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Gibberings CLXXX - one hundred and eiiiiiiiiiighty!

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Aye, the ones I've probably linked to in those threads, mine are a few years old and still reliable. I'd say those are accurate to within 5mg.
If you get a set of calibration weights I find you can put quite a bit more trust in cheaper scales, I have no problem weighing between 10 and 20mg (not died yet anyway).
I get the feeling you have to pay like 10x more to get a set that is actually accurate. If you are happy being within 5mg or so of your desired weight, then I'd say most decent 0.001g scales that you can calibrate are fine.

I found weighing out 25-30mg of MXE seemed to yield consistent results back in the day. aMT is fine too but a bit harder to judge whether doses are consistent.

I'd never kept a set of scales for longer than about a year or though, so I can't say how well they keep.
Not good!....kinda rebellious though. Next time stick to a spliff or summit I'd say

Edit: good info there Chat

I know, I know, but ain't got access to spliff materials anymore :(

About to be made redundant after 20 years public service, so trying my best to get my network updated. How are you on career advice?
I've been doing a lot in the realm of work clubs/career advice/CVs lately, so feel free to chuck us a PM if you want to pick any brains, kate. I doubt there's much in my brains that you don't already know, though.. :)
Do what feels right and don't overthink it.....or sign on and get wasted all the time

Being contented is a good place to be Bob <3

That sounds like good advice. Just wondering how after making my wage I could afford to get that wasted! Wouldn't mind some time out doing that mind :)

I've been doing a lot in the realm of work clubs/career advice/CVs lately, so feel free to chuck us a PM if you want to pick any brains, kate. I doubt there's much in my brains that you don't already know, though.. :)

Thank you so much, that's greatly appreciated. A fresh pair of eyes / thinking may just be what I need. I have masses of skills, experience and a good track record but not sure what to do next. Pretty scared of the private sector tbh :\ I've not refreshed my cv in 10 years 8)
You're welcome, pair of eyes is always on offer for whatever.. (Feel free to remove personal details if you're not comfortable sharing those, obviously.) :)

Mm, whilst you're still doing your job, start writing a list of everything you do in your role, because you'll want to stick that all on your CV.. and sometimes it's also fun to look at people doing similar jobs on Linkedin, and nicking some of the wording on their job descriptions too. Private sector isn't so scary but I do find a lot of it very money-motivated and corporate, which is why I left my job in May in the hope of doing something fluffy and non-profit. Some private companies are lovely though, so I wouldn't let it put you off too much. But definitely get thinking about updating that CV, yeah, so you can upload it onto a few job sites and watch the recruitment agents start hounding you. ;)
You're welcome, pair of eyes is always on offer for whatever.. (Feel free to remove personal details if you're not comfortable sharing those, obviously.) :)

Mm, whilst you're still doing your job, start writing a list of everything you do in your role, because you'll want to stick that all on your CV.. and sometimes it's also fun to look at people doing similar jobs on Linkedin, and nicking some of the wording on their job descriptions too. Private sector isn't so scary but I do find a lot of it very money-motivated and corporate, which is why I left my job in May in the hope of doing something fluffy and non-profit. Some private companies are lovely though, so I wouldn't let it put you off too much. But definitely get thinking about updating that CV, yeah, so you can upload it onto a few job sites and watch the recruitment agents start hounding you. ;)

Cheers <3 I've already started compiling the list of what I do, the evidence and outcomes of that - it reads like fucking war and peace. I need focus and themes :| Fluffy n' non-profit has where I've been but its not quite as its seen, a part of what i do is funding, attracting, applying, project managing it and managing those finances. It's commercial without the corporate hat on. I'm in economic development and regeneration. Specialising in certain areas. My skills for attracting money must be useful surely :\ I have an excellent track record running into millions.. Maybe I should Pm you instead of gushing here :eek: oops. I don't even know what recruitment sites I should be targeting. Honestly, I'm that lost :(

Thanks swampy <3 and if I can exchange anything on the 'other side' I'd be happy to do that x
I've been doing a lot in the realm of work clubs/career advice/CVs lately, so feel free to chuck us a PM if you want to pick any brains, kate. I doubt there's much in my brains that you don't already know, though.. :)

Im so jealous of the people that have the energy and drive and motivation and get up and go to do these sort of things, Im afraid i often fall into the camp of bing completely demotivated for weeks upon end, before i finally muster up any energy and motivation to apply myself to the job hunting process all over again. All the benzos and 45mg of mirtazapine probably are not helping, though i was already abit on the "laid back" side even before i got into those things:sus:

I had what might be a crazy but rather good businness idea go through my head last night. It would need a lot of money to get it off the ground, im not gonna state it opnely here right now incase everyone falls off their chairs laughing, or if someone nicks the idea, and makes thousands out of it, that could have been mine:\

I was gonna search the net today to see if anyone's already doing it, if not, then it could be quite a good idea, and I'll look into getting it patented.
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Thinking of emailing my managers this morning, offering my 'extenuating curcumstances' as i didnt really get ANY chance to defend myself as i was so shocked and caught completely off guard when i was called in for my bollocking. I still feel that i was treated very unfairly in being sacjked with NO WARNING or chance to change my ways as i resopnd very well to feedback at work.

I had had literally no sleep before the shift in which i got into shit, i didnt finish the shift from the prev night until 10.30pm, didnt get home till gone 11. It was around 3am before i was ready to sleep, and then i kneew i had to wake up in about an hour as i had to be back in @6am so i just didnt bother getting any sleep atall. In hindsight that was a bad decision as i still took my nightly dose of etiz, but didnt sleep any of it off. Maybe i coud say that i take anti-depressant medication at night and need sleep to sleep it off otherwise it will adversly affect me the nest day. I had swapped shifts as a favour to someone else,. i know that its not "EU law" for workers not to be given at least 12h betweeen shifts.

This probabaly caused quite an effect on my 'couldnt give a shit' attitude if thats how i was coming across with my "appalling call quality". I must admiut i was genuinely shocked by that, i ususually think i have reasonable self awareness and would have made efforts to correct my tone if it was slipping that badly. Mabe my TL was listening in on certian calls where i didnt know wtf the customer was on about, which is a training issue rather than anyhting else, i must admit to being more short tempered on those calls ehere the cutomer ws nmaking no fucking sense.

What finally did it was that a cutomer asked for a ref number, although they didnt log any actual issue with us, i could have taken 2 minutes to fill in a ref (christ i wish i had now) but i told them they dint need a ref for that issue. The TLs had told me to be more confident and assertive, i giuess i chose the wrong moment to try that, inisting 3 rimes to the customer that he didnt need a ref, whiklst all the time my TL was lsiening in. (I had heard a number of other analaysts say the same sort of thimg to cuctomers, though possibly not if they asked 3 or 4 times,and obviosuly not if they knew that a TL was lsitening in :eek:) Immedietaly after that call he dragged me into the office to tell me how furious he was with me. The TL said that he didnt know why he didnt just sack me on the spot (i suspect it was just because they needed staff for the Sunday shift which i was helping to cover :\ Sly bastards)

The agency phoned on monday to say theat the company didnt need or want me any more, after they has also apparently received some not so great feedback from a corporate user. Again this is a fucking training issue, i was never given any training on 'corporate calls' and never had a clue what they were talking about, how am i expected to deal with / fix calls when i am given 0 training in them. :? All the TLs needed to do was provide feedback on how i should deal with those calls.

I had got to know and established good relationships wilth alll of my colleagues by that point, so it was particularly bitter blow.

Anyone want to to offer an opinion on whether i should email my TLs or not?

I want to send a briefer, more bsiness like and professional email about all this, maybe offering to be of service any time they find themselves being hammered with 15 calls in the queue all day or omsething, whilst also demonstrating that ihave taken the TLs feedback very seriosuly, and also enquuring if i was sacked or laid off. Mauybe i shouldnt ask that particular question and just tell fuiture emplyers that i was laid off/made redundant. 8(
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I did read your post but I can't see you gaining much by continuing your battle.

I was gonna search the net today to see if anyone's already doing it, if not, then it could be quite a good idea, and I'll look into getting it patented.

As for patenting your idea. Have you ever filed a patent before? How strong is your proof of concept?
I did read your post but I can't see you gaining much by continuing your battle.

yeah, maybe i should just let it lie now.

As for patenting your idea. Have you ever filed a patent before? How strong is your proof of concept?

no i've never filed a patent before. If i can find no other mentions on the net that i assume that is resonable proof of the concept being my own original idea.
MDB, I wouldn't waste your time. I've seen plenty of people be sacked on the spot during their probationary period, some even escorted off the premises if they aren't up to the standard the employer wants. You will probably be feeling a bit low about it, perhaps like you have sabotaged yourself but just chalk it up to experience and move on. I'm sure something else will come along soon.
no i've never filed a patent before. If i can find no other mentions on the net that i assume that is resonable proof of the concept being my own original idea.

Proof of concept is not "I haven't found any Google hits so there's no prior art sir", it's proof of the feasibility of your idea.
Proof of concept is not "I haven't found any Google hits so there's no prior art sir", it's proof of the feasibility of your idea.

i belive it is feasable, its an electronic/compuetrised robot sort of idea. It could work, the prototype owuld be fucking expensive to get produced, but then costs would come down once the production company had thing set up to produce the idea in a more automated way..
MDB, I wouldn't waste your time. I've seen plenty of people be sacked on the spot during their probationary period, some even escorted off the premises if they aren't up to the standard the employer wants. You will probably be feeling a bit low about it, perhaps like you have sabotaged yourself but just chalk it up to experience and move on. I'm sure something else will come along soon.

Hmm, ok, thanks for your reply.
From what you have said didn't even enjoy the job very much anyway. Instead of trying to put things right with the previous job just make sure you do things right in the next one.
From what you have said didn't even enjoy the job very much anyway. Instead of trying to put things right with the previous job just make sure you do things right in the next one.

Sound advice from Mr. Ponch there MDB. Just learn & move on. :)

i belive it is feasable, its an electronic/compuetrised robot sort of idea. It could work, the prototype owuld be fucking expensive to get produced, but then costs would come down once the production company had thing set up to produce the idea in a more automated way..

Global patent search

'Robot' sounds interesting, I would imagine such an invention would almost certainly exist in Japan but I don't know about having separate UK patents... not very up on all this. Did a brief section on copyright & patents at Uni but I didn't really pay attention.
i belive it is feasable, its an electronic/compuetrised robot sort of idea. It could work,

You belive it is feasable! Is this some sort of religious idea where just to belive is to prove?

When I worked as a hardware engineer I noticed that the kind of people who couldn't tell their hard drive from a hadron collider would usually team up with more realistic-minded people before marching off to the patent office (or to anywhere else). Not saying that some of them weren't crackpots though.
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