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Green D&G's and yellow macintosh apple


Jun 7, 2008
I Was wondering if anybody had any info on the green dolce and gabbanas or the yellow macinstosh apples. I didnt pop the apples but a friend did and she said it was a good dose of MDA. I found a report on the green D&G but it was very confusing and the picture didnt look the same as mine btw im in norcal
Did you check South West Pill Discussion over on the NADD board? Hopefully someone can help you. :)
these pills were amazing 8o get them if you can the green dg's might have a little amp but the apples were really clean
yeah the yellow imac apples are hella good.
the comedown was the best..just sleepy and was able to sleep.
getting more soon
had both of these the other night also...very good and as the op said...very, very slight amp in the DG"S.

apples were clean though!
^^^ This is good news for the southeast....hope the clean Apples make it up my way! Thanks for the info, waterfreak. :)
^^the macs have been around for a while now cus i had them a few months ago. they will be the ones i have on my next roll....then its time for my break!
About 2 weeks ago some dude that I know really well in the club asked me if I wanted a Yellow Apple. He just gave it to me, so I took it, and the comeup took about an hour, but I was ROLLING for a good 2 hours, then started coming down at about the 3 1/2 mark.

Not bad for just 1 pill.
i have taken quite a few of the green D&G's
They are alright pills with a medium amount of mdma in them , my dealer told me straight up that they have some meth in them so they have a hell of a comedown.

coming from norcal
A few months back there were some Red D&G's making their rounds in the Cali/Nev area. Wonder if they were the same as the Green's. Didn't get a chance to take them, but people said there were pretty decent. Tad methy, but good nonetheless.