• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Greetings from another faceless newbie

carbon unit

Jun 16, 2010
Well, not wholly faceless...looking for a suitable avatar for now...

Anyway, I've been lurking here a week or so and decided to incarnate into your most interesting community and share some thoughts here and there and contribute to the ongoing story.

Nice to be here.

A little about me.. male 55 from Connecticut. Many interests... pretty much a skeptical mystic (scientific inclinations and fairly level headed but entertains some fairly outlandish notions)... seasoned through the years with assorted spices and marinaded in a broth of strange potions, I humbly bare my soft white underbelly.

Let the edumication and grokking commence!
There are plenty of picture threads around the place, you don't have to be 'faceless'!

Welcome to Bluelight mate, let us know if there is any guidance you need :)