"Grrrrrrr" - flux vents


Nov 16, 1999
I'm in an AWFUL mood, so I thought I'd make you all listen while I piss and moan. I STILL can't use the board properly, and haven't been able to for over a week now. I have to get to the forums through weird, roundabout methods and still get "Error" messages EVERY time I try to go anywhere/post anything. AH!
Plus I'm really angry with my stupid, flakey, tweaker friend. The girl never follows through with any plans we have, always calls three hours after she was supposed to be at my house with an excuse like "Gee, I'm really sorry. I'm just rolling/speeding/tripping/speeding/speeding even more really hard and I forgot. But I'm not gonna come hang out with you now either, because I'm a whole two minute walk away from your house and besides, I'm having fun with my cooler friends. Oh, and I did your share of the drugs we were supposed to do together tonight. You're not mad, are you? We'll hang out tommorrow, or at least I'll say that - really I'll just get mad fucked up and will never show up because you're not as cool as my other friends and I only hang out with you when I have nothing else to do. You don't give me free drugs like everyone else I've ever met and you don't wear big pants, so I don't wanna hang out with you. But you don't mind if I call you at three in the morning and wake your mom (who's really sick) up, though, do you? I mean, sometimes I'm speeding really hard and have no one to talk to. THEN I'll call you. I know you won't get mad - you always let me walk all over you."
AHHHHHHHH! I hate my friends. They all treat me like shit and I let them. I was supposed to hang out with this girl (see rant above) today. She INVITED me. Called me up and said "I won't get to spend New Years with you. This makes me sad since you're a good friend of mine. Wanna hang out tomorrow and roll with me and our mutual friend as a pre-Y2K celebration? It will be fun because I like spending time with you." Then she called 5 minutes ago (right before she was supposed to come pick me up) and had already taken the f***in' pills! Didn't even tell me straight up, I had to force it out of her. She just said she might be a "little late." I didn't even ASK to come?!?!! I re-arranged my day to spend time with her and she dumped me! Grrrr.
Sorry for the angry babbling.
Flux: Sounds to me like you need to re-evaluate your friendship with this person..A friend doesn't care what you wear or anything, you couold find better friends, and if she/he is staying geeked up like you implied, she would probably not be a very good friend if it came down to it if you knw what i mean.. There are plenty of other PLUR friends you could have!!!!
my .02
Sounds like we are both having problems with "friends." My advice... phuck the Barbara Striesand. She is not really your friend. Stop making plans with her, or better yet, blow her off one day. Let her know how it feels. Let her know you won't be walked on anymore. Turn you freggin ringer off, or just don't answer the phone. She will realize you mean business. If your friendship means anything to her, SHE will be the one who has to make the effort. You have done enough.
Some people get their rocks off by walking on others.
About Bluelight errors: These are getting on my nerves too. Bleah. But I've found that after several zillion clicks on this nifty refresh/reload button here, it will load. Verrrrry slowly.
About yer inconsiderate loozer friend: Listen to yer fellow bluelighters. They're telling it straight. Fuck her, yanno? I dunno, I notice yer posts and you just seem like a waycool chick -- and seriously someone who deserves better than the shit that girl's been pulling with you. Many hugz to ya...
~*~ Ashke ~*~
In the end people like this will never be able to keep friendships. These types are SELFISH! i know i am going through the same thing. Were in denial that someone could actually hurt us intentionally, so we keep giving them more chances. unfortunately people like this are hard to change and like dazzle said (very good advice by the way)they need to start making the effort or you need them out of your life.
Thanks kids, you make me feel a lot better. Hugz to y'all. But really, my friend ain't all bad. She has a lot of problems that get in the way of our friendship, and a history of pushing friends away once they get to a certain degree of closeness. What makes me sad is that I love the girl so much and she's just so fucked up that she has trouble with normal interactions and friendships. But she means well, I know that our friendship is important to her. It's just hard to remember why she's acting the way she does when I'm left hanging yet again....