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Had major sinus surgery today


Jan 14, 2022
I mean, it's great. I've waited for months with on and off SEVERE headaches that were actually at times about as bad as the one I have now. But holy fucking SHIT this hurts. Some of you might've seen me talk about this in other threads and why I ended up having such a terrible year because of it, having to quit smoking weed (which was REALLY fucking hard but I actually started vaping it earlier this month with great success). Vaping gave me pain before and even edibles, which is weirdly specific.

So here's the breakdown:

1. Maxillary astronomy
2. Septoplasty
3. Removal of polyps

I was never told the septum deviation was bad enough to need surgery until today. That's causing a TON of pain in my nose because I have splints in until June 1st. At least that's not far away. I wish they would have told me, because initially, I was told the deviation was not bad enough to require fixing. I wouldn't be able to breathe out my right nostril as well, but I didn't care. I could smell and taste just fine. But it did narrow my nasal passage a little more, and if there were polyps in that nostril it was likely necessary. They didn't specify which nostril had them though. Idk man just a lot of info missing. At first they said a dental infection caused it, but I just had a tooth cleaning the other day and nothing was found, not even a cavity. Good thing for that at least.

Pain is particularly across my forehead, temples and jaws. Some of my molars hurt too, the roof of my mouth, but that's more minor in comparison. The splints fucking hurt like hell though and my nose is CONSTANTLY bleeding. I have an endless pool of dark blood going down the back of my throat constantly. Delicious... if I was normal I'd probably be throwing up, but that'd actually be really really bad. I can't even bend my head down to see myself piss so if I hit the wall somehow, whatever, can't do much about it.

The blood is like a neverending waterfall under my nose. I have to have a facemask folded up with a piece of gauze in it constantly, my mustache catches whatever the gauze doesn't. Fuck this hurts.

As for the drugs I was prescribed:

1. Prednisone (FUCK my life I hate this stuff). It gave me heartburn last time and crippling panic attacks/extreme rage fits. Although some of that was due to the fact that it just wasn't helping at all and it was supposed to. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories worked, so why didn't this? I still think some was related to it though, because one night I was totally manic, up all night, felt like I was on adderall. Couldn't stop cleaning, organizing
2. Oxycodone 5mg IR (this actually literally does NOTHING for pain like wtf? probably because I'm a daily kratom user).
3. A bottle of afrin to stop the bleeding. Yeah, no. That reduces the bleeding by 30% for about half an hour, and is habit forming. It also hurts like a bitch to spray in, and I can't hawk anything out if it goes down my throat. I'd love to hawk because I know I have gnarly blood loogs to get out but I just have to accept it.

I'm expected to sleep on my back and am a side sleeper. Gotta use 3 pillows. I had a concussion with orbitol fractures before and it was similar. I was on oxycodone for that too, and similarly it didn't work that well for pain. I was not a kratom user yet. 5mg just seems like way too small of a dose and it's probably because of the opioid epidemic.

In the meantime I have a good amount of gabapentin. I can't use NSAIDS because of the prednisone so I will have to take 1-2g of tylenol for the first few days. I'm still taking kratom at this point because it seems to work better than the 5mg oxy, but maybe 5mg oxy is like 2g of kratom in terms of effectiveness. Idk. I just don't really care what I take or combine at this point as long as it helps the pain. I won't use more than 900mg of gabapentin so I shouldn't be under any risk.

I was instructed to not take Diazepam, but I will simply take it later in the night to help knock me out. After I'm all healed up, I plan to taper off, and resume using cannabis, my one true love. I ended up on this because of how bad quitting weed fucked up my anxiety and was giving me panic attacks (what it helped with) and I could not function at all. I would've lost my job, and if taking 10mg of diazepam for a few months could stop that, fuck it. You live once.

When I resumed cannabis earlier this month, I actually was forgetting to take the diazepam entirely because of how good of a headspace I was in. Diazepam can make you drowsy and kinda drunk feeling, but cannabis is just magic, it really is.

Anyway I don't know where this is going. I'm still loopy from anus stainsia and a dose of kratom I had earlier (hours after the oxy, but I doubt they're really unsafe together). Kratom doesn't cause difficulty breathing at 3g, I breathe better on it, actually.

But yea, is 5mg oxy just a pathetically low dose? I only have 8, so it's not like I can really play around and try 2. Well, maybe I can, because I have kratom and I like the feel of kratom significantly more regardless.

I would say the only cool thing about this experience aside from having it (I should be 90% recovered by 2 weeks, and look forward to look back on this thread about how much I'm suffering) is that they put me under while playing a song of my request: Dear Prudence. It's my all time favorite song.
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Hi @BourbonMac ,

Surgery sucks mate, and after years and years if snorting meth and other drugs up there, I'm honestly, not far behind you, in a surgery sense, :/

I had moved your thread here, because The Lounge is full of trolls (me included) , so our other sub forums are held to a higher standard, when it comes to serious feedback,

Hopefully you get feeling better, ❤️
That sounds brutal. I have a deviated septum as well, and daily rhinitis and sore throat that I've had for years, very likely triggered or at least aggravated by a period of excessive intranasal drug use more than a decade ago. I've been to many doctors, but none have suggested surgery (yet). I hope the healing goes well and that the surgery will end up having helped greatly!

Hi @BourbonMac ,

Surgery sucks mate, and after years and years if snorting meth and other drugs up there, I'm honestly, not far behind you, in a surgery sense, :/

I had moved your thread here, because The Lounge is full of trolls (me included) , so our other sub forums are held to a higher standard, when it comes to serious feedback,

Hopefully you get feeling better, ❤️
Thanks (doubly). I didn't see the health & recovery forum.
I've always had sinus problems but my deviated septum was from was either A) failing a gainer into a pool and landing on my nose 10 years ago or B) getting hit by a car.

Probably B. The floor of that pool was soft and squishy and it only managed to chip the bone (months later when it literally just became dust). It wasn't bleeding so I thought I was fine, I don't think I really broke anything. But it still could've caused it. My sense of smell was dying by 2013 but I was also becoming a cigg smoker (and even stupider, was taking FAT bong rips of cigg tobacco...). Possibly the stupidest thing I've ever done, a friend and I were doing it a lot that year.

It's the most extreme nicotine rush, it's like tripping on nicotine. But looking back, it awas a horrible feeling and the taste... it was so fucking rancid. I gag thinking about it now, but we were dumb 19-20 year olds. It started off as using tobacco and putting weed on top, but then he tried just tobacco and urged me to try it. This was probably like smoking 10 cigarettes at once with the sheer massive thick clouds that we'd exhale.

As bad as snorting meth is, I think what I was doing was arguably stupider lol.. ugh I wanna hurl just thinking about the time I swallowed some of it. Kept eating and drinking and it was not going away

Update: holy shit I HATE this oxycodone, wtf I feel terrible on it. Kratom it is from now on. Apparently my body chemistry does not get along with opiates. I feel like I'm gonna hurl and like I have a fever. And I can't hurl because I could really fuck things up. Ugh fuck my life. At least tylenol reduced my pain from a 10 to a 7
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So a brilliant friend of mine with a high I.Q who is a little unhinged has convinced me I can file a lawsuit either because:
they didn't provide me the instruction to avoid aspirin for a whole week before surgery (likely why I CANT STOP FUCKING BLEEDING, NO SLEEP FOR ME HAHAHAHA). I've swallowed 4 valium, 2 benedryl, chamomile tea, melatonin, it's not happening, man. I took another oxy out of desperation with another benedryl hoping it curbs the nausea. I'm in hell.

Otherwise, he thinks I could purposely put myself in the position of filing the lawsuit because the instructions of the med sheet are REALLY off. They suggest work in 7 days, lift up to 30 pounds, fly on airplane. No. You cannot do any of that. If I did, who's to blame when I need surgery again?

And who's to blame if I develop intestinal bleeding or ulcers taking prednisone and NSAIDS, and actually having a note on the sheet saying it's perfectly fine to? No, just no. Prednisone on it's own causes me heartburn like crazy, and when I took 1, maybe 2 motrin on it last time because I realized it wasn't an analgesic, I developed heartburn so bad I needed to take prilosec for awhile.

Fuck Idk man. He's a brilliant guy and it sounds like he's suggesting I purposely try and hurt myself due to their negligence in order to get money. I almost would but I don't even wanna take a chance of giving myself intestinal bleeding for like, 50 grand if I'm lucky. Who the hell knows. He said millions, but he also gets a bit... loony at times, manic. Very unpredictable behavior, but extremely smart which is why I'm like... hmm, is this true?

And just to clarify, yes I'm avoiding harm reduction. I took the valium around 11-12, it's about 6am now. They told me in 2 weeks I'll be so glad to have had this operation. I sure fucking hope so, dear God. Getting hit by a car and breaking bones in my face and concussed didn't even suck this bad. I was able to sleep all day all the time. Oxy didn't make me nauseous then either, probably because I always ate with it. But I ate with it last time too. Maybe it's because I took 900mg gabapentin and it potentiated it or something. I was just piling whatever the fuck on to make the pain stop.

Chronic pain sufferers, I feel for you. You're some strong motherfucking people and a lot of you live with worse pain/conditions.
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Update: holy shit I HATE this oxycodone, wtf I feel terrible on it. Kratom it is from now on. Apparently my body chemistry does not get along with opiates. I feel like I'm gonna hurl and like I have a fever. And I can't hurl because I could really fuck things up. Ugh fuck my life. At least tylenol reduced my pain from a 10 to a 7

That's me on opiates

i fuckin hate them

hope you're feeling better today dude

Pain wise, mostly. Nostril wise, crusty, bleeding, constantly blood down my throat. The whole department did a terrible job preparing me for this surgery. I looked at the pre-op instructions again, aspirin is not even mentioned. They mentioned, ibuprofen, motrin and advil (SAME FUCKING DRUG), and aleve & naproxen (SAME FUCKING DRUG) but implied that they are different. They could have put aspirin but decided... fish oil... who the FUCK takes fish oil??

I've only started to scab today, but I lost so much blood yesterday my blood pressure was 87/66 when I went back in to get it checked out. My surgeon called me after I finally managed 1 hour of sleep, I desperately took multiple benedryl with my oxy and some melatonin and I was out. But then I had to go back, just for my surgeon to not even see me, just some random ass guy that thought things "looked ok." I'm in hell right now. The R.N who wrote the pre-op needs to be fired for not only knowing basic OTC drugs, but getting critical info out 5 days too late.
I also have my fair share and is fair with this "voodoo master". Sometimes not even steam inhale/surgery/6 months congestion shot helps. Goes away on it's own..
Sinusitis causes tooth aches that are worse than genuine tooth aches too. I had on and off extreme tooth aches early on, and if I smoked any weed it would make it significantly worse. Some of my top molars felt like they could pop out there was so much pressure. It started with my wisdom teeth, and I thought fuck, guess I better get these out. But then it was showing up in other molars instead. Then I get the CT and find out I do have chronic maxillary sinusitis and polyps. Just wish they'd have told me about the septoplasty beforehand instead of day of, or gave me pre-op instructions only 2 days before. It's standard to get these a week MINIMUM.

Post-op, my top back right molars have been in pain on and off. Today I took the risk of vaping a little and nothing bads happened. I just feel very chilled out. At this rate I can't see myself mentally progressing without it. I have diazepam and it just does nothing. I think whatever anxiety med they put me under before the anasthesia raised my tolrance to it a lot or something. Why'd they even bother? I was about to be put under anyway, and I was perfectly calm because I genuinely did not expect it to be this shitty
That's me on opiates

i fuckin hate them

hope you're feeling better today dude

Well I slept more last night, but sadly I did have to end up taking the oxys, which of course they barely gave me any (just 8 )
I tried to just use kratom instead but it's not strong enough for the type of pain. I've at least clotted shut 90%, but there's leaks still. I was suggested to use a Q-tip with peroxide on the scabbing but I might wait.

Vaping a little bit seems to exacerbate drowsiness though. And also just makes me feel more chill than I otherwise would be. Benzo doesn't hold a candle light to this. Like I mentiond in above comment they gave me something pre anus stains sha for... no real reason. Maybe I was a tiny bit nervous, but who cares if I'm about to be put out? But I guess given the state I'm in, I might as well begin the taper off diazepam. If I can vape and not have issies NOW, that's a good sign. I couldn't even do that a few months ago. Just feel like a lazy shit either way though. I'm in bed all day, sleeping, laying down, about to fall asleep again and I slept from like, 7am to 4pm.

My least favorite part about all of this is how much blood goes down my throat, and how hard it is to pick it out of there. They said not to hack up, but I've been doing it anyway, just making sure not to too hard. I can also put my tongue behind the back of my throat and collect gnarly blood luges that way too.

Oh fuck me, just having my head torned to the side while typing this made both my nostrils re-bleed. Just that pressure from my neck twisting a bit.
Fuck man this sounds rough :( Don't listen to your lawyer friend though please, just focus on getting better.

Is there a particular reason why the doctor didn't give you any more pain meds? Can you go to your GP and get a script for some more meds?? That's what I'd do. Fuck the prednisone off, I hate that shit. And if the oxy is making you feel sick, maybe you could ask for codeine which is not quite as strong but if you take it with Tylenol is actually pretty good for surgical pain.
The oxy nausea went away, I think it was only bad on day 1 beacuse of anathesia lingering.
Their reason was "we don't like to prescribe narcotics" plain and simple. I asked if I could get some more, and he's like nope, sorry. All you get is 8. I hate prednisone too but if they want me taking it, I have to, probbaly. I deal with it OK but it makes everything sound lower pitch, and I have perfect pitch, so this is very irritating
Like the guy suggested motrin/aleve instead of more pain meds and this is genuinely unsafe to take with prednisone. It's fucked. I can't stomach motrin by itself let alone aleve, only enteric coated aspirin, and I can't take that or else I will stop clotting.

I don't have polyps anymore, doc says they protect you but they don't. I got them removed by time I was a kid and because of how "clean" my environment was I got tissue infection which will heal by itself, means my nose makes mucus to make up for that "free" not hollow, free space. Anyhow, I have some clove oil on hand just earlier had woken up randomly with pressure on my bottom molars... took a q tip with 3/4 drops and gently rub against the tooth. It relived immediately I am not even happy I know it's a placebo effect but yo I tell ya that sometimes sinusitis OTC's helps.. I keep a few on hand but don't take them over and over and if so at least a diff brand I dunno.. I wanna know what's more safe but I fail, and fail in an edgy process because body chemistry is diff in all of us.
Never stick your fingers to take out that booger, you'll became like us whoever out there... And when I have my pains my whole whole arma wrists temples backhead goes stuggy. After I can move them freely.
And bottom line I think like any other "diseases" is hereditary. My family from both parents had sinus issues especially my parents
Yeah at this point my nose is completely crusted shut with scabs. Occasional little blood bubbles come through. It's rough. My ENT suggested peroxide/Q-tip but I think it might be too soon. It was hard enough just getting to this point. Fuck this sucks. I can't taste anything and I'm constantly coughing up thick dark blood. I have to be careful not to hawk it out, but I can stick my finger or tongue behind the back of my throat because I have no gag reflux.