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Gold bar test

You know, I'm not entirely to sure. I was thinking possibly New Years Eve. Unless something else pops up before then.
RE: Goldbars getting smaller. On my 3rd purchase of a batch of golds I could have sworn they were smaller but thought nothing of it until I read this post. I can't say there was a difference in quality though I think it's worth mentioning that the roll is insanely mellow and for me, and a friend I gifted a couple to there were notable hallucinogenic effects. These pills have me talking all the way through sleep as well as inducing vivid dreams.
So many mixed reviews on the gold bars.... leaves me fuckin confused as shit! I have a couple I scored the other day along with a purple (+-), and 2 blue Barclay's. The goldbars I got are the legitimately pressed ones with the dull gold/yellow color, not the bright yellow crumbly ones. I've already tried the Barclay's before and know they're fuckin fire. Just been wondering about the gold bars and the purple (+-). Guess ill have to find out here soon.
Gold bars are the best pill ive had although i was sick at first it kicked my buzz right in. I took half then another full one it was amazing.
So many mixed reviews on the gold bars.... leaves me fuckin confused as shit! I have a couple I scored the other day along with a purple (+-), and 2 blue Barclay's. The goldbars I got are the legitimately pressed ones with the dull gold/yellow color, not the bright yellow crumbly ones. I've already tried the Barclay's before and know they're fuckin fire. Just been wondering about the gold bars and the purple (+-). Guess ill have to find out here soon.
I haven't had the Barclay's or gold bars, but I did get to try the +/- and would rate them as top notch. On par with the red mortal kombats or white ?s from awhile back.
Had some goldbars a few weeks back, mixed feelings (not helpful I know!). I had an alright night but my totally chilled my friend out. No euphoria and not much energy.

Any suggestions for what to try next? Have another night coming up which I wouldn't mind getting my hands on stuff for.
I've tested Gold Bars, they're being sold around where I live quite often.

They're a very well pressed pill, they're some pretty good pills, the only negative is the crazy Jaw swing you get from them.
Had some goldbars a few weeks back, mixed feelings (not helpful I know!). I had an alright night but my totally chilled my friend out. No euphoria and not much energy.

Any suggestions for what to try next? Have another night coming up which I wouldn't mind getting my hands on stuff for.

My suggestion would be look for Blue Barclay's, those are top notch IMO!! Dropping a full one wrecks my shit hahaha. I finally tried a full gold bar and redosed a purple (+-). Pretty decent night, but, I kind of agree with the goldbars being kinda mellow. Its not like a bad thing, just not super euphoric like the blue Barclay's are. Still hella fun none the less!
Barclay's are the best for sure. The gold bars are definitely a nice high dose pill. I will always support the defcon crew as that was the first import I had tried 3 years ago. We are lucky to have a selection in the US.
Well with all this talk about the Barclays I'm pretty excited to try them now. I know I said I had a Gold Bar to try but some stuff happened & now I'm not to sure if I still have one for me to try.
Well with all this talk about the Barclays I'm pretty excited to try them now. I know I said I had a Gold Bar to try but some stuff happened & now I'm not to sure if I still have one for me to try.

You'll love those Barclay's I guarantee it bro. Definitely my favorite pill at this time!! Rolled on Em couple different occasions, always a Banger!
The Barclays are being pressed by the Nintendo crew right? I'm really hoping to try the Nintendo 2.0
Then I'll definitely love them. Plus, the way you're talking about them, I'm even more excited to try them! I feel like it's been forever since I've taken some MDxx.
does anyones gold bars have 199.9mg printed on the back with a line for splitting the pill under the 199.9mg and on the front gold stamped in capitals? I've got a couple for the weekend and am hoping to hell their decent-I really need to invest in a pill tester :S
does anyones gold bars have 199.9mg printed on the back with a line for splitting the pill under the 199.9mg and on the front gold stamped in capitals? I've got a couple for the weekend and am hoping to hell their decent-I really need to invest in a pill tester :S

Definitely the goods my friend. I've had them a few times and loved them! They don't have 199.9 mgs in them though (even though it says they do) only the first batch pressed did. They're about 140-170 mgs nowadays but, still pretty potent clean MDMA.
I noticed a poster mentioned some gold bars are pretty strong and people don't like that-years ago with the white mistzus they were heavy and I liked them but a lot didn't-same with gold bars? yeah close to 200mg seems to me too much for me anyway haha but 250-170 sounds good. I'd love to know what white mitzubishis in the late 90s mg were coz to me (saying that I was 15- 16/17 when taking them) but is done ither pills and even the brown specks mitzubishis were aced
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I love dosing in the 200mg range as an initial dose when it comes to MDMA. Definitely isn't for everyone but, I fuckin love it! Can't wait til the little event here on Saturday! Ready to roll tits!!!