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Nov 23, 2002
Let me just start with: Yes i used the search engine but i did'nt found the answers i was looking for.
So heres my question:
How do u do to hallucinate?
Sometimes i get visuals and sometimes dont, why?
Is there any tips on how to get visuals easier?
Ahhh.. depends on what chemical they use in the pill, and how much of it they use.
Visuals usually come out in the dark. If you got guts, try walking down a dark lane at night. I did, i saw a house with a whole news crew surrounding it as if something terrible had happened.. that image still freaks me out. I also saw loads of vastly overweight girls coming towards me lol
If you wanna hallucinate, i suggest you EAT marijuana.. and alot of it, and outside in the dark.
If u can get hold of mushrooms, or Acid.. do that.
I heard people talking about how weed makes get visuals easier if your're on E. is this true?
oh yeah, thats true.
I remember at a club, we picked up some random pill-head who's mates stole his car and left him with no way back.
We rolled a spliff, and he was saying that it'll make u hallucinate if ur on pills. he sounded like he knew what he was talkin about
If you have slightly quieter places at raves and clubs like we do here, smoke weed when you're rolling and go give someone a massage, or do something else physical - you should get real nice closed eye visuals - I find them more like waking-dreams. Do Acid if you want a decent night full of them though... Haven't tried candy-flipping - what are the visuals like doing Acid and E together?
close your eyes and put them right into bright flashing lights... the flashing red light coming through your eye lids will absolutely explode into visuals(, pot can help too)
Take a pill high in MDA and you more than likely will hallucinate, i do all the time on MDA pills. Thats what im planning on taking at a Sasha party Sunday, a pure MDA pill!!! YAY SASHA for a 5 hour set, YAY!!!!
Ok thanks for all you answers guys!
Anyone ever tried watching the winamp visuals? :)
Ok so weed makes you hallcuniate easier but does'nt ít kill your roll a bit? I've heard people talking about that weed fucks up your roll a bit.. anyone who agree?
i would suggest smokin few cones towards end of your peak, and yeah, nice quite dark place helps. Had awesome experience sitting outside overlookin river one night after bein on it all day... everything sorta went animated, really two dimensional and flat and pixillated. But i agree that it flattens you right out if you smoke whilst peaking.
Okey thank you. Anyone used UV-light or black light while they rolling?
[ 14 March 2003: Message edited by: 4-Acetoxy-DiPT ]
Yeah, i experience the greatest visuals off mdma if i smoke pot as soon as my peak starts to drop. I dont smoke before or during my peak cause it does bring your high down but if you wait till your peak falls, youll start seeing mad visuals and its like a different kind of trip in itself.
Well i went to a bush doof a few weeks ago and when we first got there the only lights the had on were black lights and they had trippy pictures and weird things hanging everywhere so it was pretty trippy but as the night went on i didnt notice the black lights as much i dont know whether they changed them or whether me eyes got used to them but shit that was the first time i had visuals and they were way funny like at one time i was talking to this guy and i couldnt really focus on his face and he kept changing into all these people i knew it was way bizare and i kept laughing! and another time i saw a guy i knew from school and i ran up to him and im like hey how are ya?? and as i was talking to him his face changed and i shit myself and run off it was pretty funny. . .so yeah i think if you r in the dark and there is plenty to look at it enhances your visuals. . .
I rolled for my first time in over a year two months ago...I swear to god when the lights were off I thought I was seeing golden traces of people...Weird shit.
from what i understand, you dont get visuals from pure MDMA. They typically come through the presence of MDA.

Some people will say that there are pillz with crushed LSD microdots in them. That is a lie. Others will say that your pills contain heroin. This is another lie.

Hallucinations = MDA
LikuidKid said:
from what i understand, you dont get visuals from pure MDMA. They typically come through the presence of MDA.

Some people will say that there are pillz with crushed LSD microdots in them. That is a lie. Others will say that your pills contain heroin. This is another lie.

Hallucinations = MDA

i believe you can get mild hallucinations off MDMA alone, correct me if i am wrong though.
4-Acetoxy-DiPT said:
Anyone used UV-light or black light while they rolling?

yeah, i have a blacklight in my room.. it can make for an interesting night a times ;) sometimes it can get a little bright and I end up turning it off, but overall it provides a psychedelic atmosphere.. combined with the glowing stars on my ceiling, it can make MDA trips insane (in a good way)

about smoking weed.. smoking will make it more halluginagenic from what i've seen.. just don't smoke enough to get high- otherwise you'll be wondering if you're "pilling" (rolling, whatever you call it) or if you're just high
FeZ said:
i believe you can get mild hallucinations off MDMA alone, correct me if i am wrong though.
some people argue no, but i've taken pills i've been certain are mdma that have given me visuals. I think a large part of that is dependent on the user