• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Girly Thread v. Nail Porn, Makeup Lust and everything else girlie girl

speaking of toesies....

i think my big toenails are about to make a break for it again :( i damaged them badly one drunken night years ago (i think something heavy fell on top of them) and they eventually fell off months later (ick). now they are terribly prone to damage if i wear any sort of heel.

lately i've been going out dancing all night once a weekend (in sneakers mostly, but sometimes a pair with a bit of a wedge) and they seem to be pretty pissed off and separating from my toe :( anyone else have this problem?
^ I lose toenails fairly frequently, and by frequently I mean maybe one or two, or three a year. Never my big ones though, usually my third or fourth toes....I have no idea why this happens.

I am having a problem with my eyebrows. I usually don't wax them in favor of plucking them, partly because this saves me money and partly because I love plucking things :/ However, lately I have been getting them waxed because they really do look better. My problem is that afterwards, I BREAK OUT like nobody's business all over my eyebrows!!! I have gone to a nail salon to get them waxed and a friend told me not to do that, they re-dip the sticks in the wax which spreads bacteria blah blah blah, so I went to a real salon and paid $16 and they still broke out!!! My birth control keeps my face pretty clear, so having 5+ blemishes, all on the same region of my face is pissing me off....advice? The worst part is they stick around forever! And they're not whiteheads that I can pop, they're just big red bumps.

On the nail polish front, I have been toying with the idea of getting acrylics again, and just painting them myself. I have done this in the past and I like how it makes my nails look, but obviously, it destroys my nails.

I also bit the $50 bullet and purchased the Urban Decay Naked palette (the original) when I had a 20% off coupon from Ulta, and I am loving it. If you're debating making this purchase, go for it.
I have lost my big toenail once from repetitive hammering from running. Since I changed trail runners nail bruising is less of a problem.
Never had the brow issue and I wax almost every month. My gal swipes witch hazel over them when she done.
I am having a problem with my eyebrows. I usually don't wax them in favor of plucking them, partly because this saves me money and partly because I love plucking things :/ However, lately I have been getting them waxed because they really do look better. My problem is that afterwards, I BREAK OUT like nobody's business all over my eyebrows!!! I have gone to a nail salon to get them waxed and a friend told me not to do that, they re-dip the sticks in the wax which spreads bacteria blah blah blah, so I went to a real salon and paid $16 and they still broke out!!! My birth control keeps my face pretty clear, so having 5+ blemishes, all on the same region of my face is pissing me off....advice? The worst part is they stick around forever! And they're not whiteheads that I can pop, they're just big red bumps.

Go for threading. I used to wax, but since trying threading, I haven't looked back.
How does threading compare to waxing in regards to pain?
ERMAGAD black milk sale! glad the leggings i just got weren't a part of it, or i'd be sad.

Aaaaaand now my bank account is sad, LOL. GIVE ME NYLON OR GIVE ME DEATH! :D
with the free worldwide shipping I have a few things in my BM shopping bag but I resisted and bought a winter coat instead...for now

A good and stylish choice for winter. I approve.
Any advice for mascara brands? Revlon seems to have some weird interaction with my eyes (I keep getting red eyes when I wear it). CoverGirl used to be nice but it just doesn't seem to be as nice anymore. Maybelline is working fine for me now, but still isn't perfect. I usually pay $8-$10 for my mascara but I don't mind paying a bit more, even $15 - $20 for really good quality. I just want them to look longer, you know? I already have pretty nice lashes (hate to be conceited lol) so I don't need it, but I love having longer lashes. Anyone have any suggestions? :)
^ Dior Show..... its like 25$ but worth every penny

Woot thanks! Will check it out! Now that I'm not completely poor, I don't mind spending a tiny bit of money on something if it's going to be really good! Hope it's at the local drugstore or something. Will find it :) :)
It won't be at a drugstore, but should be at Sephora or Ulta. It definitely is well worth the price. I haven't used anything else since I started using DiorShow. :)
It won't be at a drugstore, but should be at Sephora or Ulta. It definitely is well worth the price. I haven't used anything else since I started using DiorShow. :)

Found it at Shoppers Drug Mart. Came to $35 (with taxes) but I'm in Canada so that's probably why. <3 it!!!!!!!!! :) :)
How does threading compare to waxing in regards to pain?

i think it hurts more because it takes a bit longer. but i also think i became accustomed to the feeling of waxing whereas i just started threading.

i also use dry shampoo, i have a bottle from lush that i really like. it is powerdy like baby powder but absorbs/goes away when i comb my hair.
Found it at Shoppers Drug Mart. Came to $35 (with taxes) but I'm in Canada so that's probably why. <3 it!!!!!!!!! :) :)

Little-known fact about me: I moved states so I wouldn't have to pay sales tax. Not fraudulent, people do this all the time. What is VAT in your area? When I lived in Ontario, it was 17.5%. Now I pay only the specified price. I have gone to Shoppers, they're hilarious. :)

I'd like an opinion on Aveda Shampure. I've used it intermittently with Mane & Tail's olive oil formula. I want to go back to Shampure because I find the smell to be just what suits me. Has anyone used Shampure?

a_c, the dry shampoo from Lush is great used sparingly. A good brushing is all it takes to have fresh hair.
^i've had it for over a year and the bottle is still pretty much full. and i prolly use it 1-2 times a week.
been having fun doing ombre nails with a sponge. it's a bit of a process but the results are fun.

just ordered some konad nail stamping stuff and cheeky plates (way cheaper than konad and had some cute stuff). will report back after i play with them!