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Good Documentaries v. is that a doc?

I just posted this in the thread I had started on the bear in the hammock but as it's currently available on iPlayer, might as well go here too:

Bears are smart animals. They know how to live the life!

Anyone see that programme a few years ago on BBC - The Bear Family & Me. Apparently the first episode is available on the iPlayer if you haven't seen it... guess they are re-airing it.

Excellent documentary.
New Vice documentary... trailer posted today

Less than 2 minutes long... I am looking forward to this!

" All This Mayhem is an unflinching, never-before-seen tale that uncovers a world of drugs and unfettered hedonism during the glory days of professional vert skateboarding "

I just posted this in the thread I had started on the bear in the hammock but as it's currently available on iPlayer, might as well go here too:

This was a great little series, watched it when it was first on. Hey bear!

Best doco I've watched of late is this Horizon from the 70s about how microprocessors were made:

Horizon - now the chips are down
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If you haven't seen this, i highly recommend it: We Live in Public

Among Harris' experiments touched on in the film is the art project "Quiet: We Live in Public," an Orwellian, Big Brother concept developed in the late '90s which placed more than 100 artists in a human terrarium under New York City, with myriad webcams following and capturing every move the artists made.[2] The pièce de résistance was a Japanese-style capsule hotel outfitted with cameras in every pod, and screens that allowed each occupant to monitor the other pods[3] installed in the basement by artist Jeff Gompertz.

Vice documentary about the militarization of American police forces and a craze called "Swatting"


America.. Fuck yeah! :\
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Not technically a doc but somewhat factual in content and more likely to be lost more completely elsewhere so...

Opinions - Graham Chapman

No real idea where this came from cos doubt any TV channel would fund it as a potential sit-com or popular sketch format. That aside, is a fine thing. A fine thing indeed <3

The real conspiracy i think is that most of the bad stuff isn't even hidden...

And thererin lies the rub. Or somesuch. But yes, the fact the freaky stuff isn't even anywhere remotely hidden yet lies mostly unremarked upon does make one wonder quite how bad the really bad stuff is. Or whether people really are that stupid. Both are matters for conjecture thus far.
^Aye. It's stuff that's hidden in plain sight; seen and not seen. It's not so much that people are stupid as that most people want to believe in authority and that important people are looking after stuff so they don't have to think about it; not a malicious trait, just too trusting.


Sure i've already mentioned scott noble's excellent political documentaries on metanoia-films.org (well worth a look).

He's got a new one coming called plutocracy and is asking for donations towards it (he's totaly non profit). I'm definitely going to donate as the films he's already given out for nothing are worth more than any number of shite media that i would have to pay for (if i didn't torrent ;)). I encourage everyone to donate (mainly because i want to see the film - but also cos he's a ledge (as it were)).


(There's about 10 minutes of clips of interviews on the site to get an idea of the content (chomsky, zinn, parenti (does that even need an etc?)))


Mentioned this in the ISIS (or DAASH) thread but should stick it here too i spose: James Steele: America's Mystery Man in Iraq. Good guardian documentary about how the us brought the tactics of the Salvadoran terror of the 80s to Iraq with the help of said colonel Steele. Good background on us-iraqi atrocities (though slightly limited in scope).
Summer With The Johnsons

A film following one of Britains most notorious gypsy families and their suspected involvement with a spate of thefts from mansion houses.

Beautifully framed film making. Feudal Britain alive and kicking in the 21st century, wonderful interplay between the characters. A degree of honesty about their thieving lifestyle from the rich and landed, backed up by the point that the rich and landed only got it through brute power themselves. The tragic story of martin. The hope for a better lif3 and education for their next generation. The connection to the peado scandal.

So little happens and so much happens. Wonderful.
Elvis in Jarrow

A doc from what looks like the early 90s about disabled people being put on stage to sing and be laughed at. Oi, Cowell, if you're going to be cruel, at least be original.

Worth a watch.
Watched 'Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds' the other day (got a link from PD). Not so much a documentary as an exposition. This was actually really good - it's sort of a modern (western/hippy) overview of Hindu philosophy/cosmology, but with various other traditions chucked in and quite a bit of science - and excellent 'trippy' visuals. I like a lot of the hindu tradition, except where it disagrees with science too much (or gets involved in social issues (castes etc)) - this doc didn't really give me any trouble on the science front (except maybe the stuff about chakras) - don't get me wrong: it isn't science, but if you want to entertain some spirituality without ditching your science this film's pretty good. Proto-dawkins-types should have to argue (in detail) against this stuff rather than going for the easy abrahamic targets.

Excellent material for watching on allad (it's sort of what everyone thinks while they're on it anyway) - even if you turn the sound off, really nice visuals (fractals, excellent quality photography of loads of pretty stuff), but i really couldn't argue with much of it intellectually either (and some nice ambient music there too (slightly annoying candian accent of the presenter, but not too bad).

One quibble was near the end it sort of says you shouldn't try to change things, but accept them as they are: i've had this same argument with buddhists i know; i sort of recognise the truth of it, but i always had trouble reconciling this with compassion in a social context (it tempers this with a Buckminster Fuller quote saying if you want a new system, invent/create one rather than destroying the old one which i sort of go along with). While i can agree with the ego's selfish survival being behind dissatisfaction and unhappiness generally, i just can't ignore the wrong in the world - and i can't see what to do about it except to try and change it; and that probably involves not accepting something as it is.

Anyway, I recommend it.

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Vurtual said:
Mentioned this in the ISIS (or DAASH)
thread but should stick it here too i
spose: James Steele: America's Mystery
Man in Iraq
. Good guardian documentary about
how the us brought the tactics of the
Salvadoran terror of the 80s to Iraq
with the help of said colonel Steele.
Good background on us-iraqi atrocities
(though slightly limited in scope).
Thanks for recommending this documentary.I found it very interesting and it explained the whole situation over there really well.
James Steele certainly is one cold hearted bastard it would appear.
It was good as far as it went, though it could have gone a lot further: like into who was behind the bombing of the golden mosque which triggered a lot of the sectarian killing (guess); and what the SAS were doing going around planting bombs in arabic clothing. And into falluja and the radiation catastrophe there. Though it was focused on james steele, so...
Watched 'Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds' the other day (got a link from PD). Not so much a documentary as an exposition. This was actually really good - it's sort of a modern (western/hippy) overview of Hindu philosophy/cosmology, but with various other traditions chucked in and quite a bit of science - and excellent 'trippy' visuals. I like a lot of the hindu tradition, except where it disagrees with science too much (or gets involved in social issues (castes etc)) - this doc didn't really give me any trouble on the science front (except maybe the stuff about chakras) - don't get me wrong: it isn't science, but if you want to entertain some spirituality without ditching your science this film's pretty good. Proto-dawkins-types should have to argue (in detail) against this stuff rather than going for the easy abrahamic targets.

Officially intrigued by that. P&S did a poll years back about one's "favourite religion". I objected on grounds of being a bleedin' moronic way to phrase the question and was the one and only vote for Hinduism. Is a fascinating thing is Hinduism. Not so much on the surface level - the bits and shits that we'd laugh at any "Western" religion for - but on the "deeper" truths. If there is any truth to any religion (in the actually religious sense) it's very clearly Hinduism that has it on the money. The One is all that exists - I am you as you are me as we are me and we are all together and all that: there is only One. But that is in imbalance cos if you slop one of anything on the scale it drops like a stone with nothing to counterbalance. Nothing of interest happens. So the One has to split into many cos that's when interesting things happen. All that bullshit about castes and stuff is the Hindu equivalent of beating yourselves with sticks and flails cos some 11th century monk missed a letter during scribing school one afternoon. It's utterly irrelevant to what is being said but is easy to pick up on to stratify society to the benefit of the few. That's not what it's all about in Hinduism as I perceive it.

Buddhism tried to vary this theme and did so successfully. It took away some of the more "base" 'gods' and 'godesses' stuff which was never a real part of the true religion - was for the uneducated. Such was life back then. Simplify and control. Has that changed? Don't think so. The base tenets of Hinduism are truly profound as far as religion goes. It's as close to a sense of "wider" reality as I can get in my own life. It works scientifically too (ayurveda and whatever aside). You have to drop prejudices and be prepared to hack away at the undergrowth to see wood amongst the trees though. As far as religions go though, it's as close as any of us will ever likely get to reality I suspect.

And in almost (but actually not at all) unrelated news...

After Porn Ends

Feature length doc on... well... what it says really. I've <3'd porn since almost before I can remember knowing of such things. Partly for the obvious reasons, mostly for the (perhaps) less obvious ones. I <3 it for it's reality. It's truth. Almost no other media on Earth will bring you these things. Again, not on the surface level necessarily but scratch the surface by barely a fingernail's worth and all human life is there and there in ways not seen elsewhere.

Of almost surprising interest to me in this particular doc is those ex-pr0ns*s that "found god". I know I have a certain... history with that particular topic but man are they fukked up so much more than the others. It's plain for all to see. The film seems fairly (surprisingly given subject matter) balanced. There are many human stories to be had... but the only ones that reek of falsity, bullshit, hypocrisy and pain are those that claim to have found god. Unsurprisingly, it's always the Xtian god that fucks them over. What is it about the American interpretation of that particular Middle Eastern deity that goes so very, very wrong? Is bizarre. Also saddening cos they look... seem... so very lost. Compare and contrast with Nina Hartley or Seka and it kinda sums it up. You are in control and the very second to try to pass that off on to some ancient war god you are screwed. Which is utterly fukked cos that's the one considered most acceptable in the "West" as we see it :\
^You'll love it shambles. The best visual synthesis of (westernised) hindu ideas i've seen - great for people interested in hinduism/buddhism and idle acid heads alike. (though bear in mind i was probably the perfect audience (allad - great psychic popcorn for this)). The whole film was made by one person (daniel schmidt) except some of the fractal calculations and the presenter, but it is really impressive.

I'll maybe check out the porn one when i get the headspace slot...
I've just finished watching - Secrets from the Clink.

It's an interesting programme that is basically like: Who Do You Think You Are: Victorian Prisons. I reckon the balance of history & human interest was pretty much spot on. Very impressed for an ITV documentary. Usually I prefer BBC or Channel 4 documentaries.

I reckon it'll be up on the ITV player soon. Second part is on in a week.
^You'll love it shambles. The best visual synthesis of (westernised) hindu ideas i've seen - great for people interested in hinduism/buddhism and idle acid heads alike. (though bear in mind i was probably the perfect audience (allad - great psychic popcorn for this)). The whole film was made by one person (daniel schmidt) except some of the fractal calculations and the presenter, but it is really impressive.

Forgot to get back to you on that one but I did watch it and you're right - really enjoyed it. Think I may well have been tripping too actually but either way it was nicely done. Bits that I wouldn't really go along with but overall it was a lot better than these type of things often are. Watched some related stuff afterwards cos it did fire my interest in such things again which is always a sign of a good and thought-provoking doc whether you go along with all the ideas or not.
Vice Documentary: This is What Winning Looks Like

Tis about American army pulling out of Afghanistan and follows a group of Afghan soldiers being trained to fight Al-Qaeda when they're gone.

A few unexpected things happen, some sick but some laughable face plant material.
