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Glittershits (capsules, all colors) review

rolodex propaganda

Feb 20, 2009

These capsules are going around in rural Louisiana. Feels like they each contain 75mg mdX. I had four for the best night of my life. Yes, they do make your shit sparkle as an added bonus, however if you mix colors it doesn't look as nice as if you just take the purple ones.
Why does having glittery shit a 'bonus'? I would rather just not eat the adulterants and have the good old kind of shit. If the capsule only contains 75mgs of MDMA then it seems to be a lot of added rubbish to this capsule.

I would avoid these
Yeah pretty dumb. I'm going to guess they're bunk as well. Why would someone add glitter to legit pills??

Side question for OP. Any chance you tested these with a kit??
Why would someone add glitter to legit pills??


And if a supplier is an asshole and doesn't care what people are ingesting but knows customers will still take them, then why the shit not? They're memorable, I'll give them that much.
How is that branding?? I mean I get what your saying as far a pressed shit goes but anyone can put glitter in a cap.

Also that's a good point I'm well aware of . I just hope every bunk asshole dealer gets their teeth stomped in because it's what they deserve.
I'm not saying it's good branding and honestly that's not even really the right word for it but... there are a lot of stupid people. Like I said, they're memorable, and that was all the point I was trying to make. If they're good or even decent pills besides the glitter, then people are more likely to remember them and who they came from rather than a plain translucent capsule filled with powder. If those same people don't care what they're ingesting, then maybe they'll come back. That's about all I can think of. I've heard of people stumbling upon multi-colored crack. It's the same deal as far as I can tell. I don't know what other purpose it would serve.

Weird shit tho.
Yeah pretty dumb. I'm going to guess they're bunk as well. Why would someone add glitter to legit pills??

Side question for OP. Any chance you tested these with a kit??

These are deffo legit. Straight to black. Rich people eat capsules with gold flakes so they can shit gold all the time. I don't see how this is any different. Gold is inert and so is glitter.
These are deffo legit. Straight to black. Rich people eat capsules with gold flakes so they can shit gold all the time. I don't see how this is any different. Gold is inert and so is glitter.

Gold is inert - glitter is non toxic and made out of plastic. If you have had them what is the weight compared to the 75mg approx of MDMA your getting? I have to admit its better than filling it with random chemicals and a great marketing ploy, but I would still avoid them.
I bet the glitter messes with kits especially the marquis( I know paper does) which did you get black results for?? inert or not I just want mdma in my caps nothing else.

Don't think rich people really do that either ?? haven't been scoping their shit's though.....
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They make edible glitter that is safe to ingest, but if your shitting out glitter than I doubt its edible. Not sure what your talking about op with gold pills, but that cost a ton of dough. People can have crazy bad allergies to gold. The only thing I ever heard of i that regard is goldschlager. Something like 70%+ people have a gold allergy in their life.
What a dumb Marketing ploy. If ya wanna brand your own capsules of "molly" get colored capsules. Majority of "molly " comes in the standard clear capsules, not many people use colored ones. Who the fuck wants a sparkling dookie anyways!?!?
What a dumb Marketing ploy.
Well apparently the makers' marketing ploy is dumb enough to be grabbing the attention of its' own thread on BlueLight already...

Gimmicky as it may be, it sounds like they've served their purpose quite well and are achieving exactly what the creator had initially hoped for...
In my experience real MDMA needs no gimmicks. That chemical is so wonderful and precious that I have taken some pretty nasty looking pills but cared not, as I knew what the pill contained. If that was presented to me the very first thing I would think is research chemical or worse.

However I also know people who are attracted to shiny things, so they might be wanted by ppl like that... 8)

I'll admit the pills from europe like the ones in the MDMA The Movie banner at the top of this page look pretty awesome...

Different strokes for different folks...
They make edible glitter that is safe to ingest,

Do they ? If you check you will see that its the same stuff - plastic/non toxic. I'm not sure there is a 'food grade' glitter.

Most of it is 'non toxic' - not the same as edible.
that is one of the funniest things ive ever seen lol. idk about that man for me mdma isnt like coke, it is very possible to get a 1 gram rock of MDMA. idk why you would eat a substance that you obviously know is cut, with something inedible nonetheless.