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Gotta Sober up from 600mg of DXM so I can enjoy my shot later


Feb 15, 2007
Didn't know any shit (meth) would be comin' this way until it was too late and had already ate/eaten 600mgs worth of mucinex.
Now I know dxm+meth is bad, but it also really sucks in terms of ruining the meth high so, within like 4 or 5 or 6 or 6 or 7 or 8 hours some meth might be around for free and i haven't done a shot in like five dayyys and yeah

is there anything i can do to make teh dxm trip go away

(i used to be intelligent, swear to god)
So in 4 or 5 or 6 or 6 or 6 or 6 or 7 or 8 hours?

Even in 8 hours, you'll still have DXM in your system. And a lot of it at that.

Don't risk it. There isn't anything to make the DXM trip "go away". Mixing that massive of a dose of DXM with methamphetamine is extremely dangerous.

Do not do it.

Why not just wait until its safe to do the meth?
The only thing that will make the DXM go away is time.
eat alot of food..drink some water or sometihin to help speed up your metabolism.
Either way save the shitty for another day