getting suboxone... almost impossible.


Jun 22, 2011
hey everyone.
my husband and i are currently living in south carolina, and have been doing some kind of opiate (was oxycontin) and now we've been using heroin for about 6 months now, never sober for more than a week. we've wanted to quit but given our living situation/trying to maintain our jobs without freaking out, it's been hard. i've finally gotten to the point where i've quit my job because i can't take the yo-yo of withdrawls every couple of days. we haven't been doing it every day in a couple weeks, but still every couple of days. the withdrawl symptoms are probably only moderate... the physical part of withdrawl i can take, it's the post acute withdrawl shit that kills me.

anyway, you all have heard that part before, so i'll get on with it...
i've been calling all the doctors that specialize in suboxone treatment, and every one of them seems to want you to jump through a week and a half, $300 upfront, hoop even to get the first suboxone. i get it, i'm a junkie and you don't want to give me a script because i'll just take it and never come back. you want to "assess" my situation, make me wait a week, and then see "what our options are". this is especially difficult because since we're not using everyday (trying our best), it's really ridiculous to be subject to urine tests to prove that you actually use drugs. so let me get this right. you want me to continue to inject my dangerous street drug at random until you decide that i deserve the treatment i'm seeking?

i've also tried to contact the methadone clinic, which around here, also gives suboxone. But part of the appeal of having a script was not having to go to the other side of town everyday.

also, a side note, my insurance doesn't cover any kind of mental health whatsoever. but that's not even really the main problem. it's the 3 or 4 appointments that seem to be mandatory with every doctor before they give you what you need to get off. i understand the reasoning, but honestly i can't afford to wait that long unless i start using again.

just wanted some last minutes advice/thoughts before i go cold turkey. again.
also note: south carolina isn't exactly current like other states seem to be. no needle exchange program. you can't buy new syringes at the pharmacy unless you have a script for it, and there's no needle exchange program, so your basically stuck with your dull ass spike until you can get some in the mail. fucking ridiculous.
Ya most places you would go for suboxone treatment do not accept insurance. And suboxone treatment in very expensive.

When you first get on it you will have to go in a lot. And it's expensive...
If you know someone that's already goin and they go with you to their doctor the doctor may be more relaxed with treating you and won't have you goin so much ain't won't cost so much..

Also try to find a suboxone doctor that has a special plan.

For example my doctor has a discount program he sells at his office. You buy the plan from the company and pay them monthly and the doctor works with the plan and you save money using the discount card...

Even if your insurance covered mental health, most and all suboxone doctors inhave seen do not take insurance for suboxone users because it is not a medical nessesaty in their eyes.its elective..

My mother spends 1000 dollars a month cash on her suboxone... Crazy..

My first app was 300 before I got the discount program and now I pay 70 an app. And then all my medication is covered by insurance...

If you have insurance you meds might be free but your app will be expensive. Until you start seein your doctor one a month...

This does make it extremely had for people to get clean.

Good luck :) I really hope you are able to get it.
Probably not the best time to quit your job.

Yes, Suboxone is expensive but you've managed to find the money for all the drugs you've buying off the street for who knows how long. You've got to be spending more than the doctor's fee in a week by yourself if I'm right about what a bag of junk must cost in South Carolina.
wow suboxone must have changed in the last 2 years. When I started I left with a script the first night no urine test or even questions really. In fact I didnt get UAd one single time. But thats niether here nor there I guess. Honestly sub should be a last resort cause it is really hard to get off of and like you know is expensive and filled with bullshit hoops. It sounds like your right on the edge of being able to quit I would think very very carefully about the situation. I dont want to discourage you from suboxone I just dont want you to think its a magic pill cause its reaaly not. The first year and a half I was on sub I did heroin all the time I would just jump on and off the sub when I didnt have money or access. Now over time Ive gotten better I rrely relapse now but I am still stuck on subs everytime I try to quit a relapse. That said my life is 1000 times better after 3 years on sub but its a tradeoff.
missykins - buying dope off the street is literally hundreds of dollars cheaper than suboxone (appointments, follow up appointments... the expense list goes on). like i said my insurance doesn't cover anything, the doctor appointments, the prescriptions...
anyway, thanks for the link. i'm going to buy some 8mg subs from a friend, and that will last me a long time. i can take 1/4 of a mg and feel fine mentally. it's not the physical part that i'm overly worried about, i've endured that before... with some exercise, xanax and loperamide i think i can make it. i've given up on mental health support. if they really were there to help you they wouldn't treat you like total scum of the earth and make it impossible to pay for.

crimsonjunk - thanks for the advice!
This is not a sale. I am not a dealer. I am simply giving anyone who currently needs suboxone some very useful information.

I am just a fellow bluelighter that used to take suboxone myself and it was very expensive for me even with my insurance and is impossible for most addits to even afford. So i am greatful to have just found out this information by someone who just discovered this and it has helped them so much. Saved her life she would have never afforded to be on suboxone and stop her opiate addiction.

I felt obligated to try and give this information to my fellow bluelighter friends who want to become cLean from opioids and be treated with suboxone.

If you have low income/ no income you can receive one year free supply of suboxone through your suboxone doctor by using this program. All you have to do is call. And try what's the worst that can't happen.

The program is called Here to Help (supporting you through treatment)

The number is 1866 967 4373

Their website is

Here to help offers this

:support during your treatment for opioid addiction
:telephone access to a personal care. Oath ready to help you find resources you need
:24/7 online access to tools and information
:supportive emails to inspire you
:help finding the right counseling options right for you
:links to peer support and educational resources

If you want the help getting off opiates and want help with suboxone treatment, you can do this . All you have to do it enroll to the program through your suboxone doctors office.

Also your doctors appointment fees are expensive and there is another program called med choice if your suboxone doctor is enrolled in this program you can get a discount on your suboxone appointment costs. The program is Called med choice and you can call around suboxone doctors and see if they use the med choice program to help patients afford their treatment.

I really hope this helpsnyou inhale been thinking about you and would reallynlikentomsee you get throughout this know you can :) <3
also note: south carolina isn't exactly current like other states seem to be. no needle exchange program. you can't buy new syringes at the pharmacy unless you have a script for it, and there's no needle exchange program, so your basically stuck with your dull ass spike until you can get some in the mail. fucking ridiculous.

Kind of off subject, but I'm pretty sure most states don't have a needle exchange program. Even then they might just be in the main cities.

I only know one pharmacy that sells them.