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Getting off suboxone and feeling nervous

When reading your post I was about to say "you're incredibly fit if you do triathlons n that your exercising will help reduce your withdrawals. I can't really say anything about suboxone withdrawal as I'm still on it myself but best of luck with it. Try if you can to eat bananas as the potassium is meant to relieve restless legs , multi vitamins ( will be handy if you don't feel like eating), warm baths for aches n pains n you already know to try n move around as possible.

You got this!

we all need to pay the piper at this point.. has to be done.. you can and will do this<3<3:D<3<3

True. I had a chuckle at this, but it's so true.

All the best,
Evey xxxx
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Wondering how you are doing. 1.5grams of kratom is an extremely small dose. If you are experiencing heavy withdrawals I would recommend increasing to about 5 grams of kratom per dose. Hope to hear an update of how you are doing soon
hey guys, thanks for all the continued input.

its day 2 now around 6PM. I dont feel as bad as I thought I would, but then again we'll see tomorrow if the beginning of the peak withdrawals will be going on then.
Had the same routine today as day 1, except i definitely felt achier at one point. I took some alprazolam (1mg) and when i was feeling achy and it went away for the most part, but i do still feel weak to an extent. For the most part, I believe that I tapered properly and my low dosages at the end have helped me prevent from experiencing a more painful WD.
my day today went:
wake up, take .005 mg clonidine and smoked a joint. then took 1.5 grams of my Ultra enhanced bali kratom and i felt completely fine. did my morning workout and then ate a maryj sour gummi. Took 1mg alprazolam around 3 pm and another .005 mg clonidine and passed out nicely :)
now im gonna take another 1.5 g ueb kratom followed by another 1mg alprazolam tonight to go to sleep.

As for what you said fiction, i am feeling great and positive at the moment, I am very familiar w kratom (ive used it a lot in the past) and while normally i would agree with you, this is the ultra enhanced bali extract powder. Over the summer I was using about 10g bali powder standard quality each dose and thatd fuck me up good but took a lot to take down so much powder.

This ultra enhanced bali extract powder seems to require much much less mass. Either way the most i'll take on a dose of this stuff is 2-3g MAX. I want it solely to maintain, not get high at all. The last thing I want is to replace suboxone w daily kratom, so im keeping my kratom doses low for that reason as well
one little input on kratom that i'd like to give. I am currently in school for a PhD so i would love to perform research on this substance in the future to understand the pharmacokinetics of it.
kratom acts on mu opioid receptors. I liken it to a nice relaxing codeine/hydrocodone feelings. Similar oppioids that act on these receptors (correct me if i am wrong, like i said i am not fully knowledgable in this because research has not been done, just hypothesizing a little) are opioids Tramadol and Suboxone.
q The action of these chemicals on opioid receptors make them perfect substitutes for full-agonist opiates because not only will they cause the more painful withdrawals that you would feel from full-agonists (oxy, hydrocodo, etc) to be lessened, they also tend to be less euphoric, or less 'addicting' kind of high. it is hard to classify addictiveness of a drug to its potentiality, but at the same time it can be an effective estimator. For example, hydromorphone (dilaudids) are more powerful (btw 2-4X as powerful) as oxycodone.
but for me, i would say i was significantly more addicted to oxys than i was to dilaudids. Furthermore, i was definitely more addicted to oxys than i was to heroin even. So addiction to particular type of opiate is more subjective than black-and-white.

I digress...my main question here is, do you guys think that usage of kratom throughout suboxone withdrawal is essentially the same as just continuing to take the suboxone? this is in reference to a theory i have that if you continue to take opioids-lkratom in this case- that act on receptors of other opiates that you prevent your brain from being able to learn to produce its own opioids and thereby prolong the withdrawal symptoms?

my understanding is that withdrawal stems from the fact that your body does not know how to produce its own natural opioids anymore and the painful symptoms come from the fact that during withdrawal your body essentially has little to no endogenous opioid production (my theory on why exercise is key to alleviating withdrawal-but thats for a different thread).
Thereby if you are taking kratom and blocking up those mu opioid receptors that are used to having buprenorphine attached to them, but now have the kratom instead, once i stop the kratom will i be back at square one in relation to withdrawal (considering i only take kratom for 7 days?)?? Or do you believe that it is similar to suboxone in the effect that if you do a short 7 day taper it is not long enough to cause physical withdrawals, only strong enough to alleviate the painful symptoms of withdrwal in the initial 7 days.

sorry for the long post, this 1.5g of Ultra Enhanced bali kratom i gotta say has me feeling pretty damn good though so i felt like typing!
kratom is truly crucial in getting off suboxone, only if it does not reset the withdrawal process that is!
THC i'm sorry I never read all your post but an online friend of mine has created a thread here asking should he continue with opiates. He was on suboxone n now has an issue with kraton. Just thiught I'd say as you might like to discuss this with him. It is an interesting question. Good day! Xxxx
eve could you point me in the direction of the thread? def interested on hearing/giving advice related to kratom & its relation to W/D.

btw guys, day 3 clean from subs and still ridin smooth :) woke up at like 5am today but thats cuz i took a long 3 hour xanax/clonidine + post-blunt nap yesterday during the day. fell asleep easily, so can def rule out insomnia for me.

as much as i wish i could just sleep late and go thru less hours of the day when in withdrawal, i almost like waking up at the crack of dawn. makes me feel human again. makes me feel like i'm waking up for a purpose finally other than just to get high. sure i wake up in a state of panic of the day ahead and w/ some RLS, but once i get some cuban coffee in im good.

today i obviously felt the worst that i've felt so far in regards to acheyness and anxiety/depression etc. that being said it is NOTHING like full-agonist w/d (ive experienced oxy + H w/d and they felt far worse).

i want to chalk up my good feelings right now to the fact that i have been exercising daily and that truly helps me keep a positive mindset. like i've said, exercise in an integral part of my life. hell, i would rail 120mg oc or .2g pretty raw H and go for an 8 mile run-some Permanent Midnight shit! lol if u havent seen that movie watch it->ben stiller as a junkie rreally good movie.anyways, it was weird how i was able to maintain some level of fitness despite my pretty heavy abuse. either way, now that I am sober the morning exercise is KEY to my mood and acheyness. Not only do i feel happier after my 30 mile bike ride but I also feel less achey and not in a state of utter panic as i would usually be in otherwise.

stay sober ppl! exercise + positivity (along w some helpful meds lol) can go a long way to ease w/d. until next time
day 4 in the morning WDs are even less..feeling really good abt this i believe i tapered properly and am taking the proper medications to prevent the painful wds. the first 3 days i would wake up w/ little hope because it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you wake up in hell at 5am everyday lol. but today i woke up and despite it being early, (i havent woken up later than 6am since stopping the suboxone) i still felt significantly less anxiety/panic/acheyness than the way i would feel in the first few days.

i gotta say the kratom has been monumental to taking away majority of the withdrawals that i am used to. i am making sure not to overdo it w/ the kratom (was dosing 3x per day first 2 days of WD, now only 2x per day). The kratom i am using is ultra enhanced bali w/ 100x extract. thats not a typo lol its 100x extract pretty amazing. while this summer i was taking normal kratom about 7-10g at a time, now i only have to take 1.5g to achieve the same effects. it doesnt get me high, just takes away the withdrawals almost entirely (id say RLS only remaining thing after this). believe me, i am weary of taking too much kratom and WDing from it. I purchased enough kratom to get thru a couple weeks of depression/PAWS followed by a few days of tapering to stop entirely.
my schedule relating to kratom essentially is:
wake up, take 1.5g UEB around 8am, go for a long long bike ride (my passion), then later at night around 4-5pm i do the same dose.
strangely enough it seems like i feel the kratom even stronger when i take it at night.
either away, things are looking up ppl! the suboxone really doesnt have as painful WDs as i expected. this is not ANYTHING like i remember coming off a 150mgpd OC + 4mgpd alprazolam habit a couple years ago. that was a true WD lol, this feels like a breeze compared to it.

Point is, if i had to give advice to people looking to go on suboxone maintenance is to do maximum 3 months of usage. If you consider suboxone an opiate (which buprenorphine is..even if its partial agonist) , ive dosed an opiate every day for 12 months.
Nonetheless, I was able to taper the suboxone and get off it well. I recognize im still only on day 4 of being clean and im currently in the pink cloud of sobriety (where everything is starting to look bright).

That being said, if i had to give my 2 cents on suboxone, i'd give it a positive review. I understand it is not helpful for all people because it is a replacement of sorts and you are still allowing yourself to become dependent on something.
Still, id say if it keeps you off the dope/oxys/whatever your DOC and prevents you from either ODing, going to jail, going broke, etc then it can truly be a positive. And clearly if you have a good doctor you can prevent from going into a serious withdrawal coming off of them. I doubted my doctor a lot in the beginning b/c he gave me 8-12mgpd of suboxone and i had friends telling me i shouldnt take more than 2 or 4 mgpd. That being said, he tapered me smart and ive had a hella lot of support from plenty of outside sources.

i gotta say, im blessed that i have the resources to help with addiction counseling, otherwise it'd be a much lonelier experience.
take care yall