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Guide to Antibiotics and MDMA


Jan 16, 2000
I'm currently taking the antibiotic ________ , and I want to take MDMA -- is this safe?

If you are sick enough to be taking an antibiotic, there is a good chance that you aren't healthy enough to take MDMA. MDMA supresses the immune system, making it easier to catch viruses and infections. Thus, if you are trying to fight an infection, and you take MDMA, there is a good chance that it will take you longer to recover from your infection. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you wait until you are in better health before taking MDMA.
There are certain cases, however, in which the antibiotic is not being taken for reasons of poor health. For example, many people take doxycycline daily for acne. In a case like this, taking MDMA will not significantly affect the user's overall health.
If you do decide to roll, and there is no reaction between your antibiotic and MDMA (as per the lists below), then it is extremely important that you continue to take your antibiotic exactly as directed by your doctor. If you decide to stop taking your antibiotic for a day or so (because you want to roll, and your antibiotic interacts with MDMA), then make sure that you finish taking all your antibiotics after you roll.

Should I be worried about any interactions between my antibiotic and MDMA?

Most antibiotics are theoretically safe to combine with MDMA. I say 'theoretically' because although there are no forseeable interactions, there has been no medical research on the combination of MDMA and antibiotics.
There are a number of people who have rolled safely on antibiotics, and to date a bad interaction between an antibiotic and MDMA has never been reported. However, this does not guarantee that you won't have an interaction, so keep this in mind.

The following antibiotics should be, theoretically, safe to combine with MDMA (note that these are NOT brand names, but rather the chemical names):

cephalosporin, and forms of (cefepime, cephalexin)
isoniazid (used to treat TB)
nitrofurantoin (but this may cause oxidative stress and so MDMA would be best avoided)

The following antibiotics have the potential to be dangerous, because they inhibit one of the enzymes (CYP34A) that breaks down MDMA. Thus, you should be cautious (consider taking a 1/2 dose of MDMA) if you are taking one of these antibiotics. Antibiotics with a (*) indicate that people have rolled on this antibiotic safely -- though it is still recommended that you be careful with these.

amoxicillin *
doxycycline (common acne med) *
ketoconazole* (but person experienced a very strong, long roll - proceed with caution!)

Please note that this is NOT a complete list of all antibiotics -- if you are taking an antibiotic that is not on this list, PLEASE make a post in the Health Q&A Forum so that your antibiotic can be researched.

www.bluelight.ru, Health Forum and Archive
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I was on and off Flufuxacilalin (sp?) (UK) for about a year because of a toe problem and aside from the infection problems I suffered after use I can say that it was safe with;
Thanks! I'll read up on it and add it to the list. :)
[ 02 December 2002: Message edited by: fairnymph ]
i didnt know that any antibiotics were enzyme inibitors! If so i wouldnt have taken MDMA with amoxicillin (875mg 3 hours prior to be exact!).. Must not be too much of an inhibitor as i took somewhere around 120mg MDMA that night and it only lasted the usual 4 hours... Either way be careful!!!
I just finished a course of amoxicillin before i rolled one night several months ago, i think it may have had some effect as i ended up rolling for 8-9 hours.
But it was apparently a very good pill anyways, several experienced friends took it on the same night and said they felt it very strongly, they just didnt keep going as long as i did. But then I have an extremely low MDMA tolerance (i only ever take halves and have one month breaks or more) so that may have been the reason im not 100% sure
I've read all the antibiotic and ecstasy threads but if someone has any comments specifically about or could research about 'nitrofurantoin' and 'sulfamethoxazole' and 'trimethoprim' those aren't the brand names by the way, just the chemical ones. thanks
Nitrofurantoin doesn't inhibit any enzymes as far as I could tell, but it does have some toxic effects (in particular, it results in oxidative stress on the body) that would probably not be great to combine with MDMA. I would be cautious about such a combination (if you do choose to do it, do a low dose of MDMA, like half a pill).
Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim don't inhibit any ezymes related to MDMA metabolism. These should be safe to combine with MDMA.
i rolled once while taking amoxicillin, and my body didnt take the MDMA very well. i had SEVER hallucinations and all wicked kinda freak outs
Ketoconazole is not safe to take with MDMA... it is so hard on the liver without the mdma. Ketoconazole has been known to cause hepatic toxicity and has lead to death in certain cases.
Ive been taking the antibiotic minocycline for acne, and have rolled 3 or 4 times since starting the medication. It has not caused an interaction. Keep it safe.

I am currently on Amoxycillin (only started today), and had a flu/infection for bout 4 days... I really wanna roll Sunday night.. So I'll probably just go off them for that day. see how it goes.. WIll have lots of friends arouind me if anything goes uncomfortable. Anyway, thanks for this FAQ fairnymph and BL!.. it's great!
wow thx for that.. That really clears a lot of stuff up.
Im currently on Amoxycillin, each tablet contains 500 mg (as amoxycillin trihydrate) and Clavulanic acid 125 ml (as potassium clavulanate)
if anybody could clear up that stuff about trihydrate and clavulanic acid and stuff that would be great.. i was planning on having a heaps big nite new years eve but it looks as though i mite have to go a lil easy.. hehe thx in advance.
Hello! I read the above guide for antibiotics and MDMA. I've been taking the antibiotic, clarithromycin for the past 2 days for bronchitis. I noticed that it is on the potentially dangerous combination list with MDMA. I was wondering how safe it would be if I stop taking it today and tomorrow if I wanted to drop tomorrow night? Any input or help would be most appreciated.
I wouldn't recommend taking any mdxx until you're completely better and have finished the course of anti biotics. Mainly because taking pills and so on interferes with your body's ability to fight infection, and also due to the fact that 2-3 days worth of anti biotic therapy usually has only just begun to effectively attack the bug that's got you sick. It could promote resistant bacteria if you stop your treatment at this stage.

If you are going to do this anyway you should stop taking the antibiotic, 2 - 4 doses before you take mdxx (clarithromycin is usually dosed at 12 hour intervals) and also take it easy by taking less than you normally would (ie 0.5 pill if you normally start with 1) and adjust from there if needed.
wow!! thanks a lot for this thread!
I'm 3 days into a 5 day course of amoxycillin for tonsillitus. It's making me feel a bit nauseous and dry mouthed on its own, and i've just read it doesn't react well with MDMA, so no rolling for me this weekend. Can't be bothered with the risk, i'd probably puke lots and just feel really ill, have a shit time!
I'm still pissed off though cos i'm feeling almost 100% better but I know I have to finish the course to make sure the infection in my throat is completely dead!!
Ah well, i'll have a quiet and sober weekend, rent a film, treat myself to a pizza, do some hardcore reading! Probably good to have a little detox anyway since I did coke last weekend, and 2 beans the weekend before!
It jsut means it'll be all the better next weekend :)

And yeah, i agree you should definately make this into a FAQ, it would defiantely be a very valuable source of information, because I really didn't expect that some anti-biotics are potentially dangerous in combination with MDMA.
Top marks :)
i took 4 out of 10 doses of moxifloxacin HCl for strep and stopped taking it 3 days ago due to an allergic reaction. i was put on azithromycin which i will be finished taking on tuesday. i was hoping to be able to roll on my birthday (wednesday) but i haven't been able to find any information on moxifloxacin and mdma.. will it be safe for me to roll? if i still have hives then, i won't even try...
^^ The best thing is not use. You are still a bit recovering from your strep on wednesday, but I think it will turn out ok if you use some.
Just use less then you regularly do.
Good luck with your strep.