Ha Haaaaa


Oct 27, 1999
I had to be in work a little earlier this morning being it was the first day back from the Holidays. I went over to re-set my alarm clock thinking that all was needed was a coupla clicks back on the old minute button.
When I hit the "alarm set" button, it was hilarious to see that it was set for.......9:30 PM. Who the hell sets an alarm for 9:30 at night. And then I thought to myself, "Oh, Self, I know who sets an alarm clock at 9:30 at night. You do! Ya fuckin' self indulging, eyeball popping, power-pellet eating zombie. Ya see, self, when you go to bed at 11:00 in the morning, it is necessary to get the required 10.5 hours of fake sleep (by fake sleep I mean the kind when you lay down and "pretend" to be asleep). You've all done it! You know, the kind when you lay there and you try to "fool" your body into thinking that any sort of REM cycle will even be closely acheived, as your brain fires off synaptical impulses at 140 BPMs of PVD's Avenue.
After this momentary glimpse of realization into my "quiet" holiday weekend (one that I was assurred to reply to from the casual co-worker line of questioning in corporate robot world -"How was your Holidays, J? Oh, pretty quiet."), I slowly set the alarm to it's appropriate corporate wake-up time of six fuckin thirty AM and thought.........it's good to be a Fuckin Bluelighter.
I love MDMA
HAHAHAHA!!! That was fuckin awesome.
I have had similar experiances where I've partied all night and into the following day. I would sit there with my K and say "If I stop bumping K at 7:30pm, I should be ok to head back out at 9:30pm right?" And my friend sits there, nodding his head saying "yeah, we'll be fine."
Fuck even trying to sleep. It just doesn't work, I just lay there after a long night of rolling thinking... It is really gonna suck having to go to work Monday. But, I show up cracked out as usual. Sitting at my desk wondering if next weekend will be the weekend I finally decied to shove my bean up my butt! Bluelighter's Rule.
Eat um up! Yum!
That sounds like my life, getting up for work earlier on monday then i went to bed the two preceding days, every friday turns into at least a 30-hour marathon cuz i get up for work at 6 and party til noon the next day. Then on monday i go back to work in corporate america and wonder - what's up with all these freaks i work with? forgetting that the lovely people i spend my weekends with are the ones most people call freaks. But i know the truth.
Do any of you have the same sense of unreality i do when you get to work on Monday mornings? Like "how can this be real after what i did for the last 3 days?"
- aby
i dont have that trouble for work but for school, yes, weekends are grand, esp. the holiday season when i got mucho mucho time off, wish you luck with your sleeping habits in the future
"whatever it is i think i
see, becomes a tootsie
roll to me"