• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Got a question about sobo... and iv.....worried

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Jun 22, 2013
I having been using sobo for about a year and I yesterday I rigged it up.. and I guess sometime later I realized my hand was swollen. It doesn't hurt, there are no weird colors like black or red basically it feels 100 percent normal its just swollen not super duper swollen but it is noticeable... I am slightly worried, every time I search this topic, there is always something besides swelling.. like blackness or pain or hives... so my question is should I be worried? How long should I wait for the swelling to go down? Should I go to the hospital........
Wait to see if symptoms persist or worsen, my advice though man, don't IV that shit it kills your heart, plus that shit is so damned awful for you anyways, it should be used \'only to get through wds and stopped immediately after they're gone. You'd be better off taking H than that awful shit man. Youre obv still addicted to it so why not go the more natural route instead of pumping that disgusting orange gloop through your veins. Even if you have nothing wrong with your arm now, just you wait...

Seriously though, grow some poppies or something, stop taking that evil death strip, it IS a miracle drug if taken the way i posted above, but if you stay on it it will fuck your shit up man.
Thanks for the reply I just cleaned out my whole house and really im addicted the the rig... that was my last time... im so tired of feeling like this stuff is going to kill me or just being nervous all the time.... wish I would have never started.....every other post like this though, always sounds way worse like blackness around finger tips and in horrible pain.... but I like my arm and I want to be careful
Exactly man, when your hooked drugs are no fun! do what i do man, take em once a week or twice a week, and force yourself to leave at least one-two days in between uses that way yer brain doesnt stop producing its endorphins (thus preventing withdrawl!)

Hey, i know its easier said than done but if you really love opiates than do what you gotta do to get high, and we all know that once your hooked you dont get high, you get "normal" :/

And shit man, opiates are supposed to help you, not hurt you by making your arm fall off, (oh, and sobos ain't even opiates which is another reason to say "Fuck you man!" to em and move on)

Good luck, friend
What the fuck is sobo?
Anyway, this thread is inappropriate for ADD--please read our guidelines.
IBN4? I don't know what this is

In means "in before close".

I was under the impression "sobo" was regional slag for Subutex.

put a hot compress on the effected area and if it doesn't resolve in a few hours, see a doctor.
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