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Hang-over remedies

Just staunch it through the first few drinks the next night and then you are right to party again...
Anything fatty to soak up the alochoal... Best thing is a warm shower before going to bed, then a vitiam shake..
What I've found works REALLY well is to either eat before drinking (IE: Pizza) or get smashed and before going home, eat a Kebab or a Big Mac.

I've also noticed taking a bit of gooey once your really drunk sobers you up quickly! and no hang over :)

Fuck it works wonders! I can drink and drink these days and still wake up and functional normally!

God drunk sleeps are the best!

shals :D
keystroke said:
I got some anti-hangover shower gel and deodorant for my birthday, the shower gel seems to sober me up some... not sure on the deodorant yet...

lynx green bottles/spray tins they are.... good they be...

Don't tell me you buy that crap? :) It's called marketing dude...

The only thing that shower gel does towards curing your hangover is make you smell nice...

Not that I can talk, the minute I saw the name of the others, "Speed", I threw it into the trolley :)
My remedy:

Asidophilus (spelling?) yoghurt: why? because the alcohol washes away the good bacteria in your stomach, thats why you feel sick when you're hung over. eat some yoghurt, its back, good stuff.

lots of water

something sugary after you've had your yoghurt.

a good meal or sushi (nothing like saying sorry to the body with sushi after a big night out)
^^ Yo, hungover respect to Sushi. . .When all else seems like it'll just come back up, Sushi is what always gets me over the line. It just seems to have a real cool, refreshing look and feel to it which works wonders on an overwrought body and mind.

I find eating anything before bed always helps. A must have is Berocca with Vitamin C in the morning, comes in a tropical flavour that tastes great, I love it.

Also, if you have a big meal before bed, you can quite easily skip breakfast to have a massive late lunch. Sushi as mentioned before, or Nando's, my stomach loves Nando's when I'm all seedy, or Red Rooster cheesy nuggets, fuck yeah.

I've found those alcodol caps didn't do much for me. . .but each to their own. As for backing it up. . .I need something mellow for the first few drinks. . .Like a Gin & Juice, Baileys, Kahlua & Milk, Tequila Sunrise. . .A couple of really smooth drinks and then it's easy st. Aaaaah I love backing it up, it's the best drunk you can be. . .just muntedly drunk =D *sighs*

Geez, i really feel like getting maggot now! Great thread!

Oh and Thoth hit the nailon the head, if you can hack it, Bloody Mary or shots of Tequila will fix you right the fuck up quick smart!
Isn't a hangover just your body telling you that it's water deprived, i.e. dehydrated? For me personally, I usually feel too sick to eat/drink anything. So the next best thing for me is to have a nice long bath (yes, your body actually absorbs the water!) and to sleep. Dunno if this is a bit placebo, but works like a charm. The only thing you need is the time! (and some bubble bath!) ;)
alright, i drunk a fukload last night, had 7 hours sleep and felt fine when i woke up.

just before leaving the pub, drank a bottle of water.
cooked bacon & eggs when i came home.
had more water & a vitamin b tablet before i went to bed.
drank more water thruout the night.
woke up, and felt fine.

had sugar on my cereal for breakky, ate a yoghurt, more water & vitamin b, then a toasted sandwich once i got to work!!
I try to avoid hang overs by eating something like... a toasted sandwich when i get home... drinking 1-1.5 litres of water... and if I can be bothered, having a shower before i hop into bed. The only problem is I always wake up really early needing to go to the toilet, but that gives me the chance to suss out my head and have a panadol if it feels bad. Then back to bed I go!

Oh yes, and berocca works a treat..
From what my mate reckons, the ultimate hangover cure is using those oxygen cannisters. He said it was something to do with the lack oxygen in the blood? But I dont know the science of it so it could be bullshite.
Personally I think that drinking heaps of water before, during and after is a good start, along with vitamins and minerals, 5-htp, powerade and heaps of mega-fat loaded takeaway food also deserves a mention
dirty grease filled bacon and egg roll with bbq sauce does the trick often! ;)
depends on the severity, i find the beach to be the best relaxer for any hangover type mood .. but a pint is always involved in this so *meh*, actually i rarely get hangovers ... but on the occasion i do, pints or HJ's cure them.
i've got the best way to never have hangovers ever again.

don't drink excessively.
