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Getting off Remeron and reducing Vyvanse


Feb 22, 2016
Both legal, need to get off of Remeron because it (interacts with adhd meds) and makes me sedated and not able to get things fine. Doctor gave green light on plan.

Adhd and ptsd. Initially took vyvanse until flashbacks stopped, then got stuck on a chair, didn't get much done. Tried Remeron. Tried to quit earlier, but was to quick, and started low dose again due to seponating symptoms.

New theory ; reducing vyvanse (stimulant) might uncrease serotonin /decrease symptoms of depression.

Tapered down from 7,5 to 3.75 mg mirt/remeron About 5 days ago. Yesterday was notnso shitty, I also reduced vyvanse then.

Been on 70 mg vyvanse/day, today I only took 50.

Fuck fuck fuck shit bastard. I'm so tense I get muscle ace all over. Weekend was worse, felt like flu/fever/short temper. It kind of goes up and down. Been very low on energy. Sleepy before vyvanse goes out, like 10 hours after meds, theb I wake up, take remeron and melatonine, and get some more sleep late in the night/early morning.

Weirdly, I already feel more energetic, I'm just in so much discomfort that I can't get anything done. Or focus. Or think. Body posture like Gollum. Keep holding my breath just cuz I'm feeling so shit and tense.

Pretty sure remeron is the big bitch. I actually smoked less when i reduced vyvanse, so I'm pretty sure I was a little to high on dose.

Fu k. How do one do shit like this? Having lots of sympathy for those trainspotting-characters. How do I ride this out in the best way?
Um, thanks for moving my thread, wasn't able to find thw right spot. But now I feel like an idiot, I'm trying to seponate/wean antidepressant. Everybody in here who's quit coke or benzos must think I'm a dick.

I'm actually lucky, it's lots of body aces, feeling like I've been hit by a train, mentally I'm not in "the dark and forgotten place". I've been near it, but was able to steer clear.

Friend brought me smokes and noodles. All set.
In my experience, the side effects of Remeron are worse at lower doses. During one of my rehab stays, the doc tried putting me on 7.5mg in place of the 1mg Ativan I had been taking for sleep. It knocked me out all right, but I could barely function the next day and didn't feel back to being myself until the day after that. I landed back in a detox a few months later and again, the doctor didn't like me taking Ativan to sleep, so he put me on 15mg, which I have been on since and I don't have the nasty hangover from it the following day. I've read here and there online that other people have had similar experiences with Remeron.
Yeah, it's true. Remeron blocks histamines 100% at 15 mg. On higher doses one apparenty get more energy due to antidepressant effect. On 7.5 mg you only get the sleepy/sombie effect.

When I learned that, I got in a hurry to taper more. Antihistamines do some weird stuff together with adhd-meds, kind of increases the adhd symptoms but drain all energy.

I tried remeron so uæit could help me ear, but I just zone out so much that I can't be bothered doing anything. Worked better on 30 mgs, but got weird side effects that forced me to taper down.

Took my mini dose a while ago, feeling better. Last time I seponated, and got sepon. Sympt, they went away within hours after taking meds. Was more like having a nervous breakdown then, this time it's mostly physical. Well, anger and shit, too. I do want to kill somebody from time to time, but as long as I'm alone, and I don't feel like like killing myself, I recon I'm fine. Bit anxiety, but I know why, so it's okay so far.

In my experience, the side effects of Remeron are worse at lower doses. During one of my rehab stays, the doc tried putting me on 7.5mg in place of the 1mg Ativan I had been taking for sleep. It knocked me out all right, but I could barely function the next day and didn't feel back to being myself until the day after that. I landed back in a detox a few months later and again, the doctor didn't like me taking Ativan to sleep, so he put me on 15mg, which I have been on since and I don't have the nasty hangover from it the following day. I've read here and there online that other people have had similar experiences with Remeron.
Yeah I used Remeron to help me sleep when I was kicking heroin one time. OMFG, event just a couple weeks of taking it at night for sleep cause me to gain weight and become a zombie during the day. Nasty drug with loads of side effects. I'm sure it is helpful for some, but definitely not in my case.