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Misc Glorious, Glorious "Bath Salts" ;)


May 16, 2020
Has anybody happened to notice any random looking bath salt product on the shelves lately...maybe snuck in next to the kratom and Spice at your friendly, local quickie-mart ??? Asking for a friend. Appreciate any anecdotal stories or sightings!
Here in the uk there has been a blanket ban on any Research Chemicals. Of course you can find poppers and nitrous in shops because they are sold as room deodoriser and whipped cream chargers respectively.

I dont believe you can get spice or bathsalt at shops in the uk any more.
Here in the uk there has been a blanket ban on any Research Chemicals. Of course you can find poppers and nitrous in shops because they are sold as room deodoriser and whipped cream chargers respectively.

I dont believe you can get spice or bathsalt at shops in the uk any more.
I was just cut off by the most nasty Netherland toxic twin brothers who were there abusive nasty pair of tw"%s excuse me.. that is what I was forced to put up with bring in the UK hun. Now my online search is relentless and I am just about getting myself out of bed
Has anybody happened to notice any random looking bath salt product on the shelves lately...maybe snuck in next to the kratom and Spice at your friendly, local quickie-mart ??? Asking for a friend. Appreciate any anecdotal stories or sightings!
Please elaborate
I've never seen it in any stores, but I recently tried A-PHIP for the first time, and holy shit. From what I understand, "bath salts" is a blanket term referring to synthetic cathinones/pyrovalerones, so I figured I'd chime in. It's the most fiendish chem I've ever used aside from maybe crack, but honestly it might be a tie. In my opinion, it is not worth doing, because the urge to keep redosing is so strong, it got out of control almost immediately. The rush is just so intense, and it makes you just want to keep pushing it. There are so many different synthetic cathinones, and RC analogs out there, and they're probably all a little different. From what I hear, though, they all have have that "more, more, MORE NOW!" feeling, which can be really dangerous for some people, others have had good experiences with them though. Just be really friggin careful if you ever choose to partake.
I've never seen it in any stores, but I recently tried A-PHIP for the first time, and holy shit. From what I understand, "bath salts" is a blanket term referring to synthetic cathinones/pyrovalerones, so I figured I'd chime in. It's the most fiendish chem I've ever used aside from maybe crack, but honestly it might be a tie. In my opinion, it is not worth doing, because the urge to keep redosing is so strong, it got out of control almost immediately. The rush is just so intense, and it makes you just want to keep pushing it. There are so many different synthetic cathinones, and RC analogs out there, and they're probably all a little different. From what I hear, though, they all have have that "more, more, MORE NOW!" feeling, which can be really dangerous for some people, others have had good experiences with them though. Just be really friggin careful if you ever choose to partake.
Thank you for your concern. Yes that's what makes them fun and/or extremely risky depending on one's propensity for instant gratification.
In the places I've lived there were never RCs sold in shops (besides salvia divinorum, which isn't a RC, in headshops), even in the NL they only sell them below the counter and as very expensive, badly labelled vials. I keep wondering to read about gram bags of stuff like 4-MMC or MXE being sold at gas stations. The domain of research chemicals is the internet. I also wonder how they acquire and import them from China (not an inquiry for sourcing!), as a private person you're out of luck when they decide to confiscate even legal stuff.

But I guess open sale without any warnings or dosage advices (because not for human consumption) is responsible for a good part of the harm done and reason for legislation changes like in the UK. Which is quite a shame because it'd been illegal in the first place to sell the RCs as for consumption.
The Bath salts they banned in the us were a stimulant called hexen? I believe. Which that poor homeless man who ate the guys face did not even have in his system it was just an excuse to ban bath salts and make people afraid of them.
The first flesh-rotting cannibal drug was alpha-PVP aka flakka afaik. But hexen got quite popular as well. Never had hexen but I loved alpha-PVP, with respect and in appropriate dosages it was a nice stim, better than ritalin.
Not the first occasion where they wrongly banned a drug based on some incident where later was found out that it had been a different or no drug at all. Even happened in good old Netherlands with psilo shrooms (nowadays replaced by truffles and grow boxes).

I read all this in that really excellent book drug use for grown ups by dr Carl hart
Thanks, I once downloaded this book but never read it so far, will rectify that soon.

but like any stimulant if you are prone to psychosis they can put you into an episode
Specially when dosages get wild, yeah. But do the same with alcohol and you might be dead - seen this way are stims pretty safe.
Please elaborate
Well circa 2010-2014 one could find "branded" bath salts in certain head shops and places like independently owned corner groceries/In-and-Out shops/gas stations. Often sold behind the counter or in glass cases along with "Spice" (synthetic THC), and other legal highs. They would come in packets or tiny jars and have such "brand names" as Crazy Train, White Lightening, Sextasy, Disco, Ivory Wave, etc etc. What they actually contained varied on what chemical was legal at the time, but they all contained some combination of synthetic cathinone stimulants from the early days with MDPV and Mephedrone, to replacements like a-PVP and hexen...there are at least a dozen other synthetic caths that were used as well, all with the same principle effects. Of course there was no ingredient list, and it was packaged to be used for some ulterior purpose such as "bath salts" , "shoe deoderizer", "hookah cleaner" and various others.

In general, I found any number of these to be highly superior to anything passed off as "meth" these days...and therein lies the problem. Because they were too powerful for any normie Tom, Dick, or Sally Jo and things could spiral fast for folks with any mental lability or sensitivity to stimulants.
Well circa 2010-2014 one could find "branded" bath salts in certain head shops and places like independently owned corner groceries/In-and-Out shops/gas stations. Often sold behind the counter or in glass cases along with "Spice" (synthetic THC), and other legal highs. They would come in packets or tiny jars and have such "brand names" as Crazy Train, White Lightening, Sextasy, Disco, Ivory Wave, etc etc. What they actually contained varied on what chemical was legal at the time, but they all contained some combination of synthetic cathinone stimulants from the early days with MDPV and Mephedrone, to replacements like a-PVP and hexen...there are at least a dozen other synthetic caths that were used as well, all with the same principle effects. Of course there was no ingredient list, and it was packaged to be used for some ulterior purpose such as "bath salts" , "shoe deoderizer", "hookah cleaner" and various others.

In general, I found any number of these to be highly superior to anything passed off as "meth" these days...and therein lies the problem. Because they were too powerful for any normie Tom, Dick, or Sally Jo and things could spiral fast for folks with any mental lability or sensitivity to stimulants.
God, that was poetic. It's such a shame about Tom, Dick and Sally Jo. They were such good people...
Edit (addendum): I will say this about "bath salts": I've only ever tried A-Phip, and it was amazing. Work was effortless, and I spent hours and hours playing keyboard completely in the moment. BUT, after it was done, my Adderall didn't work anymore. It raised my tolerance so much that even if I took 60mg, it barely did anything. I only take 10mg/day, unless I work a double then I take 20-30mg. It took about a week and a half to get back to "normal". I should have known that would happen, I just didn't think about it.
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Some sites still ship bath salts from nl, but I don’t like them. You rarely know what’s in them. Just buy the pure chemical and do some reading before, much better. I don’t like these branded blends.
Branded blends are not only undeclared but also a cash cow for these already expensive vendors (the real cost of these RCs is a low, single digit number) as the branded powders are cut but priced similarly to pure chems.

Also when I take something I like to know what it is.

@earthboundbliss Wow, a single dose of a-phip fucking with Adderall? Or did you use one or some grams and after that the Addy stopped working?
Oh boy how I fell in love with this staying in the moment. It's what I crave most now that I'm forced to live sober atm. Guess it's what the psycho people call 'flow'. Doing stuff for hours without even thinking of checking the clock, intrusive thoughts, what else could be done, tiredness, anxiety, jitteryness etc. Not just can good dopaminergic stims do that but it's even more pronounced with low dose dissociatives. Do you have any experiences with them?
Some sites still ship bath salts from nl, but I don’t like them. You rarely know what’s in them. Just buy the pure chemical and do some reading before, much better. I don’t like these branded ble

Branded blends are not only undeclared but also a cash cow for these already expensive vendors (the real cost of these RCs is a low, single digit number) as the branded powders are cut but priced similarly to pure chems.

Also when I take something I like to know what it is.

@earthboundbliss Wow, a single dose of a-phip fucking with Adderall? Or did you use one or some grams and after that the Addy stopped working?
Oh boy how I fell in love with this staying in the moment. It's what I crave most now that I'm forced to live sober atm. Not just can good dopaminergic stims do that but it's even more pronounced with low dose dissociatives. Do you have any experiences with them?
It was a 3 day binge, I went through 3 grams, IVing it. Yes, I know, I'm an idiot for mainlining something so corrosive, but I'm an addict, and that's just the way she goes... I've had a few very life changing experiences with dissociatives. I started using ketamine a couple months ago, hoping to get some antidepressant benefit, but definitely wasn't using low doses. I love K-holing in the dark with my headphones on. It's indescribable. Also, in 2013, I had just been diagnosed with HIV, and my CD4 count was in the double digits. I barely got out of bed for almost 6 months, when, on Christmas day, I decided to take 650mg of DXM (it has a bad reputation, but when used properly, it's a pretty profound experience, and not gross and stupid like drinking cough syrup in high school). Anyway, I don't know what happened in my brain, but a few days after that, I started sketching in my journal. Later that week I started painting again, and by the end of that month, it was like I had been reborn. I had something like, 15 or so finished canvases, that I was truly happy with, and they all eventually sold. A month later, a friend and I spontaneously ran away together in a car to the west coast, from Maryland. I didn't force any of it. It all just happened, and I was back to myself again. Wow, that was a rant. I'm spun, sorry bout that.
I decided to take 650mg of DXM (it has a bad reputation

its defenitvely something different then all these arylcyclohexylamines, dxm provides a harsher trip, youre more spaced out, but i loved it in my younger years in doses from 420-570mg in combination with mushrooms and weed.
its defenitvely something different then all these arylcyclohexylamines, dxm provides a harsher trip, youre more spaced out, but i loved it in my younger years in doses from 420-570mg in combination with mushrooms and weed.
It was my first experience with any dissociative, besides nitrous. At that point in my life, it was exactly what I needed. Being able to step outside of myself, and see my life 100% objectively, made it so much easier to process and accept all the shit I was going through. Traumatic experiences like that diagnosis make it so everything is distorted through the lens of emotion, and it's so hard to see anything at all besides the trauma. I was actually incredibly self centered during that period, and all I could think about was myself and my diagnosis, and my pain and me, me, me. Once I saw myself as just another human on the rock, playing the game of life, I was free from myselfishness.
Oh yeah, lying on the bed in darkness with headphones is definitely the way to go with dissociatives. Before tolerance went too high I would do this every week once or twice, lose contact with my body and float around through imaginary landscapes. In some time I began to using daily, this was when stuff went wrong but I was in a very dark place and knew what I was doing, just didn't care.
But I never got real visuals besides black and white contours. Did you get visuals?

But dissociatives also have another modus, when used at low dosages (depending on tolerance with DXM around 100-250mg, MXE was 5-15mg and K Idk) they induce a sensation of living in the moment and sometimes also heightened imagination and easier cognitive association, I don't play an instrument but I can imagine this state to facilitate playing and learning.
Does anybody see any branded chems in their friendly local smoke shop, corner convenience store/gas station, truck stop, etc. anymore ?? I see various branded kratom products and some other "legal highs" mimicking Xanax but that's about it.