Got clean using tramadol hcl 50mg


Dec 14, 2013
I know the scariest thing about getting clean is withdrawal. Especially if you're like me and HAVE to work. Not only have to work but your work is very physically and mentally demanding. I can't speak for everyone but as a long time Vicodin abuser with a heavy habit I can tell you that Tramadol 50mg IR are a life saver but you have to be careful. They literally relieve every withdrawal symptom. The only thing they don't really help me specifically with is diarrhea but I can live with the shits. Here's how I do it. If you can get 10-12 pills you're home free. Even 8 can work. But do not over use Tramadol as it also can lead to severe withdrawals and I heard they're a beast.
Day 1
Usually the easiest day for me personally so I go a little easily on the trams. Mornings are always the worst for me I wake up with pretty bad stomach cramps. If you can take ONE pill about an hour before you have to get up. It takes a good hour for the tramadol to do its thing, sometimes a little longer. If you're not feeling too bad on day 1 in the morning then try and hold off on taking anything until you have too. I take one before work. If I'm feeling bad in the evening I take another. So day one I take a total of two. One 50mg pill in the morning and one early evening. Bye bye runny nose, you'll have energy. Not the "Vicodin energy" but NORMAL energy. You feel good mentally and physically.

Day 2
When the shit starts getting real. I try and take the bare minimum at all times but by day 2 I usually have to take 100mgs in the morning and 50-100 at night. Take 100 when you have to work or have the most to do. Take less when you're home or able to rest and relax more. Or take 100 in AM and then PM.
As stated before it takes away 90% of your symptoms. You basically feel like a hundred bucks but for me I still got the shits and like I said, I can live with that. Imodium can help you in that dept.

Day 3
Probably the worst day. If you had 10 trams you're down to roughly 6-7 pills depending on how many you took on day 2. It's simple, 100mg's in the AM and 100 in the PM. Tramadol makes you feel better for several hours which is what is so great. Not saying there won't be any moments where you are feeling a little worse than others because there will be but I'm telling you, it's nothing you can't handle. You'll be surprised how great you feel all things considering.

Day 4
Same as day 3; 100 in the AM 100 in the PM. By now you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Day 5
Just take 50mg before you have to do anything like work etc. if you feel rough in the evening go ahead and take another 50.

Day 6
Finish off what you have or don't depending on how you feel.

I notice I have mild stomach cramping in the AM for about 10 days but nothing that's not tolerable. Do not overuse trams or you'll find yourself sick from them too. Stick with the 10-12 pills and don't pop anymore than 100mg at a time and 200 in a day. If you're looking to get a buzz from trams don't even bother. For hardcore opiate addicts trams aren't going to do a thing to get you high.
I hope this helps someone or a lot of people. Dr's prescribe trams for opiate WD. <snip>
Any questions feel free to ask.
They were a god send for me during my addiction and also during my getting clean phase. I felt great the whole time especially when you compare it to full blown cold turkey WD's. After about 10 days the only real struggle you'll have is mentally.
Good luck!
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Tramadol is great for detoxing from opioids, whether hydrocodone, heroin or methadone. There is actually some great protocols for using it out there in the professional world. It's unfortunate more doctors aren't aware of it because it can be a very effective, relatively painless way to detox from opioids that can prove safer than using buprenorphine (such as regarding precipitated withdrawal, which is a non-issue with tramadol). For heavier, longer term habits it is probably not as effective as methadone or buprenorphine for detoxing, but it has some wonderful uses!
Agree 100% toothpastedog. Which is why I wanted to share my method. Hoping it can help some people and make them not be afraid. It really is a miracle. Thanks for the input!