of a process I guess
And I have been in this situation before and took some steps towards self help, getting my confidense built back up and I did eventualy feel better in my skin...

That's a great start dude. I'd put some serious thought into what you listed there, get a feel for what they really mean to you. Understand what accomplishing those things will mean for yourself and your life.

Keep on thinking them through. Allow what is now a list of somewhat general ideas flesh itself out. You will learn more about where you want to be heading, you may start to understand the direction you want your life to be taking.

As you start to progress towards achieving those things, you may begin to more clearly see what it is you need to do to actually get there. The future seems brighter and more certain.

As this becomes clearer in your mind, you may start to feel a sense of worth and accomplishment in every step you make along to the road to your life goals. You may find happiness well before you arrive at your destination.

awesome, i totally agree...

"Keep on thinking them through. Allow what is now a list of somewhat general ideas flesh itself out. You will learn more about where you want to be heading, you may start to understand the direction you want your life to be taking."

present yourself with a clear-mental-image of what you want and need, set aside any temporary situational restrictive circumstances, even if they seem like practicalities, you can and will evolve as an individual, a lot of things must change in-order for you to.

most often we develop addictions, or compulsive negative behavior satisfying the wants of our ego in order to satisfy what has been chosen as an identity. once our ego has finally realized that what it did have to attach to, is gone, all hell breaks loose...this is where relapses happen, when we are past the physical addiction, after all the hell gone through, for some reason the decision is made to start over again...its because the "void" in so many words, where that part of the identity was, has not been "filled" again properly. +,- 40 days is probably popular...

taking mental notes of your achievement, keeping that mental image in mind, and doing what you can everyday, all day, only out of cause to help better your environment for others, and yourself no matter how big or small...will be the extra bit needed for pure motivation to begin actually creating, and sustaining that happiness...it will soak in from the environment you create first.

you see? for instance, these people made a song on the subject, in order to generate such a reality.
created our own happiness
I'm not sure how to create an environment that will make me happy, I only remember being truly happy for one period in my life.
I'm not sure how to create an environment that will make me happy, I only remember being truly happy for one period in my life.

from what i know....
youve got to get rid of the dope.

sounds like this all just kind of snuk-up on you, or rather, something happened to bring all this heavy stuff to the surface -
annnd you are dragging yourself through the mud. here is a familiar 'mile-stone', you are at a cross-roads "'two roads diverged in the yellow wood" and perhaps you have 3 paths; Familiar & short; Long tried & proven; Wild Card/or something less, "wild" but chance maybe.

before which ever of hopefully, "long and tried" or "wild card" you chose as a path, and creating a new environment for yourself, in general for anyone - step-back & gain perspective; disassemble arrange evaluate the core; accept what you see & be inspired, develop a plan; follow through & allow for chance; accept & gain insight from what is left. all that matters as far as compensation is what you gain for the soul of yourself, and how that is to be shared with your family and whom ever else, this will be what begins to solidify that place and an honest one.

these "principles" haha, can be spread out and applied/viewed as a course of action, that occurs over the course of a month or year, day or hour - applied to rearranging your bedroom, making dinner, or taking your-life back under-control. write down what you want for yourself, write it down everyday. as morpher001 suggested, begin to allow for these 'thoughts' to "flesh out".

what ever you decide to put more time and effort into, is what will be made real. count and become aware of how much time you actually spend thinking about positive or negative things, and Doing...sorry to rant.
Happiness isn't something you completely achieve indefinitely.. It's an emotion that comes and goes based on how your mind reacts to things that happen throughout life, I've achieved and lost happiness many times, happiness isn't permanent, but neither is it's opposite.
This is true, I don'r remember much happiness though. In fact, I only remember one period, and that's never coming back.
If you think long and hard I'm sure you can find different periods of happiness throughout your life.. Maybe your lack of happiness now causes you to believe that there was no other happiness.. but when you are happy, all the bad times don't seem as bad.
Never absolutely, but came very close to it during 2006. Have been longing to get back to that state ever since.
Have you achieved it?

I remember a time in my life when a girl made me very happy but I don't seem to be able to get there again. I have good friends, until very recently had a good job, I have a loving family, and yet I wouldn't care if this was my last day on earth.

Given we are not talking about chemically induced happiness

I'm convinced I don't actually know what it is, if someone could clearly define it for me then maybe I could answer:\
If I knew that I would go out and do it. But here are a few thoughts:

Not being an opiate addict
Some female companionship
Skills in an industry than doesn't break you apart if you want to achieve any form of success.
Not feeling like I've wasted my talents

Thats an excellent one. I worked in a highly paid job which, although the job itself wasn't too stressful, the office politics drove me mad. I ended up leaving after 2 and a half years (I thought it was my dream job), and have done an expensive, worse than useless MSc just so I could escape it. I'm now jobless but teaching myself computer aided design and am going to try to break into that industry (architectural).

So yeah, the *dream job* may well not lead to happiness at all in the long run.