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Gone through over 500mg CBD oil in a week?


Apr 29, 2018
I feel like that's somehow A LOT?
For most people the 30ml bottle would last 3 months apparently, but I have less than a third left after a week. I really don't feel like I've been overdoing it, though. Is that a lot? Why isn't it lasting even like 10% of the time it should?
I feel like that's somehow A LOT?
For most people the 30ml bottle would last 3 months apparently, but I have less than a third left after a week. I really don't feel like I've been overdoing it, though. Is that a lot? Why isn't it lasting even like 10% of the time it should?
Nah, thats not too bad imo. I take around that myself. I take around 60mg per day (sometimes more). 30mg in the morning and 30mg at night. I use it for epilepsy. What do you use yours for?
I take it for anxiety but I do also suffer from seizures and chronic pain.
Are you on a prescription med for epilepsy or does the CBD work by itself?
It's a rip off unfortunately I buy mine from simply-cbd.co.uk twenty five quid for ten percent I do use the cnd and cnda which is six quidand does have an effect
Yeah, I thinking of stopping it due to the hefty price. Same thing with smoking tbh.
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you should really look into actual research on effective dosage for CBD. it varies depending intention(i.e. pain, anxiety), but it's efficacy is said to be around 10-25/mg per body weight. I think that number might come from dosages for effective epilepsy treatment, but there is research on what they call the "bell shaped curved" of the effectiveness of CBD. Most in the circle I get my info, who are currently working in the industry at various levels, say 4-500mg per dose for the average person. So maybe 2-300 for a smaller female, and 6-800mg for a larger male.

But that is also assuming that the male and female body process the drug the same. A ton of research recently has come out as to why certain treatments have drastically different outcomes for male vs female. A common example is how females are generally more sensitive to alcohol, due to a higher fat to water content, and less alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme that breaks down alcohol as begins to process of removing it from the body. Similarly, some Asians also have lower levels of this enzyme, which is why the stereotype of an Asian girl not being able to handle her alcohol is often true. Genetically, they are not evolved to handle it well/ be more sensitive to it- at least by comparison.

Among the vast assumptions made in CBD treatments(not saying there isn't legit ones, just lots of false info), Route of administration(ROA) is another thing that I rarely hear considered when dosing, despite it playing a rather big effect in the process. Vaping, as I understand, bypasses the first pass metabolism(stomach acids, liver, etc), but the drug still interacts with enzymes in the lung(p450?). I also know of a company that nanoencapsulates the CBD so that it can be dissolved under the tounge, bypassing first pass metabolism this way as well. I think something similar can be achieve with something like tincture/alcohol, as I do not think CBD is water soluble, which would also rule out snorting and(most unfortunately)boofing as effective methods. Unless of course there was similar means to bypass the same problem as holding cbd crystal under your tongue.
It's similar to THC.

Half a gram a week is plenty to get effects as a regular user.
Do you min me asking what you take? Me and my neurologist are loggerheads when it comes to what we think will work.
I take a medication called Vimpat, 200mg twice a day. My seizures typically start in the temporal lobe and that eventually progresses into a full grand mal seizure (not all the time though). It works extremely well. Cant even remember the last time I had a seizure.
I take a medication called Vimpat, 200mg twice a day. My seizures typically start in the temporal lobe and that eventually progresses into a full grand mal seizure (not all the time though). It works extremely well. Cant even remember the last time I had a seizure.

Cheers, I'll look it up.
And congrats man, that's great news! :)