getting on methadone when not physically dependent


Aug 7, 2008
Two year ago I had an issue with IV heroin. Even before that I had been using opiates for years and not run into the issue with physical dependency, but I knew I was psychologically dependent. I ended up becoming physically dependent, but lucky the habit was not too big to where I managed to detox with some aid of klonopin, immodium, cannabis, and OTC non-opiate pain killer. My habit was not big enough to need suboxone or methadone, but a habit is still a habit. After that I spent 3 months in rehab.

In the two year span, I relapsed a couple times not on heroin nor did I IV any opiates but it was with pharma opiates. An opiate is an opiate, and a relapse is still a relapse, but managed to get it under control to where I didn't become physically dependent. Even tho I have been clean I still get cravings, and I still feel that the psychological dependence never goes away.

I have considered the option of intentionally getting back on opiates, becoming physically dependent and signing up to the methadone clinic to where I will get on methadone and never look back. I'm talking about going on methadone with the intention of being on it for the rest of my life. The positive side is it would eliminate the cravings, prevent me from relapsing on opiates in the future, and I can get high on the methadone.

I wanted to ask the folks who are opiate addicts, and went the methadone route is this a smart and viable option for someone with currently no physical dependency? I am currently in my mid 20s, and if I have thought about this option. In theory if I go this route I plan on being on methadone for the rest of my life.

I knew a friend whom picked up a habit with oxycodone, this person started on 30mgs of methadone a day. He didn't use the methadone to get off of opiates, instead he used to methadone to get f'd up. As tolerance rose up, he kept increasing his dose over the span on months, to where he was taking 200mgs of methadone a day. When I saw him before I went to rehab, he was constantly nodding out and it looked like he was enjoying it. I guess two years later I'm not sure if he still gets high from his dose, or just feels normal.

I have thought about taking the same route. Is this a wise decision to make?

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Dont ever let anyone trick you to go to mmt. Dont do it. Id rather crave an opiate all day than ever being in this mess that im in. I hate every minute of this fucking bullshit we call Maintenance. It gave me RLS..I feel 55 somedays. Im only in my early 20s. You will fuck yourself. Dont do it. Your biggest regret will be ahead.
You can work on the psychological dependence and the cravings will lessen at the very least. To purposely go back to an addictive drug with the intention of getting addicted to qualify for methadone to avoid cravings in the future seems all backwards to me. There are so many things that you can do to lessen the impact the cravings have on your life. Battling the hold this drug still has on you seems to be the issue. What have you tried so far? I think you would really be selling yourself short if you do this.
I can see your line of reasoning, but I think this is a bad idea. You say that it "would eliminate the cravings, prevent [you] from relapsing on opiates in the future, and [you] can get high on the methadone." Sure, it would eliminate the cravings and prevent you from relapsing on other opiates. But the only way you would get high after a while is if you kept increasing your dose. And very soon you'd be physically dependent on methadone.

Think of it this way -- replace methadone with heroin (or any other opiate) in your post and see if it sounds like a good idea. I urge you to reconsider. I have been there before (I rationalized using suboxone rather than methadone to "prevent" me from relapsing when I wasn't physically dependent) and it did not go as planned.
I have to agree with the others. That is an awful idea. OK, you will get high on the methadone, you may even increase the dose to 200 mg, maybe that will be a decently high time. But then? Then you have fuckin king kong on your back. Kicking heroin is a walk in the park to kicking methadone when it comes to physical withdrawal, for the case you change your mind someday. It is likely that you will have side effects like extreme tiredness and sleepiness (even when you aren't getting a high from it anymore), your sex drive and abilities will most certainly be gone, you'll have to deal with constipation your whole life, a lot of people sweat like mad on methadone, you know the game. Plus it will be a hassle to go anywhere even slightly away from your mmt clinic, let alone going abroad.
Are a few months of fun those drawbacks for your whole life? I would reconsider this plan. You are clean right now, more or less, at least not physically dependent. Doesn't further psychological treatment sound better than this shit?
I went to detox to get away from IV oxycodone and heroin. The doctor that ran the place also owned 2 clinics.....Within 2 hours they started me on methadone. No cravings, a pleasant nod, no withdrawels...I was on top of the world and felt better than a lot of the other people there....

....flash forward 3 months-old guys at the clinic asking a young guy why the hell he was there (i was 21 at the time)....these guys had bad livers, kidneys, missing teeth, bone problems, etc...i was urged to get away from it. i met with the doctor and he said he was gonne bump me down 5 every 2 weeks from 110. i told him 5 every week was what i wanted.

every dose at the window came with a smile, a look of concern, and "now if you are craving, we can up this dose by 20 if you feel like you need it"...after 3 weeks of this and wanting to say yes each time, i quit going. i didnt sleep for 9 days. when i did sleep it was because i took 1/2 bottle of ambien and was picked up in my underwear in the street by EMS while trying to use a cordless phone...some kinda weird sleep walk.

i said that to say this....methadone is bad news....i would not suggest anyone do it as a step toward normal life.

i am 30 years old now and glad to be away from that have plenty of time to start new habits and new friends..
Ive been on methadone and I can vouch for the fact that it will turn your life upside down. Im on suboxone but I know its nothing short of a miracle that I was able to obtain a large amount of benzo's and do the switch from methadone to bupe. I have my amazing doctor for letting me do the switch onn my own. He gave me a script for 7x 8mg and 7x 2mg subutex and some 5mg valium, I still needed a whole bottle of temazepam on top of the valium and still could have done with more benzos but it eventually worked.

Stay away from methadone, its a completely different beast to most other opiates. Dont do it.
It's not wise.

At first, you will get high. But, then, if you want to keep getting high over time, you will have to use more.

Eventually the clinic will not allow you to up your dosage anymore, where does that leave you?

You are better off not using most of the time. Only until opiate addiction has truly ruined your life would I consider Suboxone/methadone.
Thank goodness for methadone. I got my sanity and my life back. I do not crave opioids anymore, and even if I did, trying to "break through" a high dose of methadone is a waste of time and money.

If you want to get on methadone to get high, sounds like you are not yet ready for recovery. If you choose to abuse the methadone, it can be a monstrous habit every bit as much as a street drug. And the real bad news? When you stabilize on a dose and/or take it for long enough, you will no longer get high on it. How long this will be depends on your placebo effect capacity i.e. the mind is stronger than the body.