  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Guild Wars 2


Mar 7, 2012
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I loved the original GW, and I'm excited about this. I have a feeling I won't spend that much time on it, since I don't tend to play MMOs much at all any more, but given that it won't be subscription based even if I barely play, it's not an issue.
Im figuring to get at least the box price worth of entertainment out of it
Definitely buying this when it's released, might even pre-order if I get some cash in.
The original Guild Wars was a fair amount of fun. Nothing spectacular, but was a nice game to have laying around. I don't have the computer to play PC games anymore, so I won't be able to play this one, but definitely hoping it's good. Is it gonna be zoned based like the first one, or will it be one big open world like how it should be?
I think its supposed to be more open than the first one, but still zoned if that makes sense. I really havent read up on it that much I just know there is going to be Realm vs Realm PvP and it wont be about a gear grind. And the no subscription is just icing on the cake. I dont really play MMOs much anymore so Id rather have one where I can drop in and PvP whenever, and not worry about if I got the latest gear from the new patch.
Tempted to pre-order it.. but £50?! The US price is 60$, which is like £35.. really pisses me off how so many online game vendors fuck up their conversions.
Is that the only price you can find? Are you sure it wasnt a collectors edition or something?
Nah that's just standard digital download version. It's a pretty standard practice unfortunately for publishers to fuck around with the €/$ conversions :p
Managed to play for about half an hour the other day on friends beta account, game looks awesome =D
I played all weekend.

The PVE was fun and the world is very engaging. The cities really live and breath, seems like thousands of NPC's going about their lives, having conversations as you walk by etc.

The PVP was meh for me, i'm not a fan of PVP where you can't loot the person precious pixels to make them cry.
yeah I enjoy Full Loot games but its not a requirement really for me. I played Darkfall for a little that game was fun but theyre supposedly going to wipe everyones characters when 2.0 comes out and a lot of people stopped playing. Was pretty fun actually, but it kind of seemed like a game still in beta
Guild wars 1 wasn't the best MMO i've ever played but never seem to have time to play them now anyway so like others have said i'll probably pick it up just cause it doesn't have a subscription and I can just play it when I feel like it :D
Beta weekend this weekend! Who else is in? We should make a bluelight crew and go fuck some people up
Im defintely going to get it, what class you thinking about trying first?

still have yet to preorder, I think I might just wait until it comes out, Betas are usually annoying
Game looks pretty sweet. Haven't decided whether to get it since EQ is now free.

And btw: they dont fuck up the conversions. Thats intentional. 50$ or 50E they don't care. Its not like they were "tweaking the conversion from 50$ to euros" lol they intentionally charge 50-60 despite the currency. Sucks for you Europeans sorry. Doubly sucks because you cant even buy a NTSC copy for cheaper and play it even though you speak the same language.
Im defintely going to get it, what class you thinking about trying first?

still have yet to preorder, I think I might just wait until it comes out, Betas are usually annoying

I played engineer and warrior last beta, engineer is no good for PVP yet though so that's why i switched to warrior. If they fix engineer i will play that for release as it is tons of fun, just not very viable atm.

Warrior was fun but typical button mashing character.