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Had Sex With a Friend, Now he Has not Texted me All Day


Oct 3, 2013
I'm really nervous that I fucked up I have liked this guy for a long time, and we decided to go out last night. We had a really nice night. Went out to eat, then went out on his friends boat and looked at the stars. After we left, I invited him in. We watched some episodes of the twilight zone, and he started massaging my feet, then my calves, then my thighs. He got started to pull me closer to his groin area, and I could feel that he was really hard. I asked him if he wanted to come up to my room and he agreed. We made love, took a nap, woke up, and did it again. He left this morning, and seemed kind of cold. He didn't say he liked me or anything. I don't know what I could do to possibly do something about this. I really like the guy and would like to have a relationship with him
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That's very typical of men. After I have sex or orgasm, I feel drained, I totally don't want to talk to people, I just wanna sit and recharge. It's hormones. It's not personal.

These things happen in waves. He's not going to be all over you all the time. He'll lose interest (like after sex) and gain interest again. Gotta go with the flow.
He might not have said much because like you he may be afraid that he screwed things up. Only thing I can say is give it a day, try talking to him about how you feel be honest; he may be in fact just as afraid and baffled as to where to go now as you are. Or like Rhythm said he could have been drained. . . either way go with it, and when you do talk to him be open and honest.
i would phone him/text him to find out when you are going to meet again. next time talk to him before you have sex to see if he feels the same way that you do.

make it clear you want a relationship
That's very typical of men. After I have sex or orgasm, I feel drained, I totally don't want to talk to people, I just wanna sit and recharge. It's hormones. It's not personal.

These things happen in waves. He's not going to be all over you all the time. He'll lose interest (like after sex) and gain interest again. Gotta go with the flow.

^ This is exactly what will happen, he will most likely text or call you in a few days, don't stress at all because we're terrible people and we do this all the time.
I wouldn't read too much into it at all. It had only been a day, there's lots of reasons why he might not have called - maybe he was afraid he'd messed your friendship up and felt uncomfortable calling, maybe he didn't want to sound over-eager, maybe he needed some time to reflect on his feelings...maybe he was busy. I'd wait another day or so and if he still hasn't gotten in touch maybe you should and just kinda see what's up. But try not to worry in the meantime, from what you've said there really isn't any particular reason to :)
You should definitely talk to him and let your feelings known. Don't assume men know what's going on. Most of the time they don't. You need to spell it out for them. I'm serious. If you don't tell him what the sex meant to you, he won't know and he'll assume that you don't want anything more out of it. But yeah like everyone else said, I wouldn't worry too much about it yet, he's just being a dude and they don't always think about texting or calling as much as we do. (I'm generalizing, but.... most of the time that's how it goes, and it sounds like it could be the case here)
^ this right here so true. I'm a guy, and if it wasn't for my girl spelling things out for me she'd still be a friend and I'd have lost out on the best damn thing in my life. Some times we are thick headed and clueless.
I spelled it out for him, told him I care about him and want to be with him. After talkin about 12 hours to my texts he responded saying in a really round-about way that he does not want a relationship with me.