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  • RT&DC Moderators: arrall

good bye bluelight


Aug 17, 2008
i know its been short lived but i was robbed tonight getting my pills. the guy that robbed me was with a longtime hook up! nothing is worth my life, and the taste of that gun in my mouth made me think about how i need to change my ways! i gonna miss it some of the greatest times of my life(rollin)! keep up the work everyone! before i used pill reports and bluelight i didn't know nothing about pills. now i know more then anyone around here. im always telling people to come look at the sites so they can learn. i would like to think i saved lifes staying away from certin pills, but my life flashed between my eyes tonight and it's just not worth it to me anymore! stay safe everyone and always follow your gut feeling, like i should have! hopefully if shit happens to you like it did to me, god will be with you! thinks for all the help. rollinhog
You dont need to leave BL because of the incident you suferred. Thank goodness you WERE NOT injured.
Theres a great many of us who are clean, moi being one of them!
Offer up your input and experience! Or be a troll like CG-LOL
Yeah you don't have to partake in drugs to use and help educate others on this site. Stick around. It gives good karma to do so.
dont know what to say

That really sucks. I'm so sorry to hear that. It gives me the heevee geevees reading what happened to you. Its so wrong that something as beautiful as mdma can become such an evil to some. Degenerate low life like those who did this to you should have the barrel turned on them and have their teeth rammed down their throats before the trigger gets pulled. Again I'm sorry you had to experience that horror show.

Dude...judging by your levelheadedness, you might be able to help a lot of people out here. You don't have to do drugs to help other people not die from them.
I say you should listen to woodpecker & junglejuice's advice. My rolling "times" are basically non existent, but that doesn't keep me from being here. I'm sorry you got robbed, I know what a life changing experience that can be. But, don't let fear control your life. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best. <3

Karma (or insert your belief here) will get the person that robbed you.
thats fucked up dude :/ at least u're still alive. bloody dodgey dealers