MAPS Global Marijuana Research Project


Jan 15, 2013
Please support this simple yet important online Cannabis project, it is 24 questions and using the results we hope to compile a document that puts to rest the hype that still lingers in small pockets from "Refer Madness". Simply put your answer under the questions, and send the email back, and forward this email to your friends.

And these questions are not working alone, this project will be much more important to the community than it looks on the surface

Phase 1: Spreading the survey, and the idea of the project itself
Phase 2: Recruit Commissioners, Suggest Projects to be Commissioned
Phase 3: Field Trips, Commissioner Education Seminars
Phase 4: Commissioner Reports
Phase 5: Expansion of Research

Send Replies to [email protected]
1. Does Cannabis make you feel less physically able?
2. Does Cannabis make you feel less mentally able?
3. When you smoke Cannabis, does it lead to you doing other "bad" things? Such as lying, cheating or stealing amongst friends and family?
4. Do you feel like you have as much passion for the things you love while you are high?
5. Do you feel like you do more or less research on things you hear about when you are stoned, vs things you hear about while you are sober?
6. Does smoking Marijuana effect your appetite?
7. Does smoking Marijuana effect your Bowel Movements?
8. Does Marijuana seem to Clog or Clear your airways once smoking has ceased?
9. Does it make you more prone to anger?
10. Does it make you more prone to violence?
11. What do you usually do when you are high?
12. What is the usual setting you get high in?
13. Do you feel the same about your spouse or boy/girlfriend when you are high?
14. What are the differences between your high and sober sexual experiences?
15. Do you have sex more or less often when smoking marijuana vs when you are sober?
16. Do you feel like yourself when you are high? If not, do you feel better or worse?
17. Do you go or have you been to school high? If so, how was it different than a sober day?
18. Have you ever seen anyone go crazy when they were high?
19. Have you ever gone crazy when you were high?
20. What is the weirdest thing you have seen or done when you were high?
21. What is the weirdest recurring thing you have seen or done when you were high? (What happens all the time)
22. After smoking, do you always feel you sober up completely back to your normal self?
23. Do you know any "crazy" people that smoke? And did they start smoking before they went crazy? Or is Marijuana a self medication for them?
24. In your experience, are stoners generally criminals of other sorts, or is smoking weed their only crime?

Thank you :)
Why not make a survey and give options? Makes it easier to do statistical analysis afterwards and increases the chances of people actually filling this out. Also anonymity-wise. Try something like ...
Why not make a survey and give options? Makes it easier to do statistical analysis afterwards and increases the chances of people actually filling this out. Also anonymity-wise. Try something like ...

I will do that. I had not heard of that site.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind completing the survey but would prefer to submit through an online interactive form as RR suggested. Shall wait for that.
There are some grammatical/typographical issues going on in those questions, and your use of the term "crazy" is going to come off as unprofessional at best and offensive at worst to many people. As much as it totally sucks, anything having to do with research around illegal substances is going to be held to a higher standard and have more criticism leveled against it if it seems in any way unprofessional. If you'd like any help in rewording/reframing questions or setting up a survey on a site like SurveyMonkey (which I agree will greatly improve the data as well as people's willingness to reply), let me know! :)

I'd also recommend setting up a website, however small and simple, to help organize information about your project. It will make your efforts seem more professional and legitimate, and it will also provide an easy link for people to share. I'd recommend linking some good published research on your site (and perhaps a link to BL as well ;)).
What does " Shivology " Have to do with this? I myself practice Shaivism and think your picture is cool and how you word this on facebook as preposterous, A belief in Shiva has absolutely nothing to do with an educated research project on cannabis, the alkaloid bearing organism you speak of, get knowledge or get owned son.