Hallucinating SCARY


Jan 17, 2000
I usually love E and have always had the best time on it. This past time I had crazy visuals the whole time. I usually always have visuals but they have NEVER been this way. THESE WERE SCARY...I would look at someone and see them change into different people, sometimes it was quick but most of the time I would keep staring and their faces were distorted.. Like completely different looking or with a facial disortion(they would still be talking to me and I would just trip because they didn't know what I saw) .I wasn't looking for it- it was just there, I also saw smoke, a snake, and one of my friends was dancing with a glow stick(of course it was really dark) and she looked like she turned into the grim reaper...I know this sounds so childish and silly but it really really scared me and made me think again about drugs...Does anyone else know anyone who has felt an evil type of presence or feeling while on drugs? Or scary hallucinations? I was in a good mood before and was with the closest people to me...? I was a little tired before???? What do you think? The E also made me extremely confused, and I kept having psychic type of feelings or Deja Vu....
What the hell,every other time has just been a party??? Please write I'm confused.. comment on evil aspects of E please
I have had visuals once on E but it was on a Saturday and we had partied on Friday all night, I had no sleep and I ate 2 white buddhas because I knew one wouldn't do me any good......peoples faces were looking alien like, they would turn green with like leopard like skin, and they would be wearing glasses, wire rimmed to be exact...I just passed it off as lack of sleep and to many drugs and enjoyed it@@ I don't think it's anything to worry about....also maybe your pilll was cut with 2cb or some other hallucinagenic....hope this helps!!
~~~Queen G~~~
Mine were wearing glasses too!!! I feel a little better for some reason
Wire rimmed as well....well thats strange...I was trying to tell my boyfriend I kept seeing him in glasses.....that's just wierd the night before I had 3 hours of sleep so maybe it's that....but exactly they looked alien like.. Does anyone associate what they feel on E as somewhat evil? Hallucinating and things like that?
I love those trippy pills....I have seen some fucked up shit too. Here is one...on new years I ate an 8ball at like 4 in the morning and I was feeling good then BAMMM it hit me so fast, as all pills do, knocked me off my ass I had to sit down and lay down didn't want to move or talk. I saw ants, butterflies, tattoos all over peoples bodies, beads comin out of my friends ears, cheeta print on my friends face, THE KILLER ONE, we were walking out on to the ice (the rave was in an iceplex) and I looked at my friend and said we can't go out there. He said why and I said cause look the lights are on and the people are picking up the carpets and the dj stopped spinnin. He looked at me all fucked up and said shut up your trippin. THEN ALL OF THE SUDDEN I SEE IT. All the kids with their glowsticks dancin all over the place the lights off and the dj was still spinnin. I later have come to know that I blew up so hard. I love those damn trippy pills to much. Then I just had to shoot mad salad but I couldn't talk very well so I was thinking so many things at one time and only few things came out of my mouth. The best one...That wall is like my mom and that wall is like my dad...lol..You never know what type of pill you are going to get bunk, trippy, dirty, clean, you never know. That's the fun part. A lot of pills have alot of other shit in them. Pills also effect other people differntly. I have only had 2 pills that have made me trip hard.
[This message has been edited by bean_geek (edited 18 January 2000).]
Ohhh I see, thanks for describing all that because it goes along with what I felt. So Im not crazy