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Good third substances to add to a candyflip?


Jan 1, 2012
Was wondering if anyone had any good additions to a candyflip combo.. Other than weed because, well, that's just pretty much essential. Ex: LSD + MDMA + X.

Also could you please. Briefly elaborate on why you liked the third substance/when you added it in the mix/why you felt it was a good time to do it then. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Mushrooms, really adds up to a hell of a trip!

Or ketamine, hell maybe even DMT if your really looking for a trip
Wait a minute here...

LSD + MDMA + X? X is a slang term for MDMA. So you're saying LSD + MDMA + more MDMA?
id say LSD + MDMA + Ket

that sounds like it'd be fun and sounds more appealing than just lsd and mdma together to me . hah
Or ketamine, hell maybe even DMT if your really looking for a trip
Hell yes! K goes great with a candyflip, more for the end though IME.
DMT make for a hell of an experience as well, but that's something you should only do once with a candyflip.
If you want something to do throughout the whole trip, I say go for nitrous. :D
Only done LSD + MDMA< but having done MDMA + Ketamine and tripped my fucking NUT OFF I would highly suggest this combination, if not to fufill your dreams but mine :D
mdma and ket is a really nice combo,,
But be warned too much of both leaves you this etarded ketamong of a snake, that crawls along your mates living room floor hugging the speakers where the lovely trance sound is coming from LOL
Ket-a-mine and Cannabis... But that's kinda a given ahaha.... Nicotine, if your into it.
XD Thanks all. Not a huge fan of k (that's not to say I don't enjoy it) but I'll have to give it some more exploring. And yeah we all love a good cig =D
Booze is another good one, but towards the end for sure, and in small amounts lmao

weed and hash are the best though, smoke enough and you'll go to the "other" realm
Have you tried upping the dose of LSD? I think LSD + MDMA + Weed should be sufficient, what do you find is lacking in your candyflip, based on that you can choose to add something or try a different combo entirely.
Have you tried upping the dose of LSD? I think LSD + MDMA + Weed should be sufficient, what do you find is lacking in your candyflip, based on that you can choose to add something or try a different combo entirely.
i wouldnt say anying is lacking.. But i wouldn't mind adding something out of curiosity, ive had some pretty intense candyflipping ( 5 hts blotter, 2 rolls and .1 MDMA prior to that).. I don't know what I find lacking really, 5 hits is already pretty intense visuals.. Enough although i suppose the more the better. The point is I think I am happy with where that puts me visually which I what I seek from in LSD. Consequently, I have no desire to up that dose significantly.

Has anyone ever tried LSD + MDMA + MDA ? Perhaps it altars the visuals slightly
Has anyone ever tried LSD + MDMA + MDA ? Perhaps it altars the visuals slightly

I have... Very intense visuals/eye wiggles/ego softening/euphoria and was stimulated pretty well. Enough to dance for 4 hours straight at least hahaha. I must note that I was on pretty large doses of all 3 substances.

LSD + MDMA should be plenty, but if you want another:
1. LSD + MDMA + Nitrous
2. LSD + MDMA + Ket