• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Greeting from TO


Sep 26, 2004
Hi everybody, so yeah, just saying hello, and I got tired of lurking too:)... hope to talk to some of you soon and start posting like mad:)
aww thanks :).... naha, I posted some things, but it looks like this board is dead, hardly any new discussions or new posts :(
hey ravr :) i'm kevin... i go to U of T and live on College & Spadina. the students are boring as hell, but you can always count on me to be down for partying; i often go out four nights in a week...

[email protected] < hit me up
Hey dude, how's the scene over there in TO? I was there for a couple fo weeks in July....nothing was that advertised, ended up finding a cool party in Richmond St.

Also i went over to the Docklands place....full of potential but too far out of the way to draw a crowd.

There was an WEMF thing on the week after i left though which i heard was good.