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Going Back To Psychedelics After A 2 C-B Ego Death Experience.

Pink Pigeon

Feb 5, 2015
I have been interested in psychedelics since I was around 16/17 and I am now 40. Mainly LSD and mushrooms have been my joices, although 2C-B has been taken occasionalyl within the last few years. I had no problems with this product in a pellett form and have taken upto approx 100mg of 2C-B with MDMA as well.
However last year I procurred 500mg of powdered 2C-B. I Insufflated approx 40mg to 50mg and had what I can only explain as being the heaviest trip I have ever had, my body disapeared and all I can say is I became part of the cosmos with no knowledge of my surroundings or even mysel, only a feeling that I was part of the ever expanding universe.
I have not had any psychs since but my head space is in a good place at the moment and would consider either liberty caps, with the season coming up or perhaps 1p-LSD.
I know it's my choice but any opinions would be welcomed.
Many Thanks.
well, youre less likely to get sold mxe again if you stick to shrooms. just beware those masquerading risotto leftovers
I went off street acid as a teenager after a couple of bad trips so despite a few seasonal mushroom sesshes ive always thought my head was too delecate to handle heavy psychedelic experiences.

Until I discovered 1-PLSD. My first 100mcg blotter, taken alone at home, produced such an intense response it included a similar experience to what you have described above, as the drug peaked I experienced a level of synesthesia that was indescribable, my reality started to fractalise leading to the sensation that the neurons in my brain were reaching out through different networks through the whole of time and space. As intense as it was, it was beautifully profound and extremely liberating as I felt myself detached from the emotional and interpersonal world that generally governs all of my anxieties and base fears, physically feeling above the human experience in what might be comparable to the way some functional autistic people view the world. After reading the shite 'professional psychonaughts' have written I apperar to have experienced a level of ego death decribed as 'level 8A geometry' and to give those guys there due, it did include a fairly accurate description of what I experienced with the visual and mental geometric patterns framing my experience like I was soaring upwards out of a madelbrot set.

Now I have so much emotional baggage that I never considered how positive a psychedelic experience like that could be - it was like id given my brain a spring clean. The 1-PSD was perfect, almost identical to lsd25 but at the dose I took (just one tab!) it remained quite easy to keep ones train of thought from ending up in negative loops. It was this confidence that allowed me totally let go.

I was lucky to have such an intense ride from a 100mcg dose, but with no real experience or any tolerance to psyches, that first tab obviously pushed buttons in my brain that have never been used before. As such my subsquent trips (ive taken it on 4 occasions over the summer) havnt been near that level, but they have still been cool enough that I dont feel too keen on pushing up the dose yet. Other more experienced trippers appear to require larger doses, but despite my belief that that drug is more forgiving than street acid, its still essentially the same thing and could have real legs if one overdoes it
I've definitely had a near-ego death, from a large dose of 2C-I (accidentally took double what I should have done). It was extremely intense, and unexpected, for myself and the person I did it with. It took several hours to even figure out how to walk again. It was a lot of fun, though.
wouldnt know. my nose & feelings of insuflating acid-soaked jagged glass shards of pointy agony, theyre dissociative too
Slightly off topic I guess from the OPs post but I took around 25MG of 2C-B last night (orally) and have to say I was less than impressed. Only way I can describe it was a slight haziness at best and nothing like the descriptions I've read on here about similar experiences to MDMA. Was also hoping for some kind of "trip" but again nothing really. Pills tested positive for 2C-B and I took 1 and 3 quarters over about 1.5 hours (they are the blue hearts if anyone is interested, let me know if you need a pic). Perhaps MDMA is my drug of choice as I find it absolutely magical every time (2 x 100MG doses over the night) but just cant do it more than once every 6 weeks as I'm not prepared to risk it.

I'm 13.5 st and a heavy gym user if that makes any difference, first time trying 2C-B last night in a controlled setting at home, done MDMA about 8 times, most recently at a festival 4 weeks ago. Anything I take is tested with all 5 reagents.

OP - I envy you!! :)
I think you could probably up the dose a bit quite safely. I usually take about 30mg, have gone as high as 45, and I only weigh 9st.

For me, when I started on 20mg I was a bit ambivalent about it, but the intensity ramps up quite quickly between 20 and 30.
Perhaps MDMA is my drug of choice as I find it absolutely magical every time (2 x 100MG doses over the night) but just cant do it more than once every 6 weeks as I'm not prepared to risk it.
Risk what, may I ask? Are you, perchance, American?

Yeah, as Josh said, you can up that dose. You're not going to die from 2C-B, you'd be the first person to do so, if you did. How do you know your pills had that amount in them, and there's not a spread (like MDMA pills)? How did you come to the conclusion that 1 and 3/4 was 25mg? Next time, take two, then drop half every hour or so, until you are no longer disappointed. ;)
Risk what, may I ask? Are you, perchance, American?

Yeah, as Josh said, you can up that dose. You're not going to die from 2C-B, you'd be the first person to do so, if you did. How do you know your pills had that amount in them, and there's not a spread (like MDMA pills)? How did you come to the conclusion that 1 and 3/4 was 25mg? Next time, take two, then drop half every hour or so, until you are no longer disappointed. ;)

Hi Treacle,

Nope, I'm actually from the UK. In terms of risk for using MDMA more than once every 6 weeks I'm talking potential permanent damage or loss of "the magic" so to speak. All speculation of course but it appears to be the widely accepted theory that 6 weeks is the minimum between use so I stick to it since it seems to be working well for me so far.

Interesting comments re the 2C-B. The blue heart pills I consumed were reportedly lab tested at 15MG (I'll try and find the link) and were also sold as this but obviously you can never rely on what they are sold as. Pills have been my choice so far for MDMA as I just feel more comfortable with them for some reason and hence stuck with them for the 2C-B try out. As you've probably worked out, the 25MG is best guess since that's all I can do when using pills, the 2nd one I took was probably two thirds rather than 3/4, hence the arrival at about 25MG. I still have a few left so perhaps I may try them another time in a different setting but it certainly didn't agree with my body as well as MDMA seems to, just didn't feel as clean somehow, very hard to describe.
Thanks for the semi advive on the OP, Stee goods words my man helpfulf to the max. I think I'lll leave it for a little while yet maybe give the 1p-lsd try at a low 1 blotter try in the futurer. As I don't want to be part of the cosmos as my brain may not handle it!
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Hi Treacle,

Nope, I'm actually from the UK. In terms of risk for using MDMA more than once every 6 weeks I'm talking potential permanent damage or loss of "the magic" so to speak. All speculation of course but it appears to be the widely accepted theory that 6 weeks is the minimum between use so I stick to it since it seems to be working well for me so far
I don't know about 'widely accepted'. I've never heard six weeks quoted in EADD (experts reckon your serotonin levels are back to normal within a week, when taking moderate/infrequent doses, such as yourself), but the Ecstasy Discussion forum seems certain that taking more than half a pill every 3 years, without pre/post-loading leads to holes in your brain. ;) In my experience, MDMA can be heavily abused, without any lasting effects. Obviously, I can't speak for everyone, but I don't know anyone who's fucked from pills. Try taking your 2C-B with MDMA. That can be quite special. :)
I had exactly the kind of 2C-B experience you describe, about three years ago. It was extremely unsettling; made oral DMT seem like a cup of cocoa.

I was fine after it'd passed, though, and no other psychedelic has made me feel that level of discomfort since. Not that I take psychedelics these days, but I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. All the best.
Nope, I'm actually from the UK. In terms of risk for using MDMA more than once every 6 weeks I'm talking potential permanent damage or loss of "the magic" so to speak. All speculation of course but it appears to be the widely accepted theory that 6 weeks is the minimum between use so I stick to it since it seems to be working well for me so far.

Losing the magic is vastly overstated, especially on bluelight and particularly with people who are from across the pond and less affiliated with heavy MDMA use/abuse/whatever you want to call it.
I had exactly the kind of 2C-B experience you describe, about three years ago. It was extremely unsettling; made oral DMT seem like a cup of cocoa.

I was fine after it'd passed, though, and no other psychedelic has made me feel that level of discomfort since. Not that I take psychedelics these days, but I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. All the best.

Many thanks for your comments SG. The worry was I'd have the fear that it would kick in at a similar "populr Bitish magician" disappearing act for real. On reading up however insuflation of even small amounts of 2C-B can take the trip to several levels higher than if taken orally.
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Many thanks for your comments SG. The worry was I'd have the fear that it would kick in at a similar "populr Bitish magician" disappearing act for real. On reading up however insuflation of even small amounts of 2C-B can take the trip to several levels higher than if taken orally.

I would really try and resolve these fears before the trip, (you know this) psychedelic experiences can be unpredictable with deeply profound experiences not nesesarily being directly related to the quantity of drugs consumed.

IME the most common cause of difficulties whilst taking psychedelics is a fear or letting go, or attempting to gain control and resist the dissolving of the self. Since our 'normal' reality is largely a false construct and our apparent perception of self is flimsy at best these things can't be used as some kind of anchor ....attempts to do so are futile in the face of psychedelics and often result in ...I cluster head fuck ;)

Forget holding on and concerns of ego death and such none of those things will harm you, you'll step back through the door and may even benefit from the experience.
I would really try and resolve these fears before the trip, (you know this) psychedelic experiences can be unpredictable with deeply profound experiences not nesesarily being directly related to the quantity of drugs consumed.

IME the most common cause of difficulties whilst taking psychedelics is a fear or letting go, or attempting to gain control and resist the dissolving of the self. Since our 'normal' reality is largely a false construct and our apparent perception of self is flimsy at best these things can't be used as some kind of anchor ....attempts to do so are futile in the face of psychedelics and often result in ...I cluster head fuck ;)

Forget holding on and concerns of ego death and such none of those things will harm you, you'll step back through the door and may even benefit from the experience.

Spot on, sort out any mental issues then give it a go. On refletion my headspace, although good is not 100% as most people's arn't. A bit more thinking time is required then I'll make a decision. Just a shame because I had always loved psychs up until the 2C-B experience which was one scarry mudder fugger, expecially as it lasted 3 days on a drug that should only have a 4-5 hour trip.
I had a bad trip when i was 18 ish as the 1st was wearing off or so i thought i stupidly decided to take anather that was a different trip, as in the picture on the blotter and twice the size. And that was defo too much. A bad trip can be really scary, as u cant do anything to help yourself, and once any negativity arises it just seems to intensify. i dont remember too much as it was 15 yearsago, but i havent dared do one since despite being offered. It takes quite a toll on the old noggin, it took weeks before i started to feel normalish again. The scariest feeling i remember is not being in control of my brain at all. thoughts, voices and visuals all going 100mph, and i couldnt change or control any of them then trying to sleep just intensified the negativity. treat the drug with the respect it deserves.